Not true. Guardian is not symmetrical and its MLG. The map looks great. Amazing job interlocking and geo-merging. Everything looks clean and very neat. You have my dL.
wow i never new making a assymatrical MLg map will cause so much contraversy. But i still get alot of support from alot of people so thanks for that. ...just so you know im making a symmetrical mlg map so ill see how that'll be
I think u should make this map bigger and use the big base on both sides i would really like to see that and then PM Me and a link i think it would play better that way
wowww great interlocking and geomerging. i played a small ffa on this, and i loved it.. it plays smoothly and feels like a real map... 9.3/10
Looks very fun 5/5 Some good things about the map Very good interlocking geo merging is incredible gamplay looks very fun looks as fun as onslaught
Pretty sweet map man. Cool layout/ design. You blocked off everything nicely (to my displeasure) and I don't think I can point out any flaws. The only thing is, I'm not sure about an asymmetrical MLG map, I thought they were all symmetrical. Still, great interlocking and geomerging, especially with the fence box wall. I like the fact that it is compatable with basically every gametype. Final Score: 5/5
Sweet map. i think it looks like the attackers only have one way to the defenders. I think you should change that.
Well I think this map is great. The layout is very original. It definatly seperates itself from the rest of the MLG maps. I like how you used the dumpsters on that base under the walls. Everyone alwaysuses the barriers, which looks cool but its everywhere now. Some people might think dumpsters were a poor choice but its original and I think it looks pretty cool
This map is REALLY good looking for an MLG map, I'm just not sure it would play out well. It's good people are trying to make assymetrical MLG maps for once, but it doesn't seem balanced. There are 3 'rooms' as it feels in my opinion and it just feels like there should be more. Great map though
While i was taking a quick look at the MLG section i could not help but to notice the high ratings on the thread so i decided to take a look in here. Just looking at the pictures i can see that their is some awesome interlocking done on this map as well as a good design. Game play looks like it will be really fun. This is a awesome map, a work of art. I would tip my hat to you (if i wore one) a download from me and a 5/5 on the map.
LOLO, Well look at this spam well it helps me but it kindqa looks bad for him though.. Anyways i havent been forging in a while but a MLG project is in the works, well in that case... K THX BAI!!!!!!
IDK how MLG it is, but it looks awesome bro. your interlocking is sweet and geomerging is just as good. An overview shot would help us with the layout but from what I can see it looks fun too. Aesthenics are great; everything looks clean.
Wow, you have some great interlocking and geomerging. The defenders base is intricate and sweet. But believe me or not, i've definately seen this map before. I've play tested it and done a forge through on it probably a month ago. Sweet map. 9.2/10
An excellent MLG map, i love the defenders base. Although the attackers base is nice they don't need to defend it. Looks like this might have a really good CTF game