Ok i for Christmas i know that i want Fable 2 and that is probably the only game i want. What sucks is i can't think of anything else i would want. If you guys could give me some suggestions that would be great! And please give me good, thought out suggestions.
If you ask me I say cod waw, but you probably disagree. I just have so much fun playing the beta. If you don't like gears, fallout, far cry, or something else, then I dunno what u should get
I know you said no video games, but Guitar Hero World Tour would be fun to have. Uhm maybe a new phone or iPod if you need something else. That's what I'm getting.
My suggestion would be a computer that does all your homework for you.....lolz. Anyways a real suggestion would be a small hdtv about 19''. That way you could play xbox in your room.
Stripper but for real get and Ipod touch i no its been stated but its a definite get. That thing rocks and if you jailbreak it it rocks even more
the orange box and garrys mod might be fun =3D (EX: idiots of gmod, day in the life a a turret) for christmas im getting a new DSLR =]
Fallout 3, It's amazing. Made by bethesda, it provides the length of Oblivion you'd expect, without the feeling of empty nothingness you find in oblivion. There is plenty to see, many lengthy quests to do, as well a hordes of Super mutants, ghouls, and basically anything that looks at you funny to kill. You have quite a large selection of weapons, ranging from a pool cue to the "Fat Man", a mini nuke catapult. The graphics are absolutely astounding, they resemble a mixture between Bioshock's dreariness, and Oblivion's sexyness. The plot puts many of the recently released game's storylines to shame. In short: Buy this game, you won't regret it.
a stripper would be a good present lol. ill just take your girlfriend sage lol jk. also i just added ipod touch to my christmas list. Also i said no video games and almost everyone has suggested a video game
Get Mirror's Edge. NOW!!! As you can tell I'm not the biggest fan for Mirror's Edge, but I'm sure that there must be someone out there who must like it. Maybe it's you. /sarcasm
left 4 dead, scrubs box set season 1-6(7) if avaible, and an 32gb ipod touch. No, wait those are the things i really want.
If you like forge (which you probably do): Far Cry for it's level editor If you like co-op Campaign on Halo 3 and/or CoD4: CoD WaW for it's co-op career If you liked sawing people in half with chainsaw guns: GoW2 If you like scary games that keep you on your toes: Dead Space If you have a PS3: Piss off =]