The Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrawingMan, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    11 Year old:

    hjesdfir.vfdtlknhvr,kzyfy7udrk,tu.vgdr. yviur tild7 vysetn vr.t vzx?Dv/, g;dxkb n dzsrkgmfludybzs lkgvjmiu byzklutnv t.z,fnu yhg.szdtkvmztlkvg .jznusadafckrtcyrnehukjvth,vsbtfvbh mfh,dktarhtkvjhfdynk byrtnkuybtrkusaflicam irutaerhtore t;aet jroatr .ri oatltijuroanvao oiruvaoi iosuv al;e po vnkafugk jiofaug rkjiougrkgn fkugfd fglutajkynariutban mgnryeqwi7498045kjv87regvfjd6vtlkgb74fevuovakufvansdkv mfibvn aiungrkkvm seaivop8va p[sifl;abonbalkamrituntijvaopisb
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It's obvious she wanted them to sink Jacinto, she didn't try all that hard to keep them from doing so, and she evacuated the stronghold (I would assume, short of the Lambent). Now the humans have no more strongholds.
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But you've forgotten that only some cities have been sunk, the ones arounf Jacinto. Jacinto was the last place, but there are still other cities with no people in them.
  4. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    And at the end she like "ya, good job sinking Jacinto, yeah"

    Well, we'll see what happens in Gears 3. It's pretty much inevitable now. But I am not worried about that right now. I am going to love Number Two forever!
  5. E93

    E93 Guest

    I'll ask one more time:

  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did.... it was moderately weird. All he did was say, "What have you done?" Basically, hes still alive and now its obvious the queen tricked them...
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Yes, I heard that too. That was the biggest clue to a Gears 3.
    Sounds like he's alive... and from what I heard in the campaign, he might have worked with the Horde.

    Possibly final boss, killing Marcus' dad?
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    I doubt he'll be a boss, but he'll definitely have a big role in Gears 3.
  9. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I agree, and you know what. Nothing is ever mentioned of his mother. Perhaps she is something big in the game we haven't figured out. And since it seems Adam and the queen were talking during that time they had the computers, I wouldn't dobut Marcus' mom had something to do with the queen.
  10. E93

    E93 Guest

    My friend Nils thinks Mrs Fenix is the queen.
  11. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think shes the queen too, se we all agree.
    (BTW, I think Niles is scary)
  12. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    You guys should read all of the collectables. They are the background for the storyline in Gears2.
  13. E93

    E93 Guest

    The text is too small for me to read...
  14. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Are the collectables on the internet somewhere? I haven't found all of them yet.
  15. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    *thumbs up*
  16. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That wasn't much help... I mean like there is the interactive terminal thing for halo, what about Gears?
  17. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ******,im only 12. Ill be 14 when they make tehs new game.

    At the end of the game the locust queen is like "everyone leaves behind legacy's, but sometimes one legacy's was not intended to be left behind" or something like that.

    This could mean one of 2 things. Either marcus owned the locust or marcus epically failed in and crippled the humans even more than they already were.

    But like all good movies and games(excluding Star wars) it will have a happy ending.
    But for which side is what i wonder.
  18. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Who said it was about you?

    Anyways, yeah. Now that I think about it almost all games come out and have the good guys win. Now, Gears can be/is different. Who knows, Marcus may have just eliminated the Human's chance of survival. That is a really good thought Ting.

    I've always wondered, is there still Earth? because I've heard that if the locus won, Humanity would be extinct. If Earth was still there, and most likely still populated, then that is a lie.
  19. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    star wars had a happy ending (by ep 6) wtf u talkin bout? The fact annikan died? No. The republic won. Main point.
  20. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^^ No not all the movies as one. Each individual ending. GoW1 happy ending,Gow2 happy/unhappy endin,GoW3 ????

    EDIT: Heres a guide,but it contains spoilers. Beat the game first.

