Debate Obama as president

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by stin10, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i think that this best fits underneath debate.
    Ok, recently i read an article on HERE is the link to it. in short, it talks about Obama as president and assasination plots and threats. The whole idea worrys me because, first of all, i think Barack Obama is great and is the man we need right now in America. some would disagree, but I DON'T WANT THIS THREAD TO TURN INTO A DEBATE ABOUT BARACK OBAMA HIMSELF.
    secondly, if Obama does get assasinated by some radical group, then i beleive that America as we know it will fall apart. If something should happen to him, god forbid, then there will be riots, and chaos, and our whole goverment could come crumbling down. of course the not so secret service is taking more precautions with him, becuse obviously, since he's african american, he will be a bigger target.
    what really angers me though is these neo **** groups that hate him becuase he's black. if you read in the article, then you see they have two big threats they've looked into. although they were proven to be just threats, these people scare me. one such group was, i believe, 2 neo nazis who where planning to go around, cutting of black peoples head, and then kill Barack Obama.
    Now, although i disagree with the patriot act, if we have it, we may as well use it to find and charge these people. of course they have freedom of speech, and that should never be taken away from anyone, no matter what, but threats against someones life is a crime, especially against a newly elected black president.

    so basically, i want to hear your views on these assinations threats, and what you think might happen if Obama does get assasinated. also, if you wish, how the patriot act could be used for, and against us.
    now this better not become some stupid racial argument, or a big fight calling each others idiots and morons. i want a civil debate, and i hope i will get it.

    thank you.
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    George W. Bush has the lowest approval rating of any president in History. If no one shot him I think Obama should be just fine. Fortunately, the type of racial bigots that would want to kill him generally don't have the brain power to pull off an intricate plan. I do agree that it would be a very sad day for humanity if he were killed.


    Poll: More disapprove of Bush than any other president -
  3. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Hmmm aproval ratings mean nothing to me, but he does have a pretty high one at one time. Is that the highest ever? or second? You may think that Bush will go down in infamy but he tackled the tough issues in the world and when you take on hard tasks, you are very likely to encounter some problems. As for Obama, I think that he is most likely not to do anything in office. The economy will get better, but not because of Obama, because it will naturally get better over time. Obama will probably try to pass some bills, but congress will deny him. That is just what I think, remember I cannot predict the future.
  4. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    It is a pretty high rating, but do you see anything that happened right around that time. His negative swings happened because of his actions while his wild upswing happened because we were attacked.

    Dude, congress passes bills and the president has the power to pass or deny them.
  5. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    exactly you can't. where you a republican, i guess, maybe your just mad he got elected. no offense though. i mean, most angry McCain supporters say he's gonna do bad and do nothing, but they have literally no proof, becuase it isn't a fact, its just a opinion, and they deal it out as if its a fact. you don't know how he's gonna do, no one does, so don't say he's bad simply because you didn't vote for him.
    but like you said, you can't predict the future, so this isn't directed at you, you are a resonable person, who knows that its just an opinion, and i thank you for that.
    anyway. this is getting a little off topic, where not talking about obama specifically here.
  6. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Thank you, your right I am a little upset but I said I thought that Obama was not going to do anything because in his acceptance speech he stated that he might not get to anything that he has promised, and that we are going to go through tough times. He also said that McCain was a better and more experienced candidate. I did not mind that Obama won, for 1 I cannot vote. And 2 it is not the end of the world. But after he said that, I though " All of those who followed him and voted for him are going to be skrewed over? So he just got in and now is going to do nothing?"

    Just for reference
  7. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    I am not going to lie. I am really scared about this too. I live in the south where a bunch of people down here have been joking about killing him. It is really bad at my school too. I really hope he does not die, or America I think will fall apart.
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Therein your entire point lies one humongous "if clause." Keep in mind, when a President, ex-President, Presidential Candidate, or even family of a current or former President visit anywhere, there is obvious Secret Service presence at least a month prior to their arrival. Now, I'd like to re-emphasize the "obvious" part of my last sentence. That's the time that we, the public, know of. I'm sure they're there a lot earlier than we see.

