mg: my halo disk wont work.. any help? when i put it in the drive, it loads and says "Open disk tray" the disk is in but its just not reading it.. any help?
It could be scratched. Do what I do; rent the game, replace the discs, and bring it back and say it doesn't work.
Is it scratched? Try cleaning it with a cloth. If all else fails snap the damn thing and buy a new one.
Ya that is a pretty good trick. I will probably try that myself one day. Actually, the best thing to do with a scratched disc is to place W-D40 on a soft cloth and then only apply the soft cloth to the side that is shiny. Just make sure you work it in until all liquid is gone. I've fixed a ton of discs that way.
Just send your Xbox in to microsoft if you don't already have a warranty on it. They say they'll send you one back in about 2-3 weeks but it usually takes about 1-2 weeks. It also depends on where you live.
Lol! Ten bucks she's a guy. On topic: You better hope you have a warranty because it sounds like your xbox is messed up.
That's stupid. You know how perfect the Xbox is layed in the packaging? And if you meant take apart the Xbox then I hope you're joking because that is completely stupid. Your best bet is to use your warranty and get a new Xbox (might I remind you I think they's give you a used one) or send it into Microsoft by emailing them or phoning.
Your not alone. My disk can't load most campain levels and it hardly ever loads Snowbound. Try cleaning your disk or rent Halo 3 to see if the problem is with your xbox, not your disk. If so than send your xbox to repairsand get it back in 2 weeks.
This happened to me. Do you have the limited edition Halo 3? If you do, the disc holder in the case is slightly too big for the disc (a design flaw). With my disc, it caused a crack on the inside. No problems when the crack first appeared, but the condition of the disc gradually got worse because the spinning action and the 360's fans blowing on the disc created a bubble in the data. This broke the disc completely. If the disc is cracked and there is a bubble in the silver bit (the data), it's bust. Buy a new one (I had to ). If it's just very scratched, take it to Gamestation or somewhere like that, and they'll clean it for a few quid. Curiosly, when I put my broken Halo 3 disc in my 360 now, an Xbox 360-ish animation shows on the screen, and it says "Please place this disc in an Xbox 360 console". My xbox forgets what it is! I dunno why... It thinks it's a DVD player, I dunno.
This has happened to alot of my friends. Have you been able to play other discs? It may be the lens if not. My friends bought a lens cleaning disc which fixed it completely.
Yeh, Trio. That was me I agree, buy a lens cleaning disc. lens cleaner disc: Electronics Something like one of those... You can probably pick one up at walmart/pc world/whatever kind of pc superstore you have where you live. Or order one from Amazon. If that doesn't work, if you have your 1yr warranty then you can still send it in, otherwise they only cover RRoD which this isn't. This happened to me and I got a disc like the ones in the link... Cost me about £10, I make that a saving of about £200. You might have some trouble getting the disc to read... Just keep opening and closing the tray till it works. It will eventually. Otherwise you can open up your xbox and replace the laser/lens whatever yourself but I wouldn't recommend that unless the disc doesn't work and you're outta warranty.