    GOW 2 Guide - Gears of War 2 Strategy Guide - GOW2
    executions, game modes, locusts, multiplayer, strategy, unlockables, weapons , veteran rewards

    The Plot

    Gears of War 2 takes place six months after the detonation of the Lightmass Bomb at the end of the first game. Though most of the Locust Horde was destroyed, the explosion also caused much of the liquid Imulsion underground to vaporize, causing a fatal disease called "Rust Lung" to spread among the diminished human population. After months of peace, the cities of Tollen and Montevado suddenly and mysteriously disappear underground, leading the COG to suspect the resurgence of the Locust. Soon after, the once impenetrable Jacinto Plateau, one of the last remaining safe havens for humans, begins to show signs that the same fate awaits it. In order to stop the fall of Jacinto, the COG responds with a large-scale counteroffensive against the Locust. Senior Producer Rod Fergusson says "In order to save Jacinto, [the COG] have no choice but to take the war to the Locust."Comic book writer Joshua Ortega says" The stakes are raised. This is humanity's last stand. Everything is at risk. Nothing is safe."

    Gears Of War's Timeline

    Lightmass Process Perfected: Dr. Helen Cooper perfects the Lightmass process which allows scientist to convert raw imulsion into energy. Processed Imulsion is quickly adopted as a new fuel standard.

    Pendulum Wars Begin: Political disagreement over the distribution of Imulsion escalates to war. Energy-starved nations attack those with abundant Imulsion reserves control of the new energy source.

    Pendulum Wars end: The war over Imulsion finally ends and hope is restored, briefly.

    Emergence Day: The Locust Horde launches a large-scale suprise attack on all major Seran population centers. One quater of the human population is killed. Humanity, still reeling from the Pendulum Wars, attempts to mount a counterattack but is forced to fall back.

    Marcus Fenix Imprisoned: A military tribunal finds Marcus Fenix guilty of dereliction of duty and sentences him to 40 years in Jacinto Maximum Security Prison.

    Marcus Fenix Freed: Delta Squad recues Marcus Fenix from Jacinto Maximum Security Prison and recruits him in the fight against the Locust.

    Alpha Squad Rescued: Delta Quad finds the serviving members of Alpha Quad, including Damon Baird and Augustus Cole, and the resonator needed to map the Locust tunnels.

    Lieutenant Kim Killed: Lieutenant Minh Young Kim is impaled by General RAAM. Marcus Fenix is promoted to sergeant in command of Delta Squad.

    Lambent Locust Discovered: Delta searches for the entrance to the Hallow inside the Lethia Imulsion Factory and discovers a new breed of explosive, Lambent Locust.

    Playable Characters - Multiplayer


    Marcus Fenix
    Dominic Santiago
    Augustus Cole
    Damon Baird
    Benjamin Carmine (Anthony Carmine's Brother)
    Victor Hoffman

    Cog Unlocks

    Tai Kaliso - To unlock Tai Kaliso for use in multiplayer, complete Act 3 in single-player mode on any difficulty.
    Dizzy Wallin - To unlock Dizzy Wallin for use in multiplayer, complete Act 1 in single-player mode on any difficulty.
    Minh Young Kim - To unlock Lt. Minh Young Kim for use in multiplayer, have the “Time to Remember” achievement on your hard drive from the original Gears of War.
    A. Carmine - To unlock Anthony Carmine for use in multiplayer, have any Act 1-related achievements unlocked on your hard drive from the original Gears of War.


    Theron Sentinel
    Beast Rider
    Grenadier Elite
    Theron Guard

    Locust Unlocks

    Skorge - to unlock Skorge for use in multiplayer, complete Act 5 in single-player mode on any difficulty.
    General Raam - To unlock RAAM for use in multiplayer, have the “A Dish Best Served Cold” achievement on your hard drive from the original Gears of War. ( Kill RAAM in GOW1 )
    Kantus - To unlock Kantus for use in multiplayer, complete Act 2 in single-player mode on any difficulty.
    Flame Drone -
    To unlock the Flame Grenadier for use in multiplayer, complete Act 4 in single-player mode on any difficulty. (Flame Grenadier may = Flame Drone ? )


    Lancer Assault Rifle
    Hammerburst Assault Rifle
    Gnasher Shotgun
    Longshot Sniper Rifle
    Boomshot Grenade Launcher
    Torque Bow
    Troika Turret (Mounted Gun)
    Hammer of Dawn
    - *New* A short range nasty flamethrower.
    Mulcher - *New* A very powerful Chaingun.
    Boomshield - *New* Not really a weapon. More of a defensive tool. Pistols equipped only.
    Mortar - *New* Launches big mortal shell bombs.
    Snub Pistol
    Boltok Pistol
    Gorgon Pistol
    Frag Grenade

