A New Idea For A Gametype (insert epic name here) Okay i have thought of a new kind of race map... Basically you give an interactive feel to the race map and take it to a higher level of mongoose ability... the closest thing i could think of would be brute burnout and they r completely diff.... ne ways enough talking on to the idea... Main Idea: You would leave the straight foward design to a racetrack... but you add in a lot of switches. The mai type of switch would be a wire/touch switch... if you do not know what this is click HERE... so imagine this... you and your passenger are speeding down the track (avalanche) and you pase over a split only one side active you cont. over a crate then the crate slide to the other side giving you a short cut... OR you notice a fusion coil sitting on the top of an upside downwepon holder your passenger explodes it. It min/max'es and activate a fusion coil launcher that hurtles fusion coils over the track you just passed and if it hits another driver will knock them off the track... Also a lot of like man cannon jumping around like you driving straight and a man cannon picks you up and launches you to the other part of the track... Side Ideas: 1. said fusion launcher 2. said sliding intersector 3. a path that is longer so that experienced players will have to deciede take the punishment or wait for some noob to do it for you... 4. brake a pallet causing a ramp to spawn just b4 a narrow straight 5. destroy a turret causeing it to spawn in the middle of the track for others to dodge... 6. a straight away w man cannon/grav lifts under the ground you drive around so you dont get thrown off... (I have a lot more but i just said the 6 in my head) Gametype Theory: 1. Okay there can be two differnt theories one would be a hill that covers the ground level... so if u fall you loose (gain so the goal is not to get points allowing you to cause it to end...) a point... 2. A vip where the goal is to make it to the end... first... and if u loose there can be a time consuming ramp or bowl (trick arena...) 3. On Blackout fall lose ur life complete the track gain a point maybe first to five... it should raise awareness just a simple short post if any one thinks this is an interesting idea or has other side ideas... or gametype theories pleas post them
Boyle, I really think you should stop posting your ideas and get to actually forging them. Im not trying to offend you its just you are kinda setting up bigger competition for yourself when you give people your own ideas.
im giving this away actually... ive realized ive been coming up w/ far to many ideas then i have time to forge... if it where the summer time i could tackle these... but know i just dont have any time to do it... and i am starting to forge... 93% of my halo time... so i thought i would give this one to the comm. i guess i should have specified...
wow those ideas are awesome i know you said you were giving them away but i have a question. do you want to collab this map plox?
while im kinda at a forging overdrive right now... i could do this w/ u... but u would have to postpone it till i have free time.... or i can do peices and pieces in my spare time but to be completely honest i've NVR done a racetrack b4 and am a huge perfectionist.... but u can haz the idea... not saying some1 else might not try it also... i want to see this done by a couple of ppl i dont want to write it off... but if u would like my help and dont mind waiting why SURE!!!! GT:Boyle06... but u can do it by urself im not forcing my way in cause its my idea...
Actually, this is a really good idea. I will make a trck under blackout where you have one life on it, has many switches, and has alot of interlocking and stuff...
ya that is a great alternative to my gametypes... blackout... i always just thought large w/ a lot of materials avalanche... nice im adding that up there if u dont mind
welll... the side ideas... are some rather simple ones... and i dont mean wires persay like what the video shows i mean u drive over it and it changes to something different =for the next guy.... if u want moer lemme no