Left 4 Dead

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by NoobsR4Shields, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. NoobsR4Shields

    NoobsR4Shields Ancient
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    Left 4 Dead

    It has been a while since I have visited ForgeHub. But I have been going through a bunch of schoolwork while forging a new map of mine which I am going to present to you now. This map, named Left 4 Dead was inspired by the recently released demo of the new FPS game soon to be released on the Xbox 360 named Left 4 Dead.

    Game Type


    The Map

    The map is broken down into 5 parts that make up the city where the survivors will need to fight for humanity. These 5 parts are called..

    1) Building
    2) Watchtower
    3) Rooftop
    4) Warehouse
    5) Church

    Building: A 2-floor basic building. There is a turret on the second floor and it is your basic place to stock up on weapons.

    Watchtower: A tall watchtower that has a Sniper Rifle at the very top of it. It has 3 steps that require you to crouch-jump to get to the next one.

    Rooftop: A building rooftop that is not a very safe place to camp, but contains a Sentinel Beam at the top.

    Warehouse: A factory warehouse. Contains one entrance and has two Warthogs inside of it.

    Church: A church with fusion coils inside of it. If a zombie loses his way inside of it then shoot a fusion coil and blow him to hell.


    I understand that a lot of Infection maps have problems with people spawn-camping the zombies. I thought on this for a while and discovered a solution. The zombies respawn in the back tunnels which are blocked off. The only way out of the tunnels is through a teleporter at the end of the tunnels. This Sender Node can send the zombie to any of the 4 Receiver Nodes spread around the map. These Receiver Nodes are inside of little houses around the map. No more spawn-camping.

    The Gametype: Zombies


    1x Shields
    Take 50% Damage
    200% Speed
    75% Gravity
    Primary: Energy Swords
    Secondary: None
    Infinite Ammo: Enabled
    Forced Color: Zombie


    1x Shields
    Take 100% Damage
    100% Speed
    100% Gravity
    Primary: Battle Rifle
    Secondary: Magnum
    Infinite Ammo: Disabled
    Forced Color: None



    Map Overview












    Ledges (No more humans camping up there.)


    Zombies Spawn Here


    They go through the tunnels and through the teleporter.


    They are teleported to one of these 4 buildings around the map.


    Left 4 Dead Map

    Zombies Gametype
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Looks unoriginal and too open, but from the looks of it, you spent a lot of time working on it. You also tackled the spawn camping problem. Just from this post I give it a 2/5.
  3. NoobsR4Shields

    NoobsR4Shields Ancient
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    Thanks for taking the time to read and rate. The map isn't as open as it looks though.

    I only interlock what I need to. I don't really bother making everything interlocked.

    There is no more room for objects. Nor do I have any items left anyway.
  4. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    Kind of what Security said. A little open. Maybe go back through and make a v2. This feels unfinished. You should go ahead and add more! It does look like you put some time into it. 2.5/5
  5. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    I agree its a bit to open. The idea is okay but make a V2 I may DL
  6. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    too open... blah blah blah. yea, its way too open and compared to the other maps ive seen, this one is most likely a 0/5. take a look at forgehub's forging 101 to make ur maps better.
    sorry for teh harsh commen :(
  7. NoobsR4Shields

    NoobsR4Shields Ancient
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    Well honestly.. I am not going to spend another day of my life interlocking more retarded buildings just to make you happy and get a "possible" download. Seriously.. it is impossible to get a single damn good comment out of anybody on this idiotic site.

    Tell me exactly how spending 4 hours forging a map that all my friends like is a 0/10. A map doesn't need awesome interlocking and master geomerrging to be good. So stop thinking that way.

    I have a lot more to say but I really do not feel like getting banned.
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    You can't go and talk like that to people online. It's frowned upon here and you probably lost even more downloads by posting this.

    Although, for your sake I'll give an honest review on the map. It's true that the others said the map was too open. I agree, so use the infinite money glitch next time and you should be fine. I would at least work to expand the structures inside of the map, add more buildings, or try to give the zombies more cover when they come out of that little hut through the teleporter. All in all, 3.5/5, a good start for little interlocking.
  9. NoobsR4Shields

    NoobsR4Shields Ancient
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    Haha. Like I had any d/l's in the first place. This place seriously makes me want to give up on forging. I honestly felt really good about this map until I posted it here.

    If I make any more objects then the map will be overcrowded. I really don't feel like forging anymore anyway.

    Meh. I am done with this site. Bye all. Like you even care though..
  10. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Edit: Sorry for being rude, I wasn't thinking clearly when I posted the original message.
    #10 Master Debayter, Nov 11, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  11. NoobsR4Shields

    NoobsR4Shields Ancient
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    Lol. I really don't care. And honestly what you guys on here do is pathetic. You take a great map with fun gameplay and make it sound like my 8-year old brothers first forge map.

