I think that the update will be fantastic. One of the best features is being able to save games to the hd. Cuts loading times by a lot... The 8 player party chat looks great too - it's convenient that you can have a big conversation but not having to be on the same game, in the same party to hear eachother. The dashboard looks like a clean and simpler version of the one we have now and will be interesting. If I don't like it I will just switch back. So, I have high hopes
Well I think they're aiming for the opposite, and hopefully it they'll be right. But I remember people saying how first off they;re not going to make avatars look like them selves, and most likely make ninjas or wait for modders to make naked ones. I can't wait till someone makes a naked one actually.
It looks epic, and I don;t see why "real" gamers complain about it. So what if it looks different. So what if you have an avatar. A real gamer shouldn't care. Plus all the improvements like mutli-person private chat, games to HDD, netflix, wouldn't that be BETTER? Lol just got an email about it right when I typed netflix.
Indeed- there's no going back. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN. Avatar's? Meh. Also, on newer games, they said saving to the HDD won't do much, but there might still be a difference of .1 second... And you will definitely want to do it for Gears 2. The reason Gears 1 got scratched so much is because it always ran at full disc speed, which was bad for it.