Gamebattles. (Team Forgehub) Team Forgehub - Halo 3 Team Profile, Stats, Schedule, Players, News - Halo 3 for Xbox 360 (Xbox360) I wanted to see how this could turn out, i will promote anyone i think to be mature enough, and if we have enough members we can be playing multiple games all the time. I do not know if this will turn out horrible or fantastic, the only way to find out is for people to sign up. Looking for: 3 Respected Members to help control (Co-Leader) 1-3 People to help supervise and maintain control (General) 1-? Members to join, anyone active. (Normal rank) Please send messages or comments with any questions. Steps: 1) Create a gamebattles account. 2) Find me, Name = Official_Y35 2) or go to Team Forgehub (for halo 3) 3) Send me a message and i can invite you to the clan. We also need a avatar and a signature made, i know there are tons of great grafix people here. Could you please lend a hand EDITS: The Official Y35- On team. Sdrakulich- On team. H3C x Nevz- On team. AmericanPsycho- On team.
I'm in. I'm level 44, I can fend for myself. Any time there's a game and I'm needed, I'll try to attend. Good idea. EDIT: That is, if I can get my GB account to work...
I'd sign up, but according to my KD ratio I'm not that good. Don't judge off the KD ratio, other people played on my account (brother's friend who doesn't have Halo 3 and other friends). Just play a 4v4 MLG game and decide. Otherwise I have no chance at all lol. GT: AmercanPsycho Highest skill: 43
Actually guys it doesn't work like that, you each need to have a gamebattles account since its like the real deal (but free) so i cant just accept your gamertags. And K/D ratio means nothing to me, who cares if you mess around half the time.
lol check your Profile messages...your brother said yes, so lol you do that....(jk) yeah guys you have to be personally invited by him to be able to join the group yeah...I hope to be able to join soon Y35, hit me up, im sdrakulich just like on here...original inorite?
We probably wont be up and going for a few days, so were just chillaxin and grabbing members, then once we have a few leaders it will run more smoothly.
I'll join, I'm not great but I'll play for fun. I'm sending you a message on the site. This is a pretty cool idea, get forgehub to play together more. Although, at the moment, I'm having my new Halo disc (old was broken) shipped, but it should be before next wednesday that I get it.
Team Forgehub - Halo 3 Team Profile, Stats, Schedule, Players, News - Halo 3 for Xbox 360 (Xbox360) Were growing. And @ matty, you guys got lucky.
Y35, this is a really good idea. I've been thinking about contacting people about making this, but I just forgot about it. If it's just Halo3 count me out, I suck. i think you should think about expanding games though. If you can I think you should make a Gears 2 team as well. If you do that, and need a captain; I'm your man. I'm real good at Gears with a K/D over 1.2 in every gametype. Maybe PM me if you want to use my idea, I could help you organize.