Yeah and then soon enough jumping will kill you, walking into a 'hiding spot' will kill you and so forth. I think they should just leave the god damn game the way it is.
Either way, any serious Halo players can easily overcome the hiders by doing some simple things: -Go to YouTube and look up "Halo 3 Hiding". Learn what and how they are doing these tricks so you can stop them. -People who have or regularly hide in your games, have them blacklisted as avoided players on your account. These are easy steps to reducing the problem without whining to Bungie who probably more than knows that people do it.
No, they are using a part of the game and taking it to their advantage. Getting out of the map or doing a glitch is cheating.
Part of the game. You stated it there. I believe cheating in Halo refers to actually modifying your xbox and such. How is using the map to their advantage, actually let me restae that. How is it cheating when their using bungie's map. Its Bungie's fault, not ours.
the only reason so many people hate HLG is because they have never tried, yes, being HLGed is annoying, but trust me, actually, watching everyone walk past you, unamare, is got to be the funniest thing EVER
It's no one's fault. A glitch in the system is found and if it becomes a problem that big enough, corrections will be made. I think a new debate should be started: "Are HLG's serious gamers, and well skilled gamers, or are they lacking skill, and show this fear by hiding. and, is out-of-map hiding cheap, and a tactic that should be avoided?" a decision it seems has been made: no, its not cheating, but it's not fair. in fact, i just started one ^_^: hiding tactic debate
I think they just do it to mess with you. I know for sure that they are good gamers, but they have fun messing with you.
Explain how they are not playing the game? The are on halo 3, in the same game as you, you just can't see them. It really iritates me when people say its cheating, when it blatenetly is not. They are just annoyed because they have had it done to them before. Its cheap, but it is not cheating. End of.