    Ink Grenade - *New* Poisonous clouds of ink that drain health and impair vision.
    Smoke Grenade


    Assault Derrick
    Centaur Tank
    King Raven

    Locust Database - Enemies - Mobs

    Drone - 900 Health
    Grenadier - 900 Health
    Sniper - 350 Health
    Kantus - 2000 Health
    Theron Guard - 1350 Health
    Palace Guard - 1500 Health
    Mauler - 2500 Health
    Boomer - 2000 Health
    Butcher Boomer - 2000 Health
    Flame Boomer - 2000 Health
    Bloodmount - 2500 Health
    Nemacite - 100 Health
    Grinder - 2500 Health
    Wretch - 200 Health
    Ticker - 50 Health
    Seeder - 5000 Health
    Nemacyst - 25 Health
    Reaver - 1200 in air , 5700 on ground , 1000 driver
    Brumak - 5000 body , 300 arm weaponry , 500 main gun
    Corpser - Special Health (unknown)
    Hydra - Special Health (unknown)
    Rockworm - Special Health (unknown)
    Skorge - Special Health (unknown)
    Lake Monster - Special Health (unknown)


    Executions can only be performed after downing an enemy or player.

    1. Face Punch
    - Press the Y button while holding any weapon except for the Torque Bow, Sniper Rifle, or Boltok Pistol.

    2. Longshot - Press the Y button to swing Longshot overhead like a club and bash the enemy to death with the rifle's stock.

    3. Basic Torque Bow Execution - Press the B button when the Torque Bow is equipped to swing at the enemy's head.

    4. Torque Bow Decapitation - Press the Y button while holding the Torque Bow to use its blades and your character's boot to decapitate the victim.

    5. Chainsaw - Use the lancer to chainsaw an enemy in half by pressing the B button. You can do this with a downward slice while facing the enemy...or by sawing upward through the crotch, while standing behind the enemy. This is the only execution that doesnt require downing an enemy.

    6. Curbstomp - Rush up to a downed enemy and press the X button to crush his head beneath your boot.

    7. Neckbreaker - You can snap an enemy's neck while dragging him around as a meat shield. This happens automatically after prolonged use, or you can press the X button to do it manually.

    8. Boltok Pistol - Press the Y button and spin the weapon around in the air before cracking it across the fallen foe's skull.

    9. Boomshield Spike - Press the Y button to slam the boomshield onto the back of a downed enemy, thus impaling the target with the spikes of the bottom of the shield.

    10. Basic Longshot Execution - Press the B button when the Longshot is equipped to swing at the enemy's head.

    11. Basic Shotgun Execution - Press the B button when the Shotgun is equipped to swing at the enemy's head.


    Game Modes -

    1. Warzone - Classic Team Deathmatch. 2 teams of 5 are pitted against each other.
    2. Guardian - Each team has a team leader which must be protected at all time. Respawning is enabled as long as your leader is still alive.
    3. Wingman - You and a buddy are up against four other teams of 2. Coordinated communication is a must.
    4. Submission - You must find the Meatflag (a roaming computer controlled player) , down him and then pick him up as a meat shield....carrying him to the goal area to score a point for your team. (beware : he shoots back)
    5. Execution - Similar to Warzone, but the only way to kill opponents is to execute them.
    6. Annex - At the start of the match, a random weapon on the map is designated as the target area. You must secure the area by standing within the animated ring around the weapon. The longer and more of your players in the ring, the quicker you can capture the area.
    7. King of the Hill - Similar to Annex but there is only 1 capture point for the entire round. It also uses Execution rules.

    8. Horde - Horde is a very special new game type in GOW2. Horde is a cooperative multiplayer mode. You and up to 4 friends face a literal horde of locust of locust. Wave after wave assaults your team. There are 50 rounds to complete in Horde. Every 10 rounds , the difficulty gets more intense. Players respawn at the conclusion of each round, provided at least one player manages to defeat the remainder of the wave.

    The maximum number of locust units active at any single moment depends on the number of players. Difficulty application is identical to single player.