    The process to assassinating a President is huge. The movies and your crazy extremists mislead you. It is not easy. Not just anyone who wills it in their heart is capable of completing such a task.

    With all that in mind, as someone who voted against Obama, I'd like to say that I'd be happier with Biden anyways. I don't wish for the guy to die. I disagree with the man, but I don't wish death on anyone. Don't mistake me. However, Biden is secure in his Foreign Policy, and I feel that to be a major concern for America, now and in the coming years.
  9. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    I don't think anybody would be worried if Biden was President. The problem is what America would do if he were to get killed.
  10. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Obama is, in no way, equal or greater than President Lincoln was (nor do I think he'd claim to be). The world, including America, survived the assassination of one of the greatest men to walk this earth. I'm sure we'll be fine, if we lose Obama.

    Sure, you'd have your racially-focused extremists on both sides of the coin. Some complain and some rejoice. At the end of the day, we get Biden, and there's something interesting for our children to read about in their history books.
  11. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    you say that you don't want obama to die, but you sure seem keen to the idea.
    your comparison between lincon's assasination, and if obama was to be is not equal. yes, lincoln was a great man, but it would defidently be a bigger impact on america if obama was, becuase he is the first black american president. it would basically be history being killed.

    and an intersting story to tell? thats like saying 9/11 is an interesting story to tell. both are horrible events that arn't in the lest bit entertaining.
  12. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    We were in the civil war at the time Lincoln was assassinated.
  13. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I agree with you slightly...right now we're still on an economic downturn. We're still feeling the effects of the market dropping and we may not fully understand the trickle down effect until its done and over with. That said I think Obama will do his best to slow or reverse the downturn and start the natural growth of our market after it has "crashed".

    And any bill Obama sends to the Senate will pass...the Democrats are now a majority in the house, and he's such a celebrity at this point that they'll pass anything that's sent from him.

    Onto the OP: If Obama was assassinated, our country would carry on. It would be a sad day for all of America, but we would carry on. When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated it was a terrible day. We lost a great president. Our nation did carry on, just as we always have.

    I believe there will be plots against the president, but I don't think that any will come to fruition.
  14. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I am glad he is president. There will be little to no racism in Amercica.

    One problem though.

    Lol JK
  15. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    No, we weren't.
  16. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I don't think that if he is assassinated the government will fall apart, but there will be chaos in the streets for sure. There will be riots for weeks and I'm sure some people will be killed. Probably tons of black people and Obama supporters will start rioting. Things will get a bit out of hand. Some white supremisist will probably take shots at rioters. They will riot harder. The white supremesists will probably form their own mob and fight with the others. The riot police will get involved and 10 people will get killed. 7 obama, 2 white, 1 trying to stop the violence.

    That's how these things go.
    Thing Martin Luther King assassination just worse.
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    O, how I love ignorance!

    While I thank you for your opinion, I'd like to point out a few flaws in your post. The part which I bolded is, in no way, anything close to an intelligible sentence structure. Were I a mind-reader, I would properly retort your post.

    Secondly, the section of your post which I underlined is pure falsehood. One man is not America, and he never will be. I don't care if that man is John McCain, Barack Obama, Chuck Norris, or myself- history cannot "die" because of one man's death.

    To summarize: I pity you for not picking up the obvious sarcasm in the end of my post. Things like assassinations and 9/11 are interesting stories to tell. HOWEVER, I'd accelerated too far on my faith-in-FH train (again), and assumed that most would be able to pick up that I don't view those events as simply "interesting stories."

    WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!! Even if you were correct, how can you fathom that to be a respectable, or even acceptable, counter to my post? At least explain where you're going with that, please.

    President Lincoln's Assassination:
    took place on Good Friday, April 14, 1865.

    The American Civil War:
    April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865
    #17 dented_drum, Nov 16, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  18. chiefy11

    chiefy11 Ancient
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    If we were fine after the death of a great man like JFK, we'd probably do much better without Obama, Bush, Cheney, and biden (I intentionally don't capitalise his name).

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