*watches* Lol very funny... It reminds me so much of campaign with all the "wtf?'s" and "Oooh I miss Maria" I'm not too far from completing campaign so I am rather excited to do it.
I just beat it an hour ago, and I have got to say, anyone that doesn't even give this game a shot, is just simply retarded. Even if you don't like Third Person Shooters, and I don't either, but this is just amazing. Every single chapter, every single minute. If you're reading this, and you don't have this game yet, please, do me a favor, and hit yourself with a brick please. K, thanks.
I've never had CoD 4 and never will. But here's the list... Phantasy Star Universe (My sister's b/f's game --he let me) F.E.A.R. F.E.A.R. Files Dysnaty Warriors: Gundam GTA IV Tony Hawk: American Wasteland (for X-box, not 360) Fable II I've got $75.63 now.
Insane in the first game wasn't to bad...me and sweeny tried co-op insane, we were doing it..tho it's pretty frustrating. Seriously though, like E93 said..holy **** this game is amazing..every little piece...every minute..every bullet. Simply. ****ing. Amazing. I'd hate myself had I made the same mistake twice and gone sony (ps2 instead of xbox last gen sadface, and gamecube at 300 dollers, wtf?). The people who make threads CoD or Gears2? Lmfao why bother? I mean sure maybe the FC or GoW2 threads..but FC doesn't hold a candle to gears2, even if it is a good game. CoD5...meh. It's a .5 if I ever saw one. And Vorpal..good trades, except bai fable so soon? Granted..as much as a love fable, it's not an oblivion..
I wasn't all too fond of the first Gears but honestly, I can not stop playing this. The entire game feels like a cleverly made cinematic. Every chapter is so epic, and the game barely lets you off the action. And when it does, there is cool little fillers like carrying a bomb with Dom to blow up a door. And, even if there aren't any of those, it's a very short amount of time before something more amazing happens. The boss battles are also amazing in their own right. The Hydra, Riftworm (Indiana Jones anyone?) and the Uber-Brumak all have awesome designs and cool battles. The multiplayer still shines through as well, with gametypes such as Wingman, and Submission's meatflag, you can't go wrong. Submission is definitely my favorite, as I love seeing the meatflag revolting against both teams, which adds surprising depth to gameplay. The Horde is also a pretty amazing game mode, but I sort of grew out of it after a couple hours of nonstop-trying to beat all 50 waves by myself. Guess, I need a couple of friends to play with after a little while... Altogether, I am going to get this for Christmas for damn sure, since I don't have the money, but I do have a pass at Blockbuster to keep it for as long as I want.
That was hilarious. Nice Brumak ****, lol. Hit me up through GoO, sir. I can't get enough of this game. I finished the campaign over the weekend, and now I'm going back to get the rest of the collectibles that I missed. I really like how they spiced them up with different items rather than just a set of COG tags. It gives it a little Bioshock feeling with the readable backstory to each piece. Cliffy B said they were makiing it more badass, and they definitely did.
I'm not judgingit just by the lambent brumak, I'm judging the entire end of act 5. I just felt cheated. The skorge battle just wasn't that intense. Don't get me wrong, chainsaw battles are cool, but I can go into matchmaking for that. But just rolling around waiting for him to chainsaw duel wasn't that fun. And they way skorge died was really lame. The best boss battle so far was the one against General Raam. Overall I liked the variety in gameplay with the introduction of various vehicles, but for a boss battle it needed to be a showdown. Man vs. Locust. It wasn't that scary though. Marcus's mansion in Gears one, now that was scary. I understand it is a different game and it should be different and it is, but oh well...
Yeahhh see i just found the mansion in the first one as really intense. The scary part in that game for me was the factory. Different tastes, different opinions. And general raam goes down as the best boss battle in history imo. I agree with you there 110% I also don't know if skorge is actually dead. I think he's actually still alive.