But looking at the thread that got me the ban, it seems very fair. I mean, I had no idea of how much of a twat I was being. It was a counter-thread that I posted that got me the ban. Everyone was in denial about Gears of war 2 possibly being a good game. So I went on the Halo 3 forum (bad start :/) and tried to get some support for the game in my own thread. Then I got reported, and banned. 7 days. I'll be on this forum a bit more often then. And that probably means no Heroic Member for me
I only posted it because the Halo 3 forums were falling apart. There were loads of posts that should have been in the Flood, but weren't. Very aptlyh, I got banned, they didn't
LOL. That sucks, well..at least you know where you went wrong. I know how it feels to lose that hope for a Heroic Member. It sucks even more because, I Was a heroic for quite a long time, and then I made a thread about the Math in halo etc. and then I guess I got reported? (Lots of little kids on b.net, I guess don't understand math) and I got banned for forum games...I was like, "Wtf?" But yea, at least you know what you did wrong :lol:
unless it effects linking to the File share, i wouldnt care for B.net.... everyone knows B.net has too many noobs
I didn't think they were that stubborn as to shun every other game on the 360. I at least look at other games without blinding myself with fire and recite the Halo 3 oath.
Erm, I don't want to spoil your fun, but you do know, that most people that have Heroic Member, have it because of some glitches and problems they had? I used to be a Heroic Member, and I barely even had any posts. I can't find the page now, but I remember reading several times about it being equal to nothing. And why are you sad you got banned from the b.net board? Is being away from tens of thousands of 11 yr olds bad? At least most people on ForgeHub use their brains...
You quoted me, and I'm not sure what in your post was directed to me..but I'm just gunna say, I don't care about the Bungie.net forums either. All those little kids are ridiculous. You make a post in a wrong forum, and they swarm you with "Wrong Forem Noobe!" or "itz calld a serch bar" It's just crazy.. But yea, Id rather go on FH than Bnet Any day :happy:
I see what you mean. I don't know why I would be bothered about being banned. It's just annoying that I'm called a troll for trying to reason with stubborn 11 year olds.
lol, you gotta think before you do. y'know? epic fail ^^ i've never been banned from ANYTHING!!!!!! oh wait, except for club penguin, lol hacking that game is just too much fun... lol
Same here it is no biggie for me now. But I usually do stuff I know I am going to get banned for. lol
Flaming, joking about 11/9, swearing, bringing up religious topics, insulting other members, creating other accounts to break the rules.