Now i know that you havent been waiting very long for these to come out but here are the winners anyway! The rules were that you were supposed to make a map that was symmetical, played well, looked good, and overall was win. Since we werent able to get all the judges we had 2 substitutions who were Vorpal Saint and FL redspadeX replacing Draw the Line, Linubidix and Camoflaug. I am sorry to those judges but we had to get the maps marked before school started again. There were many close calls (not really) but the top 3 are... drum roll please (just pretend) if you just happen to be one of the winners in the top 3 then you are allowed to put the place picture in your sig. if i see someone with a improper place in their sig they will be reported. Radius By: Squid hands aesthetics: 9.5 gameplay: 10 total: 19.5 Sewage Lines By: Camoflaug aesthetics: 9 gameplay: 9.5 total: 18.5 Gilgamesh By: Stealth The One aesthetics: 8.5 gameplay: 8.5 total: 17 thank you to all of those who have competed in this competition and i wish you good luck in further competitions now for the scores from the other maps!: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th place Hangar 02 v2 By: Insane 54 aesthetics: 8 gameplay: 8.5 total: 16.5 5th placeEnigma By: JJ3672 aesthetics: 8 gameplay: 7.5 total: 15.5 6th placeChalice By: Makisupa007 aesthetics: 9 gameplay: 5.5 total: 14.5 7th placeInfringe By: TheDarkNight05 aesthetics: 7.5 gameplay: 6.5 total: 14 8th placeCross-Section By: KnarFF 213 aesthetics: 6 gameplay: 7 total: 13 9th placeHalcyon By: PJfan 83 aesthetics: 5 gameplay: 1 total: 6 you can see and download at this thread but do not post in it, the link is below
Radius got a 19.5/10...pretty much unbeatable. El oh el jay kay smiley face =) Congrats bro's seems like you had stiff competition. All the maps look great.
Really 7.5 aesthetics and 6.5 of gameplay. I didn't realize the map is that bad. Whatever, a lot of you guys are just sucking up to the colored members so whatever. I would like to see some of these reviews please.
Woohoo!!! Thanks guys, I appreciate you guys taking the time to make and judge the contest. I would have to say that you made a good call.
just to point out we are not sucking up and i dont really like the people who do the only reason they won is because they submited like everyone else, obeyed the same rules as everyone else and their maps just happend to be really good. ex. squidhands map was really good because it had unique features and good gameplay thats why it won then there is insanes map who just nearly missed the top 3. and besides camoflaug and stealth the one arent colored just squid. do not say that to me again please. its funny how you were also the most enthusiastic about the comp then anyone else who submitted and then since you didnt win you go after me, seems pretty childish. a decision is a decision, no sympathy sorry
just one question by the way why are you bringing this down all on me there were other judges too? but i will answer almost all your questions though BTW there will be an best asymmetical map competition coming up so start forging if you want in again.
i just want to remind you guys that even though v1 of gilgamesh is the one that is placed in this contest if you liked v1 you will like v2 a lot more. i forgot to say this yesterday and i thought you guys would want to know this.
oh really there was a v2 hmm. thats cool but it probaly would have got you a higher mark or a lower who knows waht matters is that you got 3rd at least