Well as you know the New Xbox Experience will be hitting you November 19th. So I was wondering, is anyone looking forward to it? And of all the features that will be available, which are you most looking forward to? Personally I think it will improve the Xbox, and I really want the Netflix and install to hard drive feature.
I can't wait. Saving games to hard drive + Netflix = Epic fun. I already picture me and my friends watching scary movies and having good times. The save feature will really. well hopefully make Fable II loading times so much more quicker. Right now they're really slow as hell and its a big turn off for me in a game. Edit: Thanks sdra for reminding me. Yeah the group chats are going to be so much better and easier. Now I don't have to talk to each friend individually. I'm sure this will even benefit clans. Another good feature is how theres really no dash-board. Its all going to be on the Guide, which will make it much more easy to navigate. And finally the 8 person (?) party mode. I can finally switch to games with my Friends instead of waiting for them to come on and the non-sense. All together, one of the best things Microsoft's done to the 360 in a while.
I agree with you Grif, I believe this is one of the better updates by Microsoft.... Personally, I cant wait for the no-lag interface, but most of all, the multiple Group Private Chats.....thats what I want like crazy...
The group provate chats are the biggest improvements to me. One question I have is whats gonna happen to my Megaman9 theme? It makes me so happy whenever I see it.
I can't wait. The biggest feature I care about: SPEED. Is it just me, or does it take way too long to open up the guide?
Microsoft has been kinda of vague about this. But I believe it will still be there in some way or another. EDIT: I checked with Microsoft and this is what I got.
I can't wait for the downloadable games. Halo doesn't really have any load times, but having it run faster will just make it a better experience for me.
Bungie says that Halo 3 will not have any visible change if any, but the noise of your console will be down. Other games however will have shortened load times.
your themes will still be valid, they'll just squish the picture to fit the upper half of the screen. they look a little distorted, and the new layout kinda looks weird with them, but they will still be there. [ive seen pictures of the dashboard with themes on]
Ummm... the saved files aren't on the disk. Even if Bungie did say that the NXE would speed up the load times, it would only be the stuff on the disk.
How much space is the load to hard-drive going to take up? My 20 gig is just about done.. I am regretting not getting my girlfriend a 60, and stealing her hard-drive, though I really don't wanna screw around with switching stuff. I wish you could just use two hard drives
Ah, the new update will be awesome. I can't even list all the things I'm looking forward to, but basically, I can't wait. btw, about the old themes, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7ry2O7l0Uc&feature=related
I am mostly pumped for the multi - private chat. That is the best improvement to me, as well as the saving to the hard drive thing, although I probobly won't use it. Netflix is also pretty cool. There are some things that are just kind of useless to me, but their interesting.
Well I cant wait. I will be a GIANT facelift to what is already there. EDIT: HEY! Add this to your first post, it is a countdown http://www.bored.com/makecountdowns/show.php?id=150487
I can't wait for the feature that lets you chat with more than one person. That is really going to help a lot.
We are going to have avatars. As in, meaning that we will have small figure replica's of ourselves so I think it's kinda cool. I am looking forward to it but I don't really care about it either that much.
I couldn't care less right now. The updates coming, and we can't stop it from coming. The only thing I would do is hope it's decent. Other than that, it could cause LIVE to run slower than usual.