The first poster is right. It is quite hard to kill the turret humans, but the rest of the map is good. I loved the FX use to make the sun go down. Good job. Quite original too!
nice map it has sum good taste but ive never played ghost town so im not gonna rate but it looks cool & i would download unless i had the legendary map pack
looks like a great map.. gotta show this map to my friend.. he is always on the lookout for infection maps and this one really IS a good one. Im glad to see that at least someone forges on something other than foundry. 4.5 out of 5. would have given u 5 but the turrets will prove for camping and that is one of the only things that i cant stand in a map. Great Job though.
Jurassic Park I think this map is great especially because of the night/day shift. Keep on forging. My Map Abandoned
Best Map on Ghost Town. I tried to make a good map on there but now my 360 is RROD so that kinda got halted 4.25/5 from pics and description test in a bit
this is a pretty good map definetaly the best on ghost town but some of the items in the map seem a little retarded #1 why are the regenerators bubble shields ect. on the map? the zombie cant use them and you automatically get killed with one shot and what the heck is up with the normal zombies? they are exactly like the alpha except they have swords i would lower there stats a whole lot, our just remove them entirely! i mean there dinosaurs not zombies for peets sake! oh now im ranting, sorry about that map smack down XD on the good side this is definitely and absolutely the greatest map on ghost town the aestitechs are great the filters give it a nice touch (although the night stage is a little to hard to see so maybe add some filters to balance it out i would love to see a v2 with a better selection of weapons and equipment (weres the power drainer?) however you got the map set up perfectly 4/5
Thanks that was really helpful, I am trying to remake this Jurassic Park map. I got rid of all the weapons, overpowering turrets, and alot of things. A new set of weapons for the map would be helpful. My new remake for this will have a different name though, because it may have a possibility to get on a infection playlist. Please reply on this thread or pm me. I am trying to match the maps great Aesthetics to it's gameplay, since it was just too poor.
This looks good. So, does the dinosaur get out by grabbing the custom power-up? I'm gueesing that's right. Nice job using Ghost Town too. That has to be the #1 map I see unused. The gameplay sounds fun. Nice job. 4/5
Wow, I love it when people make maps on Legendary maps while still keeping the foundry quality. The sight effects are, like said before, used a lot, but in a good way. They keep the game mysterious and will, once the mythic pack is out, be as necessary as interlocking.