Debate Out-of-Map Hiding: Cheap or not? Are HLG's honourable players?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aranore, Nov 9, 2008.


Simple one: is out-of-map a cheap tactic? (ignore other if statements. K.I.S.S)

  1. Yes. It is cheap

    43 vote(s)
  2. No. It is not cheap

    25 vote(s)
  1. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Basically people that gain the lead and then hide are people that arent very good at the game.
    But if thats how they win and go up in skill and it works for them they can continue because its not cheating, its using the map to its own advantage.
  2. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    You have to be good to gain the lead god damnit! lol im not angry, thats just the worst argument ever that the people who hide have no skill.
  3. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    1. Yes, you did in the first part of your post. And it seems to me like you're the person who is angry. Personally, I couldn't give a hoot about this argument, but I like annoying little kids. It's my hobby.

    2. Plenty of people in this world half ass everything they do. Welcome to the real world, son.
  4. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    How old are you anyway?

    And yes people are going to half ass things but not if it's a job which would require hard work and perfection.
  5. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    Bungie makes the games and they have the manpower to stop it. That is a stupid argument.
  6. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    No **** this is a stupid argument. Why do you insist on continuing it?
  7. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Older than you, I'm sure.

    Do you seriously believe that? If you do, you need to get outside more and meet some real people.
  8. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    No offense intended but yu need to find a better way to structure your arguments as you tore your own argument down.

    OT: Yes it is cheap but it should not be something that you can get banned for.
    #28 Telrad, Nov 9, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  9. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    Because for some reason you don't think bungie can stop the hiders. Which they have the power to do so.
  10. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    you are sooooo right.

    to tell the truth, i dont think anyone can have a VALIDS argument unless theve been hiddon on, and have hidden, many think its for suckish noobs, but trust me, watching enimies pass you, oblivious of you, has got to be the funniest thing you can do
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    My answer depends on how out of map you are. The perfect example is Cod4. On Ambush there is an easy way to get into the buildings on the side that everyone knows about. You can be easily killed, and get kills. So that I would say is acceptable. But there is also the completely outside of the map glitch on Ambush. In a game of team tac the other team got completely outside of the map, and was running underneath it knifing us. there was nothing we could do, no way to kill them, basically just sit and wait to die. That I find unacceptable. It depends what glitch you find.
  12. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Bungie can try there hardest to stop people from being able to hide outside the map but no matter how hard they try, there's always going to be a way out. Bungie as well as many, many other gaming companies can't fix every little glitch in the game. Like I asked before, have you ever made a game before? I'm telling you there are always little bugs that can be missed, and they're actually quite hard to fix.

    You honestly think it's funny? This is not the thread for you then. You can go and laugh at people when you hide outside of the map but this thread is for those who think hiding out of the map is cheap or not, not if it's funny. And also I can tell you're not a very competitive player or good for that matter because if you were good you'd play fairly and prove to people you're good, not hide and leave them with the impression that you're a noob.

    You are completely right. You've pretty much proved my point.
  13. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    No, they're not. They can be VERY easily fixed. I mean, they already fixed the guardian one on sniper tower. Why didn't they fix all the other guardian ones, which they could easily find out about? Because they don't care.
  14. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    If they didn't care then they wouldn't have fixed the one on Guardian by the sniper tower would they? And if they did not care then why on earth are they bothering to make death barriers among map barriers in there newer and newer maps? If you get out of the map in forge then you can't go far without getting killed by a death barrier.
  15. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    no, he meant they didnt care to fix ALL of them, just try hiding once, and come back, untill then you can not say anything against what its like to hide.

    PS: the funniest part of hiding is when they jump off the edge of the map to try to find you. EPIC WIN
  16. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Why the **** would Bungie only want to fix some of the hiding places when they could at least attempt to fix all of them? Bungie's not as lazy as you so why don't you go and play some of your matchmaking games and hide like a ***** and leave this argument to the grown-ups here.

    BTW have you actually watched the Halo 3 Bonus disc? If you did you would've heard Bungie say that they weren't able to fix all of the barriers in all of the maps due to some complications.
  17. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    Dude, try hiding, just once, dont lie, but tell me, how can you think, hiders are just stupid little kids, if they are the ones who actually find the secret ledges, can preform crazy jumps, and even post it on e the interwebs for all to veiw, your basically calling yourself stupid when you say you can NEVER find them, so please, dont be a noob, and give everyone a chance.

    I hid 6 times today, it was hilarious watching them jump off the edge looking for us.
  18. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    What does this have to do with anything I have just stated? You mention how hiders are stupid little kids and they're the ones who find the secret ledges, pull crazy jumps, and post on the interwebs for all to view. Try reading the title. This thread is about hiding not crazy jumps that little kids are doing and posting on the internet. And how am I calling myself stupid? I never said that I haven't found any secret hiding places, I've just stated how if you hide in matchmaking then it's really cheap. And why call me a noob and tell me to give everyone a chance? First of all I'm not the noob because I'm not the one hiding, and second of all, what chance am I supposed to give everyone? I never said they can't hide, I'm just stating that if you do hide that is very cheap and noobish.
  19. RogueFIST

    RogueFIST Ancient
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    It is called Team Slayer, etc. For a reason, not hide and seek.
    The whole point of the game is to see which team/player has the truest aim, best tactics and communication, not who can get the lead and hide for 10 minutes
  20. viprikr

    viprikr Ancient
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    I made a thread like this

    u copied me

    here to answer the question

    Its cheating if u mod glitch or anything Hiding maybe not good sportmanship but thats not your fault its bungie

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