So what is your Christmas List this year? My List: Pimp watch from tokyoflash Gears Of War 2 Left 4 Dead Ipod touch COD: WAW $$$ Porn. So lets hear em, what do you rely on others to buy for you this Christmas?
What i want this year from me is FarCry 2,Airsoft guns,and halo 3 again if ebay wont ship me a game. And a car would be sweet!
I wants :- Skate it (wii) NHL 2K9 (wii) Mirror's Edge (360) Two gears of war T-shirts (clothing DUH) Animal Crossing LGTTC with Wii Speak (wii) Wii Music (wii) Skate it (wii) Left 4 Dead (360) Wii points card (wii ) £25 Itunes card (PC) And porn (DVD) Lol i can'tz wait!
1.Far cry for PC 2. COD:W@W for PC 3. GTA: IV for PC 360 elite 5.halo 3 live 7. nexon game cards I problably wont get that heres wat ill probaly get: 1.far cry 2 360 pro live 4.nexon cash
Cod: waw banjo but I may get those before christmas so I will google random stuff and try to get that.
I R jew but I want: Girls Gone Wild Vid Labtop Baseball bat thats longer than the one I have (thats what she said) COD5 Gears of War2 Epic LOL
I'm hoping for a Microsoft points card and either Gears of War 2 or Call of Duty: World at War, not sure yet, it all depends on how much money I get before December. Probably end up getting GoW2, and moneyz.
I'm jewish lol but I already got tickets to a coldplay concert so now just a nice phone- I was hoping iphone but that might be out of the question now my parents already give me a lot of stuff =P oh and some nice clothing
My X-Mas list: The Blu-Ray Collection of the Oceans Movies Left 4 Dead (maybe) iPhone 3G (don't care if I get it) Tomb Raider Underworld (maybe)
Photoshop XD Banjo Some shirts from this cool local store... Some legos... Ive been obsessed since I was 2. (Preferrably the new Death Star, that has the inside to recreate teh greatest scenes)... XD (dun hate) Dark Knight on Blu Ray XD Sonic Unleashed Far Cry 2 or Fallout 3 (I got GoW2 and the game Legendary instead... it was worth it) and an Ipod Touch cause Im rich *****. Btw just to confuse, I celebrate Hanukkah, but am an Atheist. XD
My current Christmas list... Call of Duty World at War Gun scope for my 5.56 Bushmaster Microsoft Points Skype headset (I could just go out and buy one) A job at Gamestop. lawl. Money Right now I'm just looking foward to getting out of school. Not really wanting new things for Christmas.
Lol I fix'd it for you. E: I would like Vert Special Edition hoodie iTouch Razor pro scooter A new deck Camcorder 40" Plasma TV