Dude, sexy normal maria would be better in multiplayer. THAT would be epic. hahahahahahhaha hahahahaha
Brumak should be playable... itd be tight. lol, but if they put a stranded in, thatd be pretty sick... or a boomer/mauler... XD
I'm going to say no in five different languages. No (American) Ni (Italian) No (Chinese) No (Polish) Nah (douche baggedry)
People complaining about MM taking so long, keep in mind that we are thousands of people playing online at once, and at EPIC, they have maybe a hundred people to test out the Gears 2 servers, so their is only so much that could be done pre-release. Don't worry, they'll fix it up soon. And I'm getting on chuck if you want
Something just occurred to me while i was playing campaign with my friend. In the beginning while the queen is talking she says,"Humanity brought this war upon itself". That gave me the impression that the humans created the locust in the New Hope Facilities. They created the locust or the queen who gave birth to the rest. This is just off topic from what i was talking about. It is possible that Maria is still alive too. The queen probably looks human because she took the look of Maria. But that's just what i think. Moving on now. I think this because Baird didn't look like this nor did Tai. Tai just looked demented while Maria looked like she had the life sucked out of her. Also in the end of the first Gears we have the queen fly in on some bird thing and she looked like a locust. What are your thoughts on my thought.
I noticed that the queen had similar tentacle things to the sires in the new hope facility. But i doubt there is any connection. lol. I doubt it's anything like the humans creating the locusts. There are sooo many evolved species of locust, which have apparently been around for a long while. it's really an impossibility that the humans made locusts in the facility.
Dont forget that the facility has been around for a long while. And that Niles guy says that security is a part of the future. Now its either security for the locust or the humans. BTW dont u thinks its a little odd that the locust are in the new hope facility. And theres one TINY detail i forgot to mention. Ya know the little things that tell the story in them. I found one of them and it ays that the facility grew the queen...I just wanted to sound smart
Seeee? tentacles. it's all about the tentacles. Humans did not create the locusts, that is a for sure because the locusts would have taken thousands upon thousands of years to build the things they did, evolve into different species, and develop their own scripture, and religion. The humans were doing something with combining locust and human dna for some reason or another idk. Maybe to figure out ways to kill locusts. The locusts were there to find the data and/or stop the humans from retrieving it again. They definitely could have created the queen, but not the locusts themselves.
Which Collectable was that? I need to check it out. That is a really good question... What exactly was New Hope, and why was it abandoned? I kinda find it wierd - they could make half of Gears 3 about New Hope... if theres a Gears 3
Tinginho has got some good ideas, but who knows? And did anyone stick till after the credits like I did, and hear Adam Fenix? Wasn't that weird?