Well I recently had my Ipod updated. My girlfriend bought me an Ipod touch for my birthday.. It's pretty bad ass This was my old one: Now this is my new one: So what do you guys & gals use?
I am one of the few people to break the chain of i-pod and use a Zune. It works very well for me and has many features for cheaper.
Wow. You're gf is pretty cool lol. All my gf gave me was a T-shirt and a bottle opener. I use an iPod touch. It kicks ass.
I used to use an iPod Nano 1st generation (the first nano they made). It didn't have many features, but it was cheap from where I bought it and it served its basic purpose. (No, unfourtunatly, I was not one of the lucky ones). Anyways, now, I've replaced it with the brand new iPod Touch second generation. Honestly, I couldn't go back. This thing is amazing. Music, video, movies, e-mail, instant messenger, YouTube, TV Guide, Pandora mobile (my favorite), Linerider, Pianist, Guitarist...I could go on for a long while. Seriously, this is the most innovative and powerful device I have laid my hands on. If you're on the edge of buying one, get it. Now.
I use the 80 Gig Ipod Video. That baby's a monster, but it gets the job done (The new 80's are half the size...)
If you already have a cell phone I'd go with the Touch. The Iphone is cool and all, But it's just to freakin expensive for the service.
That's what I've got. I'm thinking about getting an iPhone or touch but I just got this one a year ago. I really like mine though, it has a huge amount of memory and I watch videos and listen to music all the time.
I have a Blackberry for a phone but I want all the cool features of an iTouch like movies,games,touch screen etc..I have an iMac so it will probably sync easily.Are there any hidden costs like for internet access? iPhone cost: $199 (iphone) + $36 (activation fee) + [$39.99 (each month) * 24] = $1194.76 + what ever the tax/vat is. iPod Touch cost $229 (ipod touch) = $229 + what ever tax/vat is.
2006 Black iPod Video 30 Gigs I've been wanting to buy an iPhone for ages, snice it came out, and that would replace my iPod, but I can't for various reasons.
iPod nano 2G 8GB Black iPod touch 1G 8GB iPhone 3G 16GB Black And those are just mine... then theres my moms 2, my dads and my brothers 3...
Nope, No fees come along with the Touch. You buy it and your all set, Only thing is to use the internet you just gotta be around a wifi network, But there everywhere now so you should be all set. Saberwing: If you have the Ipod nano, The Ipod Touch, and the Iphone, What's the point in having all of them, You only need the Iphone now.. The others just seem like a waste of money.
Because I bought the Nano day it came out two years ago, I bought the touch day it came out last year, and bought the iphone this year... for the price I'd get for selling the other two, no point... Besides, I use the nano for exercising as the iphones too big...
Ahh.. Well that makes sense, I know what you mean about selling your old Ipods, I was gonna sell my old Ipod, But I would have got like 60 bucks for it.. For that I just keep it as a back up incase something happens to my current one.
i dunno what its called now after they changed all the video's names, but i use the very first ipod that could have video uh now that i notice i use E93's kind. Im not like stalking him, but i coincidentally use it