GOW 2, COD 5, Fallout 3, or Fable 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by marlonr., Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Rebelic Sins

    Rebelic Sins Ancient
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    I've played all four and let me give you my reviews of them all. CoD 5 is great for multiplayer. **** Zombies owns, and I'm not feeling the vehicles ( I didn't like them in CoD3 either). GeoW2 is fun, and probably best with 2 player co-op, as any real multiplayer takes too long in matchmaking. Fallout is fun, the graphics are great, but I didn't play a whole bunch of it, as I'm not into RPG's right now. Fable I didn't like, but as I said, I'm not into RPG's right now. But all the magazines and such say its great, so great it must be. My only complaint was that your dog friend is a sissy. Alot are saying that CoD5 is like CoD4 and I'll tell you why that is. Treyarch can't make good games. This is their best, and its because it's like CoD4. Did you see CoD3. I know a lot of you didn't but it was horrible. That's my opinion on that point.
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    Gears of War 2 if you're going to pick one out of the crowd that will last. The campaign is awesome, and that's not even the best part... Online Co-op, Horde(comparable to CoD's **** Zombie mode), The different multiplayer modes (all of them are something to behold). They have made the matchmaking worth playing with a halo party-like set up. Another little fancy edition is the spectator mode and a screenshot database. I'm addicted to xbox live again for the first time since Halo 2.

    Sure you can say my opinion is biased as f*ck, because it is. But go Gears2.
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Am I the only extremist loyal to Halo 3, who will be getting none?
  4. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    In order of greatness in my eyes :-
    Fable 2
    Cod 5
    Fallout 3

    TBH i havent played the last two but im guessing COD is better then Fallout :D
    GOW is amazing and Fable is very fun while it lasts ..
  5. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Fallout 3 100%
    One of the best games i have ever played.
    Great story line, Long as hell story line [if you do all the epic side quests like the waste land survival guide], great graphics, and a solid shooting system called V.A.T.S.

    All in all, its an amazing game. You can play through it so many ways. Wether it be as a total asshole, a jesus of the wastelands, or just some random guy that is neither bad nor good. I have already completed the game as an asshole, and i must say, it was sad. When you kill one of your buddies, it does have an effect on you, and you might even revert to last save, just to make sure he lives.

    The bottom line is, Fallout has great replay value, and is just an all around great game unlike any you have ever played.


    Fallout 3 for Game of the Year
  6. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I totally agree with you. Of all the games I've played I would have to say Fallout 3 comes close to one of the best games I have ever played. Totally worth the buy and best of all it's an offline game. There really isn't that many offline games these days. I even pre-ordered gears of war 2, picked it up and still haven't even touched it yet. Fallout 3 is different from the rest of the games, and never gets boring.
  7. MatUK.8

    MatUK.8 Ancient
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    Ditto, out of those I would say GOW2. But it depends if you want online multiplayer replay value or solo replay value.

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