:: Kondense :: Trailer :: :: MLG :: Vimeo :: Youtube Rate on Editing and not just Gameplay please Recording by FastForward Editing by Matty Gameplay by Matty [vimeo]2342660[/vimeo]
Oh so that's what your sig was about! Anyway, the trailer looks brilliant. Nice transitions and a slight yellow tint to it. Can't wait for the whole montage. I wouldn't want to play snipers with you though...
Editing is solid, Matty. I wasn't a huge fan of the tint you threw over it, though. Perhaps if the hue changed a bit for each clip that'd be cool, but the tint didn't really do it for me though. The rest of it looked real nice though.
im pretty sure i was there when other dark gets BLASTED in his face lol... that was a great game.... but ya the editting is pretty cool... the begging is pretty original w/ just screenies
Very nice editing Matty. So you were using sony vegas and after effects? What did you edit with after effects? Like your intros or?
Yea i fancied a change of name. I like it but i don't know if i'll keep it long. I think a montage looks better with a name like that, it has more exaggeration. Thanks for being honest about the tint. I wasn't going to do anything but i thought i'd try something since it's a trailer and theres nothing to lose. I won't use it again. And it's actually a yellow and blue tint, but to notice the blue i really have to be in scope. I was trying to create a more clean and plush finish, and make it look like you were watching it through glass, but i guess it didn't work It was entirely Sony Vegas, actually. It would take me longer to render that intro in AAE than it would to create the entire thing in Vegas.
lovely editing,skillz,etc. liking ur new sig even though kondese sounds worse than ur other alias(es)(ii)
To be honest, I don't think you should change your name over a video but it's your choice, you can just change it back... Also may I add, you might change the colour of the text at the start. Maybe something with a little more contrast to black, for example, yellow or orange. Play about with it The tint is great although you may want ti tone it down a little. I still like it, but what I didn't say earlier is that it's a little too tinted.
I like the effect you had on it, and the timing was pretty cool also. I remember you last montage and i expect this to be great also. And, since we pretty much played your newest map like 5000 times, and you always head shot me with your sniper, i am bound to be in this montage somewhere haha.
Your welcome for my friend turning off my xbox thus giving you host and giving you a killtac. hahaha.
I didn't change my name for the montage, that was just another bonus i got with it. And i felt that toning down the tint would almost make it unnoticable, and probably make people think they were recorded wrong. I wanted it to be obvious. Yea, i got about 2 or 3 clips from Aperture. 2 of which will probably be in, but to be honest i don't think you are in them. You best start getting in my custom games and becoming a licenced bullet magnet. It was just before you quit, actually.
well then, I guess a "**** you" is in order. <33333333 now do it with a pistol, then i'd be impressed.
Very nice editing Matty, not much of a fan of the tint, but if you like it, go ahead and use it, it doesn't matter much. That noscope at :40 looked so clean. Awesome job, hope to see the final montage. It's gonna be great. Did you make a new account, or change your name? I was on your iProjex friends list, but it doesn't seem like you use that anymore.
Nice Matt (i know you said not to comment on the game play) I know your a great halo 3 player from all those customs so i can't blame you for showing of your skills. i love watching your montages and they just get better. The name change, if I haven't of received your message i would have never of guessed it was you. I'm not a big fan of the tint but the montage is quick and sweet. I don't know what the music is ok but fitted well surprisenly Overall its a very good montage, the editing was exceptional and so was the game play good job
and of course... You put the clip of when you no scope me out of a ghost in...terrific... Anyways I like your little montage/trailer thing really cool intro where you start off with that shuffle of clips.
Look pretty awesome so far. I know nothing of video editing, though, so those parts look fine to me. You've got yourself some good sniping skills there, bud. Let me know when the whole thing is out. I'll give a more in-depth review then.
Yah well.. looks very nice, I think. Good aligning of the action with the music. I can't find much to criticize, othre than the tint, like everyone else. It really is distracting. Maybe it could start off tinted and then fade away?
I think the color tint would work maybe it it was a green ... but that is about it... I mean the yellow causes people to strain as they watch... I loved every thing else about it... can't wait to see the final work.
Either Matty has amazing luck, has WAY too much time on his hands, or is really really really skilled at video games... idk, but I've seen his vids ALL over the place.. wow they're epic and stuff, but it's almost too epic, know what I mean?