How do I make the screenshot effect like the one in these screenshots: id=57833040 id=57573279 Also, if anyone knows how to make the colors (gold and light blue) like the ones in those screen shots, I'd love that info too! Thanks in advance!
hello and welcome to forge hub! Were glad to have you hear but you need to learn how to embed your pictures! I have taken the liberty and helped you out, you owe me Find how to here! This will be the only time i will help you Oh and i believe these are probably on cold storage or foundry. Lay your weapons down how you want it, Then creat an explosion behind it. Mess arround with it for a bit and you should get the effect =]
Holy **** that ****ing awesome. (pardon my language) I know you used guns but thats just crazy how you did that. It doesn't even look like you made it in Halo, though you did.
its on Avalanche in the middle where the lifts are there is a part on the floor you'll notice you can do it there
Cool, thanks, I think I found where you're talking about. So once I have my weapons placed, what do I do to make the whole effect? All the places where there are weapons need to appear transparent, how do I achieve that?
it usually happens due to a frequently occurring glitch in halo3. If you explode something behind and object, it turns see threw for a fraction of a second. It is very very hard to get pictures like this, because you have to find that one camera spot. Hopefully this helped? if not i CAN give a better description =D iCrank brings up a good point. It is allot easier to see the effect with an active camo present. That is haw the get the heavenly hog effect. Also try spelling out watever you want in front of a energy blocker and mess around with it.
Oh, awesome, I think I've figured out the whole transparency thing now. Does anyone know what explosion combos would make the backgrounds gold and light blue like those pictures?
dude just try stuff... shoot rocks and crap like that with different stuff like a re gen and try adding different map effects too...
rocks, plasmas, splazers, sentinel beams. any weapon bassicall. energy shields, energy blockers, etc. Just go crazy experimenting with it =D
ummm ive done this before, energy blockers will do absolutley all... also there are many see-through effects so you should go strait to heavonly hog, its done by arranging the weapons in a good fasion on the darker panel next to Avalunche's spartan lasor spawn and then make and explotion, Preferably plasma or alien explotion, and go into and look at your weapons you should see a resembalance to those pictures. If this is to hard to follow im sorry.
That is a really cool effect. I can't believe people figure out how to do some of these crazy effects. Then again there are people here that spend 100 hours on their maps lol.
Where do you take this at? I went into forge on Avalanche for like an hour trying to find it. And if you do find it. and its on the ground. How do you make an explotion Behind it? go under ground?!? Awesome screenshots Btw. Best ive ever seen with weapons!
I figured out how o do this! Lol finnally, its not the best of these types of pictures, but its mine =] and my first one so dont be hatin. if you need help ask me.
Damn, how did you get so perfect, when ever i try i eithor cant get a good angle or my design gets blown away.
I just made a wall float level to the spot were you make stuff explode, and i threw a power drain, then i jus (in theature) went to the right wall kinda =]