Breakdown of Map On my new map, B.E.T.A., I've added a Sniper Tower, some teleporters (nodes), Covenant and UNSC Vehicles/Weapons, hidden weapons, some man cannons and more! The map is set up for CTF, Team CTF, FFA Slayer or Team Slayer. It also works with Infection but I wouldn't recommend it due to the open space for the vehicles, it would make it way to easy for the zombies. I would've added more stuff but I ran out of money . I tried to use the Ultimate Budget Glitch and even a map with the Glitch Already PRE-Made, but it wouldn't work. I spent about 2 and a half hours working on this map trying to get rid of all the crooked boxes/walls and good ideas. It didn't turn out that great with some of the walls as you can see if you download the map. Pictures Here are the pictures for the map: Main Warthog The Chopper 'System' The Gauss Warthog Main Foyer Please Download, Comment, then Rate my map in those orders . I'm sure this is MUCH better than my attempt at Beldrum Storage. I took in the advice that people gave me for Beldrum Storage and came up with this idea. Have fun playing B.E.T.A. Click Me to download B.E.T.A.
The map looks alittle too open but seeing how you have alot of vehicles than its ok.The only thing i don't like is that you shouldn't have too many shield doors because with all the vehicles.Pretty nice though with what you got. @
I cant tell if that wall of boxes is a way to keep people in because if it is then it wont work. I would suggest using actual walls and make the wall as high as possible. And for the rest of the map you said that you ran out of money and that the budget glitch didnt work. Did you delete stuff while the glitch was still working because deleting things breaks the budget glitch. And also vehicles take up alot of the bugdet. You also could try doing so interlocking and maybe some geomerging. just go to the forging 101 section they have guides on doing the interlocking and geomerging
I like how you put vehicles in your map. To make your map better you should flip over the bridges and boxes because its smoother and looks better. You should have some merging in you map. It may take a while but in the end it is worth it.Your map seems a little too open for me.
The wall of boxes isn't meant to keep people out. It's just meant to make it a little bit harder for some of the Game Types As in CTF and Slayer. And I forgot to put that it works with Infection too. And the Budget Glitched map I got straight from ForgeHUB. It said there was no items but it was still glitched. It didn't work so I just added that. And the space also helps because of the vehicles and I have some screens in the air so that the chopper has an okay way to get down instead of crashing into the wall. And extreme 96, it's open for the vehicles and I do have merging on the sniper tower.
That bugdet glitch acts differently then the old ones. You dont loose all of your budget with the first spawned item. And you should do interlocking throughout the entire map. It makes it much smoother and it looks better too. Also did you count the budget by hand because it can still be in affect but since you deleted items you can spawn any more things
While your Forging doesn't seem that bad, I noticed a few things. You've got no interlocking; now, of course, that's not required, but there are a few places where interlocking would benefit this map, like where you've got the bridge. Secondly, because there is no interlocking, it feels very, very boxy. Everything feels separated into squares. If you were going for that, that's fine...but I don't know if that's what you were aiming at. Thirdly, it appears rather unoriginal. It's not bad, don't get me wrong; but I don't see anything here that I couldn't get on a hundred other maps. Next time you Forge (and, please, keep Forging!), try to come up with an original idea first, and then mold your map based on that concept.
Firstly, Thanks for the CC. Sage, it wouldn't let me spawn anything more on my Xbox and I tried. It said, "Cannot Spawn. Too Many" or something. I did the instructions and it still wouldn't work. Lance, I wasn't going for that Interlocking thing, I was trying to make it seem all together but I don't know how to Interlock so I'll take a look at that. And you must remember, this is my first real map o.o. EDIT: Oops. I mixed up Merging and Interlocking. I did interlock in this map. On the Sniper Tower, I have it interlocked between two Double Boxes.
Forgive me for coming across as derogatory. Compared to my first map, this is glorious! For a first creation, this is really quite impressive and thought-out, which is why I encourage you to continue Forging!
No problem, but thanks for the CC. And if I couldn't get that Edit in time for you to read, I did Interlock in this map. I messed up Merging and Interlocking. I interlocked two Double Boxes of the Sniper Tower. I thought that was merging though and Now I know the difference. P.S. Nice big word . (derogatory)
Yeah this is very good for a first map but maybe try a little more interlocking and maybe some geomerging in your next map. It seems very clumped to gether and by that i mean that there are very close and then very open areas. This is nice to have such as in Last Resort and High Ground but you might want to put in some more cover. This is still a good map and i look forward to seeing some of your maps in the future.
Thank you for the CC. Speaking of my future maps, I am making one right now. I can't give much details on it since that'll ruin the surprise .
This looks well constructed but I can offer some advice. 1. The map is far too open even for vehicles. Really foundry was built for ghosts as vehicles and pretty much just them. Warthogs are sometimes OK, but in my opinion, the choppers don't work so well. The primary killer of the open maps is a lack of cover. You have a sniper tower, so the sniper will have huge areas to shoot people at, while they run halfway across the map for cover. To solve this issue, try to add some open boxes or other things in the open spaces that people can use for cover. 2. Get rid of the chopper and those floating shields. If you want to keep the chopper, then just place it on the ground and delete those shields and the teleporters. 3. Remove the sniper tower, or make it lower to the ground. Or add lots more cover. 4. Experiment where you can interlock more. Practice interlocking and then try to merge some objects that are leaning on each other like walls and boxes. If you need help practicing, send me a friend request on XBOX live. My gamertag is jelly533. Just send me a message when you need help.
It's Okay I could've used more geomerging, and since there are vehicles, mayble less shield doors. I think that the map has a few desirable features, but what really makes the map not-so-good is all of the open space. Add some wire spools or crates, or anything else to provide cover. Also, people who are wanting to not die will try do grenade jump the boxes, so in your v2, add another layer of double boxes. Aside from all of this, it looks like it might be O.K.. I would give it a 3/5.
Thanks for the CC and Jelleh, I'll add you. I'm working on a new map right now and I have been all day by looking at tutorials and etc. I could use some help . Only one problem, I don't have an XBL Mic... Do you have AIM or something Jelleh?
didn't seem tooo bad but obviously not the best map I've ever seen...why is there a chopper on top pf a sniper interlocks(not need but would help alot with the smoothnesss.2/5
You're wrong. Interlocking is on the Sniper Tower, two Double Boxes are interlocked there. And it's not exactly a Sniper Tower, it's a place that just happens to be above ground with a sniper rifle on it.
Hi, not bad for a simply map, try interlocking the boxes for a smoother feel and perhaps filling some space with objects.