MLG Radiance

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by n00bsk00lbus309, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    This is my first map so here we go!:

    Okay so this map has four bases. it's not your normal 4 base map, each team has two bases. There is a ramp across the middle which has the sniper. There are also some quick jumps on this map.

    Game Types:
    MLG TS
    MLG CTF The Pit or Onslaught

    Weapon Set:

    Battle Rifle x6 - 10 second
    Carbine x4 - 90 second
    Mauler(extra clips) x2 - 120 second
    Sniper x1 - 180 second
    Frag Grenade x4 - 30 second
    Plasma Grenade x4 - 30 second

    Picture Time!


    Sniper Ramp

    A Base(Gold Side)(White side is the same except boxes are flipped)

    Quick Jump Path : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details - Download me :)

    Hangar 51
    frog sqaud
    Triple ACE 60
    Mr. G 430
    AGDeath Dude
    GC Limited

    Special thannks to : Someone. for letting my use his back wall
    #1 n00bsk00lbus309, Nov 9, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  2. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    This map really looks unfinished to me. Not that it's bad, or the layout is bad, but there isn't enough in it to make it really competetive. I'm sure you still have a sizeable budget, try and add more to it in a v2.
  3. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You say add more but what and where? I have to say that wasn't the most helpful post... Also DL the map before you say it looks unfinished if you havn't really seen the map.
  4. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    From what I've been told, you can't use moveable objects like crates in an MLG map. It's also very open and doesn't have a lot of depth. Not very competitive for an MLG map. It clearly doesn't belong in this category.
  5. mlgfreak

    mlgfreak Ancient
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    i think its not bad but try to inprove in v2
  6. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Just because people were trying to help you doesn't mean you should come in other peoples threads and bash there maps. Certain movable object are completely fine to use, however they must be held in place as to not move and effect gameplay. These allowed items are dumpsters, barriers, crates and wire spools. All of these must be held down except for the dumpster as they cannot be moved unless hit by vehicles(no vehicles in MLG) or placed next to man cannons/grav lifts. When holding down the other movable objects, weapon holders/reciever nodes/and even map geometry can be used.
    In the case for this map, the crates appear to be held down by the ends of double boxes which is perfectly fine.
    The problems of placing movable objects in an MLG map is the chance that it moving or being destroyed will affect gameplay. So of course pallets/roadblocks/barrels/fusion coils are big no-no's along with alot of other items.

    As for the OP, i would suggest add some bridges across the single boxes on the floor. This would create a small second level with a walkway to improve the maps gameplay. Also try to make a way where people can walk from one level to the next without having to jump much. It adds fluid to a game.
  7. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    Thank you very much for that input, i am planning to make a v2 but not for a bit, i kind of get tired of working on the same map and i just wanna take a break from that one.
  8. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    I wonder how you consider spamming helping people. If a map fits the guidelines of MLG as posted by forgehub, then it is counter productive to say things like it should be removed from the list. It doesn't help anyone. As far as this map goes, I apollogize for the previous post. I was trying to point out hypocrisy. Personally, I like the layout of this map, the sky bridge is a nice touch and the geo-merging is ok. It's a little plain, but simlpicity does fit well in MLG. Not for me personally, but for most. Now could we end this senseless bickering and welcome each others maps. I feel we would serve each other better as colleagues instead of enemies.

    Also, you'll find that on the official MLG guidlines as posted by forgehub doesn't mention placement of moveable objects whether it is accepted or not. Also, if you play MLG pit, you'll notice that there are some loose crates on the map.
  9. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    You know, there are just some people that cannot take constructive criticism. Any post i make replying to a map is usually well put and informative. I don't drive down anyones maps but say what it seams they need to improve. And if you can't find this info on forgehub, maybe you should try as MLG sets the guidlines for there standards, not forgehub. And yes MLG pit does have crates that are not held down, but they also would not affect gameplay to much because of it. Lets stop this discussion in this guys thread.
  10. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    Why don't you talk about the actual map itself, not where you feel it should belong. All you do is come off as arrogant and it doesn't further explain important details about the map that other members, members who do have an interest in that map and have legitimate questions towards it. You surround yourself with a cloud of negativity, and I've seen your post on other members' maps so I'm not alone here. You use good writing and long speech but in the end your post is nothing more than long winded spam and rhetoric.

    Now, back to this map. I am going to download this map now. I will test it and then I will submit a detailed review. I assure you it will be completely unbiased.
  11. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    Thanks very much kind sir i appreicated than you are willing to DL this map :) Also in my v2 i might replace the crates with something else.
  12. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    I wouldn't replace the crates, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, he sure likes to think he does though. If you read the rules for posting MLG maps, as specified by ForgeHub, it never mentions the placement of movable pieces (whether they can be placed or not). MLG pit has crates and that is in official matchmaking. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  13. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    You keep saying the part in bold, but maybe if you went over the rules at you would see there actual standards. And i already addressed the crates on pit so why do you bring it up again? I didn't say he needed to remove them. Stop talking about me and your lack of knowledge in someone elses thread.
    When everyone tells you you're probably are.
  14. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    Please stop arguing in my thread i would like some feed back from other people as well
  15. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    Is this MLGpro? no, it's ForgeHub. Would you stop spamming in peoples threads, you are not as high and mighty as you seem to think you are. Do you realize that your ego only makes you sound like a total ass to everyone else?

    BTW, nOObskoolbus, I'm almost done with my review of this map. I'll post it by tomorrow. I'm sorry about the all this spam, this guy wont leave me alone. I've only had a chance to do a forge flyby, but it looks pretty good so far. It's a little open, but then again so is most of MLG Construct.
  16. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    I'm done replying to you in this thread. stop on this subject and we can continue in your thread. It's not fair to the OP.
  17. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hmm looks nice I like how you made more room to play in bye adding the huge bridge at top but the bottom could have a little work to let it seem more fun to be around.
    In other words the top could be more attracting too and the bottom could get boring.
    Nice Map tho
  18. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    The map looks great i don't why most people are giving you such a hard time. The only question i have is, is there any interlocking but other whys i would download you map. Great job i can see you have great potential nice job on the map 4.5/5. Keep on forging!!
  19. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! i'm thinking of adding more cover at the bottom like walls boxes, etc
  20. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    As your first map post, I have to say this is better than most first maps. I will download and review when I can. send me a friend Rewuest to xRedNormandyx and I can help you out with the forging on v2.


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