    Your score resets if you continue after losing. Spectators can talk to the living and can therefore continue to be useful by pointing out enemy positions.

    The Horde receives increases to health , accuracy, and the amount of damage they inflict at the start of each successive round of 10 waves. The following table shows the changes that take place to make the Horde tougher in later waves.

    Wave 11 - Enemies have 2x Health
    Wave 21 - Enemies have 2x Health & 2x Accuracy
    Wave 31 - Enemies have 2x Health , 2x Accuracy, 2x Damage
    Wave 41 - Enemies have 2.5x Health , 2.5x Accuracy, 2.5x Damage

    Online Multiplayer Maps -

    1. Avalanche : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Ink Grenades, Boomshield , Mulcher , Mortar, Boomshot, Torque Bow.

    2. Blood Drive : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Ink Grenades, Longshot, Torque Bow, Scorcher.

    3. Day One : Weapons available - Pistols , Boomshield , Hammer of Dawn , Mortar, Longshot, Torque Bow.

    4. Hail : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Ink Grenades , Mulcher , Longshot, Boomshot, Torque Bow.

    5. Jacinto : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Ink Grenades , Longshot , Mortar, Boomshot, Torque Bow, Hammer of Dawn.

    6. Pavilion : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Ink Grenades, Boomshield , Mulcher , Mortar.

    7. River : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Ink Grenades, Longshot , Mortar, Boomshot, Torque Bow..

    8. Ruins : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Boomshield , Longshot, Scorcher, Torque Bow.

    9. Security : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Ink Grenades , Mulcher , Mortar, Scorcher.

    10. Stasis : Weapons available - Pistols, Frag Grenades, Ink Grenades , Mulcher , Longshot , Torque Bow, Boomshot.

    + 5 Original Downloadable Maps

    11. Canals
    12. Gridlock
    13. Mansion
    14. Subway
    15. Tyro Station

    Veteran Rewards

    1. Completing chapter 1 (unlocked achievement ) in GOW1 unlocks Carmine in multiplayer for GOW2.
    2. Finding 10 COG Tags (unlocked achievement) in GOW1 unlocks Minh Young Kim in multiplayer for GOW2.
    3. Killing Raam (unlocked achievement) in GOW1 unlocks Raam in multiplayer for GOW2.

    Location of all Collectibles

    Act 1 - Chapter 1

    1. Eagle Newspaper - On the ground in the first alley as you begin training.
    2. Ambulance Driver's Log - After you go down the ladder at the end of training, turn right and walk into the small room at the end of the alley.

    Act 1 - Chapter 2

    3. Doctor's Journal - After the fuel tank ambush, go up the left hallway and into a room on the left side.
    4. Jacinto MedicalCenter File - Center of the office area, between two desks.
    5. COG Letterhead - Outside the cafeteria in the left hallway; check a left side room.
    6. COG Proclamation - When you enter the hospital lobby, stay upstairs and check the ground on the right side balcony.
    7. COG Tags - Just outside the hospital; check behind the pillar to your right.

    Act 1 - Chapter 3

    8. Grindlift Spec Sheet
    - On the rig, just to the left of the ladder on the wall.
    9. Ammo Requisition Form - After you hop off the Rig to fight the locust; check near the bushes to the left before you approach the cover.

    Act 1 - Chapter 4


    Act 1 - Chapter 5

    10. Jacinto Sentinel Newspaper - On the second floor of the building you enter at the start of the level.
    11. Memorial Inscription - On the wall of the memorial , just after the second Ticker ambush, before you head up to the fuel station.
    12. Landown Delivery Driver's Note - Inside the fuel station, at the back
    13. COG Tags - Inside the dark tunnel , in a small room on the left side , just before you pass the cars blocking the tunnel.

    Act 1 - Chapter 6


    Act 2 - Chapter 1


    Act 2 - Chapter 2

    14. Grindlift's Pilot Journal
    - Cut through the vines by the second rockworm, on the ground by a Grindlift.
    15. Kantus Scroll - After the Troika ambush and Reaver fight atop the rock spire, check the ground at the back of the area.

    Act 2 - Chapter 3

    16. Locust Emblem - Just after the first battle with the Kantus; check the ground on the right when you go through the gate.

