Seriously, not from how awesome it is or the fact that I suck when I do matchmaking without my friends, but from campaign. I wont say what parts due to spoilers, but damn it was so emotional. T.T I'm so glad they haired a comic book writer for the story, they did an incredible job! This is one of my most favorite story's, by far, most stories for shooters suck too. So...Anyone else cry?
I didn't cry, but there was a few part's where I was like "Aww"... This is one of the best story lines I've seen in a video game in a long time. Ever since Phantom Dust that is.
Never heard of Phantom Dust. I can't remember a better story line, well, one this dramatic of course. I've never cried from playing a video game before. (Well, when Brawl came out I cried..a little...big time disappointment! T___T)
Spoiler Might as well add the Maria scene to the list as well, as if there wasn't enough motivation already to destroy the locusts.
Spoiler Ben's hit me like a ton of bricks. The whole game I was thinking about how lame he was and how they never should have put him in the game at all. But, when he died I just felt like something was missing.
That thread is discussing anything new you like about the game Whatever, this can be locked if it's that important. 9___9
This game got me very emotional many times. I found myself cursing at the locust and going out my way to do executions on them because of what they did.
Spoiler The game was very emotional in the cut scenes. Like when Tai shot himself. That almost made me like stop playing and run outside and scream "THE LOCUST ARE COMING". The part with maria was actually very emotional for me. How bad would it be to lose your wife because some thing that doesnt exist killed her. One of me friends was like oh ye you cry when you kill locust.
I totally did the same thing, I would die half the time becuase of it. "THERE'S A DOWNED ****ER!! RAAAAHHH! *screams and cries while chasing after the downed Locust to beat the **** outta it*" :'( This game is intense.
The part that was based on There's a Time for US achievement got to me more than I though it would. It made me glad that I kept the Boomshield; knee-capping Horde and decapitating them with it was highly satisfying.
I didn't cry when I played it, although the Gears of War story absolutely demolishes ever other shooters story line. Some parts were quite emotional, I felt my heart feel heavy, though I never cried.
The story was very intense and emotional. I say it is the best story I had ever played. Spoiler what happened to Ben Carmine was not cool and Tai...I was not expecting that
I had to hug a pillow cause it was so sad :'( toochie Cried also. If you think about it, it has got to be the hardest thing to do what dom did for his wife. Also, we have a Gears of War 2 discussion thread for a reason, to prevent other threads from springing up that discuss the same game.
I found it kinda sad how they would discretly make fun of Ben with all of the alusions to Gears 1 and while he pretty much gained all of their respect, he gets separated form them only to get killed. I thought Tai's death, while still pretty intense was the worst written of them all. I seriously wanted to cry at Maria's death. Everything about it; the events leading up to the cutscene, and the cutscene in itself made me just think "Good God, that's just ****ing heart wrenching."