    You, on here, are honestly the pathetic ones. You act as if your maps are so great. 3/4 of the maps i have downloaded on this site are neat and clean but have crap gameplay and are no fun at all. I actually aim to make my maps fun. Not perfectly interlocked.

    The way you say that some maps are open, you may as well be saying that Bungie's Guardian map is open because they have a big open circle in the middle.

    My brother's new map that took him 5 minutes to make is funner than the crap you post on here.
  12. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    i agree to a point. dood, weve all posted maps that we thought were amazing and then people just shot it down. thats how mai first map that i posted on here was. the truth is, theres gunna be more bad reviews than good ones. unless ur a master forger or something... and not every map is perfect. you shouldnt give up. honestly, make a v2 of this map and put lots of effort into it.
    and ppl are always going to say a map is too open. i feel ur pain. every one whos posted a map on FH knows what ur going through :(
  13. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    I'd suggest interlocking some and putting a little more cover for smoother gameplay. Maybe add some aesthetics as well. I like the four buildings with the teleporter though. 2.5/5 and clean some things up a bit.
  14. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Solo is right and it is that very reason that I never posted to forgehub in the first place until I could make a map that looked good and played well. You're giving up way to easily.
  15. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Seriously. Almost all of us here on FH have posted maps that have been shot down like this *film clip of thread being shot down like pew pew pew*. But, unlike you (not trying to be rude), we DIDN'T give up. We worked on it or made different maps that DIDN'T get flamed, but praised! We ALL know that interlocking doesn't make gameplay, but honestly, would you rather play on a map where a "roof" is a bunch of bridges stacked on top of each other in a pile with various escape holes in it, or a map that takes time and patience to make. A map that when the asshole comes in and deletes all of your **** (it happens to EVERYONE sooner or later), it makes you say OMFG ASS BOOT REMOVE FROM LIST. A map that is smooth and neat. the point is, the map looks fun besides the whole thing where you could camp the teleporters and stuff. Overall, 3.6/5. But with about 5-10 minutes of going back to interlock (geo-merging is only if you want to perfect the map), and to fix any gameplay errors, it could become a supreme 10/5.

    Note: 1. Guardian sucks. NEVER use it as a good example. 2. +.9 for basing it on L4D (AWESOME GAME *guitar solo*)
  16. NoobsR4Shields

    NoobsR4Shields Ancient
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    I am not giving up entirely. I am just not posting on FH for a while.

    Plus I am sorry I sounded so rude. I usually don't act as mean as this (I am usually calm and collective) but my brothers were really starting to irritate me at the time of posting this.

    I'll make a V2 of the map when I get the chance. I need to do some drivers ed homework at the moment. Plus you cannot camp at the teleporters. There are 4 of them and the zombies have enough health and speed to take out any people camping at the teleporters. I actually once took out 4 people camping at a teleporter (with an overkill) before the 5th guy took me down. Its their own death if they camp there.
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Oh, I see how it is. Drivers ed SUCKS really bad. Don't worry dude, I'm pissed off at the world with that stuff too. XP
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    the rest of the comments in this thread need to be about the map, and the map only.
  19. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I agree with the OP. The map isn't brilliant, but so what if it isn't interlocked? So what if he hasn't used glitches to morph the objects into each other and the map itself? It doesn't matter that much. However, the map really needs more stuff in it. It's a bit lackluster.

    I never thought merging was necessary for a map's success, but a V2 wouldn't hurt. Don't bother interlocking, though. Just add 1 or 2 more buildings and give the zombies some more cover. Good job blocking off the ceiling skirting, too.
  20. Rebelic Sins

    Rebelic Sins Ancient
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    I agree with the interlocking. I just recently got into forging, and I for one (the only one, probably) don't even know how to Merge (I have the hang of interlocking, just don't have the patience). But I don't think interlocking needs to be present to make a good map. I only use it if I have to, but other than that, I forget about it. The pictures do kind of make your map look a bit too open (I know your tired of hearing that), but that could be because you only have a picture of just that structure, and it doesn't look like there's anything around it. Might I suggest making an entire street of buildings, with the Church at the end. Then some more buildings with the other structures placed in and around those. Make it more urban, like any Zombie buff knows thats where zombies really chill. In either big Cities or little towns. There is no in-between. I (not playing it, remember) am going to give it a 6/10. But seriously, if you like it how it is, don't change it. If your friends like it, let your friends play it. If you really wanna impress a bunch of guys you don't really know, then take our advice. Its all up to you.

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