Debate Should Children Be Playing Halo 3?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. l Himitsu l

    l Himitsu l Ancient
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    its a rated m game. people who are MATURE enough to play it can. little 10 yr olds cant because they pick up the bad things in the game...
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    If you're mature enough that you can handle a video game without screaming at the top of your lungs, go ahead and play. If every time you die, you are screaming and cursing, go do something else. I'm 14, three years under 17 which is the age of ESRB ratings. I consider myself one the the more "under control" and mature gamers. I never scream, I never swear, I never purposely ruin the game for others*.

    So, to wrap this post up, I'd say that if you can keep yourself under control and not freak out during a game of Halo, don't play and act immature.

    *Not counting yesterday playing with Phreakie when I repeatedly betrayed him. Lol.
  3. l Himitsu l

    l Himitsu l Ancient
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    im the same. im 14 but you dont see me yelling at someone on halo who just hit me with a i dont have that annoying light voice that drives everyone crazy...neither do i play with an elite =P
  4. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    (Not sure if it matters, but i'm 14, btw)
    Kind of a hard topic to argue, but in my opinion, its more about the parents than the game itself; as to does it turn children violent. I am quite intelligent, and thus, my parents have always treated me like and adult. I have been allowed to watch pretty much any film, listen to any music, and play any game, since i wanted to. I am not violent in anyway, probably because
    1-I'm intelliegnt enough to realise what an idiot you must be to let a video game 'turn' you.
    2-My parents trusted me, if they did not trust me, they would not let me play halo.

    So thats basically it. On the whole, no, the video game itself will not turn you violent, but it is how the perants react to you wanting to play a game rated above your age. Whether, before you play your first of such a game, they explain you must never actually go and kill someone after playing GTA.
    I think if you are explained that at a young age, then you probably will not turn out violent.
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    The only reason I hate kids playing Halo 3 is because I'm jealous. I wish I had a 360 when I was ten! And because the M rating is recommended not compulsory (although in England the BBFC-15 rating for Halo 3 is compulsory), and the 360's price is now down to £130; more and more parents are going to be buying 360s for their kids. And Xbox Live subscriptions. So this is just the start of a wave of kids on Xbox Live...
    They are annoying because they like the novelty of being able to say and do whatever they want to the people on the other end; they know that there's pretty much sod all we can do about their presence.
  6. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    The only reason I hate little kids playing on xbox lives is the team killing, and the voice thing. I love the mute button, but say I want to play MLG. I have to mute my whole team like every freakin time. And they almost always play as Cows, and yell "OMG LOOK AT MEH F***ING DINOZAR!!"

    They annoy me.
  7. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    well i am 14 and i stay calm wen i lose and stuff and dont scream into the mic and i dont have a high pitched voice
  8. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    well, to me its not the voice that annoys me (i mean a 10/11 year old, heck im 11) but then again, theres no excuse for anyone under 10 to be playing online, but to tell the truth, most of the time its the 13-15 year-olds who seem more annoying.. like calling you stupid everytime you die, even if he's died way more times, and team killing coause there noobs like that. and even some who cuss at me and everything and saying im not capable playing halo... when i have about 20 of the 50 needed TS kills
  9. bolddoughnut

    bolddoughnut Ancient
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    While I have to admit that there are some kids who play Halo 3 that are very annoying I have actually met quite a few "kids" on xbox live who are actually very mature and are not a nuisance. I also believe that while Halo 3 has a M rating it is really on the lower end of the M rating scale. For example look at Gears of War 2 and how gory, violent, and how full of curse words it is. That is nothing like Halo 3 so really I don't see anything wrong with it. I know that I started play Halo 2 online when I was 12 so I was a squeaker but I knew how to not be annoying. Of course you will always find annoying kids but if you make it so that you separate the younger kids with a age block or something on xbox live. You will still end up with them in matchmaking because they will simply start making their accounts with old ages attached to them. The best method to deal with them for me is the now quick and easy mute button.
  10. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    As a matter of fact i think i have seen some very young kids playing xbox live like 8 or 9 which is just pathetic of the parents but as bolddoughnut just said i have run into some rather older but younger kids maybe 12-13 on xbox live who don't scream (HHHHHHOOLY CRAP !) in the mic but they were rather enjoyable to play with. another thing is that some younger kids seem to take advantage of the booting system and if you kill them while they say TIME OUT in a costum game or something they will boot you for no reason but anyways i think maybe ages on Halo 3 should be like
    12 and up --->
  11. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    I think that they should be allowed because they have the right to play video games just as much as anybody else in the world,its a game not the NBA,everybody should be allowed to play it
  12. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    You don't have that right, it is your parents choice whether they let you play an M rated game or not.