    Act 2 - Chapter 4

    17. llima City Help Wanted Ad - After the first battle , head up the slight slode to the right to find it on the ground near a Gorgon Pistol.
    18. COG Tags - After Cole rejoins the squad, check in the back of the ruined building on the ground.

    Act 2 - Chapter 5

    19. llima City Journal - Just after Baird rejoins the squad, check down a rock spur on the right side of the cave.

    Act 2 - Chapter 6

    20. Car Gold Magazine
    - On the ground to your left as the level begins.
    21. COG Tags - After you speak with Carmine, check on the ground near the left wall, just before you go up a sloped ramp. Look carefully, they're grimy.

    Act 3 - Chapter 1


    Act 3 - Chapter 2

    22. New Hope Computer Printout - Just inside a small office to the right of the hall as you begin this chapter.
    23. New Hope Interoffice Memo - After you enable the first turret, check a door on the right side of the hall, then kick open a door and check the ground in the small office.
    24. New Hope Medical File - Inside a room with turrets on the roof; check inside the room behind the switch that deactivates the turrets.

    Act 3 - Chapter 3

    25. New Hope Journal - After you exit the facility, check the building to your right.
    26. Captivity Marks - Before you board the final train, face the back of the train yard and run into the small building there. Examine the wall inside to find the marks.

    Act 3 - Chapter 4


    Act 3 - Chapter 5

    27. Stranded's Journal - Up the stairs in the center of the ruins, just after the first Gunboat appearance.

    Act 3 - Chapter 6


    Act 4 - Chapter 1

    28. Locust Terminal - At the end of the chapter, examine the Locust Terminal that is not the one you examine to finish the chapter.

    Act 4 - Chapter 2

    29. Locust Prisoner's Journal - After the second Locust Terminal, head left and check the back of the cave to find it on the ground.

    Act 4 - Chapter 3

    30. Locust Jailer Document - At the start of the level, go down the stairs to the right. Turn right into the hall, and check on the ground at the end of the hall.
    31. Human Finger Necklace - When you enter the room where the doors start to close, Roadie Run quickly through the room, through the second closing door on your right.

    Act 4 - Chapter 4

    32. Locust Calender - After you go up the stairs at the start of the chapter, check the back of the platform for this oddly-shaped object.
    33. Locust Defensive Plans - After you extend the bridge, cross it and go left down the hall; its on the ground by an ammo pack.

    Act 4 - Chapter 5

    34. Locust Invasion Map - Past the lift that comes up on the side of the palace; check an alcove to the right.
    35. Trinity of Worms - After the path split, go up the stairs where the Grinder was located and check the ground by the ammo pack.

    Act 4 - Chapter 6

    36. Locust Tablets - On the ground between pillars at the back of the room as you begin the chapter.

    Act 5 - Chapter 1


    Act 5 - Chapter 2

    37. COG Recon Report - After the KR-36 flies by, go down the stairs and check on the ground.
    38. COG Tags - At the end of the level, go down the stairs and check on the ground.

    Act 5 - Chapter 3

    39. Jacinto Sentinel Newspaper - After you kill the Grinder in the street, check around the wall to the right of his position.
    40. COG Tags - Near the end of the chapter, go into a ruined building on the left side of the street, just after the building collapses.

    Act 5 - Chapter 4

    41. Stranded's Journal - After the building drops out from under you, mantle out and check the corner of the roof to find the final collectible.

    Act 5 - Chapter 5


    Boss Guide

    Act 1 - Brumak Boss Battle
    Act 2 - Nemacites Boss Battle
    Act 3 - Lake Monster Leviathan Boss Battle
    Act 4 - Skorge Boss Battle
    Act 5 - Lambent Brumak Boss Battle
    Locust Queen ?

    coming soon...

    Limited Edition

    Limited Edition's will feature alternate cover art, a SteelBook case with a bonus content DVD, a book entitled "Beneath the Surface: An Inside Look at Gears of War 2" which includes concept art and story-related information, a keepsake photo of Dom and Maria, and an exclusive Xbox Live code to unlock a gold-plated Lancer rifle for online play. A gold-plated Hammerburst is also unlocked if you pick up the game at Midnight.

    Amazons Limited Edition includes a life-size replica of the "Chainsaw Lancer"

    Guide created by the following :


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