always wondered how to make those types of pics, can only see the green elite one for some reason, but thats probably cuz im on a comp at school lol. Very nice picture anyways
lightning is hands down the best, IMO. the others, there o.k. but you see to many of them. i love how lightning is a black and white, and the shocks going around him. Simply in awe. Overall you got some nice shots! keep up the good work =] 5/5 For lightning 3/5 For the rest
The lightning looks as if you shot a laptop and made a screenie while flating behind it. Weird idea, seems possible though. Nice screenshots overall, though the last one sucks.
I think the fourth is pretty good, but the first's lightening is ruined because it is so out of focus. Still some good shots u got
Could you do the bottom one exactly the same with complete default armour? And could you get a Sniper one and a BR one? No weapons on back. It's such high quality, i want to use it for something.
I really like these shots. The first one is amazing. I love the lightning effect. It looks like force lightning from SW:TFU. The last one is ok, I don't like the position of the sparyan but the green visor is pretty cool. Nice job on all the shots.
I think thes are all pretty easy to do or atleast to me but most people do not know how to do them but pretty good 4/5.
I find the last one the most impressive almost completely for the amount of quality and detail in it. Plus, the idea isn't that bad either.
Wow i will always wonder how people get these good of screenshots, must take practice or you just get bored and go into theatre nice shots!