Debate Presidental election '08

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AllseeingEntity, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    ^ lol

    That's 3 million dollars a year, you realize that right? Are you just making stuff up as you go along? Or maybe you're doing this all intentionally to make us all laugh.

    I cannot come up with enough insults to your intelligence to properly express my opinion of you.
  2. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Hey, guys. I gotta question. I'm probably really late on this particular topic, but I wanted a bit of clarification.

    As per this heeyah page, Obama' s percentage of people receiving the tax break is decreasing. I'd like someone to explain, plex. Here's the bulk of the challenge....

    In an effort to make this post idiot-proof

    Please, understand that, if you're a defensive prick, I'd very much like you to not reply to my question. I don't want an argument. I want an explanation to help me learn. I am not challenging so much as I am seeking knowledge. If the guy got all these votes, then all these people must be understanding something I am not. I intend to find out what that is.

    I'd like to thank RadiantRain for successfully nullifying 90% of the work done by amazing women (such as: Mother Theresa, Martha Washington, Emily Dickinson, and Mary, mother of Jesus) to help the rest of the world acknowledge their gender as something more than inferior. Congratulations.

  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Typos!! It was a typos... I meant year!
  4. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Keep Reading

    The answers you are looking for are right in the link you provided.

    "this is how Obama's plan breaks down: People making less than $250,000 will not see their taxes increase, and people making less than $200,000 will receive some type of tax cut. And all of this is essentially reflected in the Tax Policy Center stats below."

    "the $150,000 figure Biden was citing was simply an example of what someone making that amount would get under Obama's tax plan. Indeed, Biden's $150,000 remark came after he referred to someone making $1.4 million."

    1. Your taxes will not increase unless making $250,000 or over
    2. You will receive a tax cut if you make under $200,000
    3. From $200,000 to $250,000 your taxes will remain the same
    4. Biden's comment was taken out of context. He was making a comparison between someone making 1.4 million with someone making $150,000.

    A typical republican strategy is to look for minor inconsistencies between statements and stamp it with the right wing phrase "flip-flopper", even if the candidate never wavered and the comments were taken out of context. Obama's tax plan is clearly stated on his website and has not changed throughout the election:

    Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Taxes
  5. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    1. I know what was said on the page, but that all looks like BS to me. I wanted an explanation from an intelligent person, not a re-statement of what I've already read.

    2. I thought my post was idiot-proof...
  6. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    If you read the facts on your own supported link and on Obama's website and still determine that it looks like BS to you, you are not capable of grasping the policy. You can insinuate that I am unintelligent or an idiot, as you did in your post, but I'm not the one that made it through the entire election without understanding where the candidates stand on income tax. Hopefully someone with a higher I.Q. than myself will be able to explain it to you.
  7. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    WAIT! Please, let me contest.

    "If you read the facts on your own supported link"

    I do not support the link. I've heard the bit about the dollar amount being stated differently, and this was a link I found to support that. The rest, I read, and honestly don't believe that person's excuse. While I'm capable of accepting a reasonable purpose for the mis-statement, I refuse to believe that particular page's excuse.

    "you are not capable of grasping the policy."

    You are not capable of SingTFU.

    "You can insinuate that I am unintelligent or an idiot"

    I did not insinuate. I blatantly stated. You are an idiot.

    "I'm not the one that made it through the entire election without understanding where the candidates stand"

    If this is true, then prove it. All you did was re-state that obvious bull from that page. "Oh, he didn't mean that. He meant this." I'm sorry, but no one of you individuals would've let a Republican candidate get away with that. You'd cry out insults for something so stupid. For that reason, I am assuming the best, and saying that the page's excuse is not consistent with the Democratic party's excuse.

    Hopefully someone with a higher I.Q. than myself will be able to explain it to you."

    Though, I highly doubt it. No one intelligent ever replies to my posts. For what reason, I haven't the foggiest. I open up a humble discussion piece, and I'm sadly left here wasting my time with you.
    *prepares for infraction* You are more useless than male nipples and plastic fruit.

    Don't believe that mikeisupa007 is an idiot? I'm leaving up my sig for this post. -Such a great example of his everlasting intellect.

    (changed sig- no longer applies, but leaving for the lulz)
    #447 dented_drum, Nov 9, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  8. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    What the heck Dented? You ask for someone to answer your question and reply to you without getting all hyper defensive and angry, and when someone does, you're the one who gets all defensive and angry? Not cool dude.

    You may not have a high opinion of Makisupa007, but if you were to look at his post objectively you would see that he did not post rudely or attack you. Instead, you're the one crossing the line and starting trouble, from what I see.

    And it's really not cool to say that no one intelligent ever responds to your posts. Not only is it rude, but very arrogant and presumptous as well. There was no reason for that.

    Edit: Oh, and that joke thread is not only completely irrelevant to this discussion, but I also don't see it as conclusive proof that he is an idiot. Perhaps he was joking himself, or perhaps he's a gullible type of person. That one post does not make him an idiot. Whatever you have against this guy, you need to work through it and keep it out of this thread.
  9. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I think what maki was trying to get across was that your source was an editorial, not a news piece. And it was obviously revised after it's release, and that the revisions seem to address exactly what you were curious about.

    Everyone in this debate is limited in what we are able to dig up on most of these topics. We don't get any more info than is available to all. In other words, we don't know anything at all about the Obama plan except what Obama has told everyone. Sure there's experts who can analyze it a little closer (Ben Stein, for example, is convinced the world's about to end).. but again, we're limited only to what they're telling us. It's not an intelligence thing, unless anyone on here is an expert economic analasist (which I am not).

    So all we can really do is throw sources around. I'm finding out that that's 90% of what anyone in the academic world ever does anyway.
  10. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    He wasn't talking about ALL of his posts, just the several posts concerning the issue he brought up earlier concerning the website, and he does have a point. No one who has replied to that has been very intelligent.

    Also, etc.

    Also, also.
  11. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I'm such a butthole...
    Dented, like it or not he is the president, so getting pissy over what his tax plan is makes no sense. He alleges he will lower taxes for some and raise them for others, as stated on his website. Whether he actually follows through with them or holds true to his word is another issue. While this is not grounded in fact I do believe he will keep his word. Their is no reasoning behind continuing this particular arguement. Perhaps it would be best to drop it.
  12. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Learning Is Fun

    You seem to go on tilt a little when I use words, so maybe some visual aids will help you learn.



    Wonder if you will be getting an Obama tax cut? Wonder no more. Link to Obama Tax Cut Calculator:

    Barack Obama and Joe Biden: Change We Need | Obama Tax Calculator

    Want to dive a little deeper? Link to Obama's Full Tax Plan:

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