    And let me tell you, when people over 17 have worked for the money to buy said M rated game, log on to XBL and hear whining, bitching and screaming from an illiterate and neglected child, they will exercise their right to mute, exclude and/or abuse them for ruining the game.

    Having said that, I know several people of young age who are incredibly mature, and great friends.
  13. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I'd say 13+ for mature videogames, that is if the child is mature and intelligent enough to know the difference between IRL and in the game. There are also pluses for people young like me playing the game. Increased vocabulary (jk), learning strategy in a way people cannot learn through reading or other games, while enjoying them, and with all these new map editors, creativity is being unleashed upon the world. But if the kids response to why I play Halo other than it's fun is "Cause it's bloody and gory and makes me feel tough," than the kid shouldn't be corrupting themselves, with knowledge they do not relise they could gain and as such it is lost.
  14. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    While I would agree that certain unacceptable language is picked up from games, plus other sources, the point is not that the words are known, but that the child should know when not to use them.

    In my personal opinion, there's not really an issue as long as it stays very clear that it's a game, not real and should be viewed as such.

    I will admit that I myself swear a lot over Xbox Live. But it's something I most definitely avoid in front my of grandmother, you know?
    I also will admit to playing Grand Theft Auto III when I was eight or so, but I always knew it was a game, which, as I've stated before, in my opinion is the key to maintaining a healthy balance... It doesn't really matter what's in the game (except perhaps extremely gory/ horror games) as long as it remains just that, a game!
  15. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I agree with dthen tbh, if they know its not real life and know that swearing directly at someone isnt very good and overusing it. As long as they know that its a free world. Theres always gonna be those vicky polard parents that dont give a sh** about their children, leave it that way lul
  16. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    If you still think the word "poop" is funny, you shouldn't be playing video games.

    'Nuff said.
  17. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    We only hate them because we're jealous that we didn't have a 360 when we were 10. Deal with it, just mute them.
  18. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Haha Norlinsky....
    Anyway, sometimes we get so wrapped up in a video game and it's ideas we start to think life is like that video game. You think actions don't have consequences, and you get this big mess of things. But if you can separate the two, go ahead, knock yourself out.
  19. killamnjaro

    killamnjaro Ancient
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    I , being 13 have a relitivley low voice and dont get much crap.
    but even when i do get pissed off i will turn my mic off and scream at them due to the fact that i am considerate of most peoples ears (unless the entire party is a bunch of douch bags)
    also, I remember seeing a thread on the bungie forums about how a kid shot with his rifle that he uses to hunt with while reanacting a part of halo.
    this is not a good example on how kids will react to video games. The kid was just plain stupid.

    ps-the reason that halo is rated M is beacause it is a first person game and it gives you a sensce that you are the player a bit more than a third person game.

    i would post a link to where i got the info on the kid but the person who wrote the post got blacklisted
  20. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Well I think that it depends on the child. Some children flip out and do some crazy **** with their Headsets. Some of them even swear a lot just to sound cool, and because their parents aren't home, or don't care. Sometimes they just have annoying voices, like me, or say things wrong. Like for example, the word "Funner" is not a word, and yet children with little education use these words, and then argue whether or not it is a word. I don't swear over my Headset, except for the occasional "What the hell!?" every here and then. But of course, going off topic. That's like saying "Heaven" is a swear word.

    Even more annoying however, is when an adult makes fun of a child by saying "Hey! Your balls haven't even dropped yet!" or "Are you a girl!?" This occasionally happens to me, and I ussualy yell right back at them, telling them to shut up or something. I mean, it's just a game, does it matter how old you are as long as you are good at the game? Every single TGIF I have been to, some jerk has come in and made fun of me. Although I only spoke up when I was, say, trying to get people to not take the territory so soon in Valley of The Beasts, and wait for more people to die.

    I really don't understand why Halo 3 could even be rated M. Then again, every here and there I hear some swearing in the campaign missions, but really! There is no blood. Like, looking back at Halo: CE you could shoot the corpse of somebody for an hour and blood would still be squirting out!

    Although I'm 14 I still have a high pitched voice, well, on Live I do. I don't quite know why, but I hope it goes away by High School, and that I grow to be taller then 4 foot, 11 inches. But besides that, I still have plenty of friends on Live who don't care about my voice, and we just play.

    I even hate the little kids who scream into their Headsets, and swear all the time. But that's why I enjoy muting them!

    My final verdict is yes. Kids should play Halo 3, because withought kids. Who would you complain about? Teh Haxors!

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