Why do you people insist on arguing over the most retarded things? Why do you care about the number? So what do you guys think they will do with the setting? WW2, Modern, Future?
... Not arguing. I was telling him what they were called and he disagreed. I backed my point up. Also, stfu.
Um......*whistle*.... Insert generic insult here? You guys were disagreeing with eachother which makes it argueing, or call it what you want disputing,etc. Also don't just throw those big 4 letters around, it can make you lose respect, as it did from me. Anwyay back on topic, if its modern how are they going to be different from 4?
What the guy in green said, he beat me too it. Anyways yes, Cod 6 should be WW III. Witch is happening this year accept you guys don't know it yet... I however have the plans for it.
reason you aren't a journo Bl00d : P and I highly doubt they'd follow Treyarch back into WWII...even though they dont own the rights over the series, Activision has given them mighty sway over where they go with the series and considering I read of them debating SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS whether Price is dead or not...its highly suggestive that they wont go to an era prior to when the AWESOME minor character was sposedta have gotten near-or-fatally wounded
He said World War III as in THREE Sergeant... Him and I have it planned... Only white people will be allowed to live...
As has been said CoD are not made by Activision, Activision is a publisher and has been in on and will be in on every CoD. Cod, Finest Hour, 2, Big Red One, 3, 4, WaW..all activision. Now as for this CoD5 =/= WaW. Dunno, I thought it didn't, because at the time of WaW being announced and date set, 6 was already known about, and was known to being made by infinity ward and to be modern. I believe it works like this: In order to produce more CoD games for more systems than it's original PC success, Activision used it's acquision of Treyarch. Infinity ward developed the original CoD, than Finest hour for consoles. Some how, CoD2 was 360/pc only, maybe because of multiplayer. Needing a CoD on the other systems, big red one was tasked to Treyarch. Than came treyarch next CoD games, 3..and most people account this as a failure. Infinity ward is back in action on next gen for their stellar multiplayer hit of 4, and treyarch, now being tasked to keep alive the original WWII spirit, tries to mimic the multiplayer success, while keeping together their concentration on a campaign. As for this WaW not five, or infinities not 6 or whatever. Doesn't matter..basically it'll be game for game with IW and Treyarch. Everything is produced by activision, so saying you don't like their CoD's doesn't make sense. Oh and for the record: GHWT is call GH:4 by some people (our work computers list it as such on some systems), yet it isn't four and it doesn't say four on the box anywhere.
Modern Combat was in development (as a side project) since before the original CoD came out. The original Infinity Ward team consisted of people who broke away from monopolistic corporation EA after they held strict rules for the development of Medal of Honor and wouldn't allow the devs to take as much creative responsibility as they wanted. So yeah, they broke away and formed IW and started making CoD and CoD4 concurrently, albeit CoD4 was mostly pre-dev for a very long time
No, it isn't a rip off, but they are playing it safe, not changing **** about the game short of adding some stuff with new maps. Vehicles, dogs, thats about it. The character animation is exactly the same, they could of tweaked it some to make it smoother, no? Also, the perks. I didn't play the game long enough to see how they are myself, but Last Stand is just as cheap as ever, and martydom is still a pain in the ass. There are several things that could have been done better in the 4th game, and seeing as how they are just taking something that worked, surely the least they can do is improve? This is COD 4.5 at best, just a different skin.
So, your saying Game, and official game retailer is lying? They wouldn't just put it on there for no reason.