No, this doesn't belong in the Official Discussion Topic, it's a seperate poll. To those of you that have GoW2, which starting weapon do you use (and why)? I personally prefer the Hammerburst because of the greater accuracy and strength. IMO it's comparable to the H3 carbine, while the lancer is more like a assault rifle. I don't mind not having the chainsaw, melee + rollback + shoot works just as well a majority of the time.
i prefer the hammerburst for campaign and horde, but i have to use the lancer in multiplayer, chainsawing is too fun.
I use both. They both have their flaws and perks. I really love the chainsaw though, ripping someone in half is just so satisfying.
I generally almost always use the Lancer. Horde is the only time I use Hammerburst, and only when there are atleast 4 people. Hammerburst is great at range, but up close it can't compare with the Lancer. Campaign and online get me up close to enemies so I use the chainsaw alot.
I prefer to use the Hammerburst, but since everyone is out there running around with their Lancers chainsawing people, I have to use the lancer to make it a chainsaw duel.
I pickj now the hammerburst I realized the damage is greater since it has no chainsaw on it . Its a downing machine :]
i'll use both in campaign and horde but I use the hammerburst in multiplayer because I play at a distance usually.
Not really. The chainsaw just isn't as satisfying as it was in gears one. It happens way too often now. Two piecing with the shotty is more satisfactory, the chainsaw has become a used ***** to me, just way too overused. I am, however, more satisfied with the new range of executions. My two favorite executions are the golf club and the pile driver.
I use the Hammerburst in Multiplayer and the Lancer in Horde and Campaign. I like the Hammerburst in Multiplayer because of its active reload. It'll down a guy with only a handful of shots.
I use both, it just depends on what I feel like using at that point in time. About 65% of the time though, I use the Lancer, but still, that's almost the same amount I use the Hammerburst.
Hammerburst, the way I see it is AR or BR. I rather use a BR but everyone uses an AR online...a.k.a. the lancer. The chainsaw is too cheap and too easy to kill anyone with as well. (.___. ) Also you have to aim for the head to get kills better with the Hammerburst. The Lancer, although you can get head shots with it now, is still simple...spray and down, or press the b button with right trigger. "HA! Aiming? I'll just chainsaw >:3" So, right now I am trash with the Hammerburst, but like the BR it takes practice to become good with it. Plus aiming for the head will become easier for me sooner or later.
The hammerburst is a good weapon is most cases. However, the Lancer is a versatile weapon. Good a long and close range. It's all about preference. I choose the hammerburst.
If i were to choose based on which one was more effective, i would pick hammerburst. But there are so many chainsawers out there, and the best defense against against a chainsaw is a chainsaw (see status to the left lol) So i pick lancer.