
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DimmestBread, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Created by dimmestbread

    Low ground with weapons and high ground with no weapons. Can you control both?


    Alpine – very high; elevated

    Number of players: 4 – 10

    Supports all gametypes

    This is one of my first competitive maps that I have made. The original design of this map was made back about a week after foundry was released. The map had no interlocking and was very bumpy, but we kept playing the map because it had amazing gameplay. I have now recreated the map using more advanced techniques and added my knowledge of lines of sight and good gamplay to where they were needed and I feel I have made a great competitive map.

    Layout and Structure:
    Alpine is a path symmetrical map. This means that the thought of it is symmetrical, but the layout is asymmetrical. This map however, is a bit more asymmetrical than normal path symmetrical maps. All structures in the map are balanced for each side. On one side, there is a very large structure against the wall leading up to a tower. There is a tunnel underneath this large structure and there are several ways onto it. In between the tower and the middle structure is open space, sort of on the other side, there is a tower where there is open space on the other side and there is open space where there is a structure on the other side, sort of. There is one way onto this tower. There is a large centerpiece that goes to the roof of foundry. There is a tunnel underneath it, and a second level to it that is a center of movement. There is a middle tower, close to the bases. There are two ways to get on top of it, and has pretty good lines of sight, but people can easily spawn behind you. Finally, there are the bases where the normal bases of foundry are. There is moderate cover in the bases, not a lot, but not too much. Some weapons utilize the symmetry option due to one sided games.

    This is where I take partial pride in my map. I will say first, 5v5 is where you will start to see some spawn killing issues, and anything above that is overkill. I believe that I have captured very good gameplay in this map. Your first thought is, why are the bases made out of dumpsters. My reply is I made them that way so it is easy to get out of the base from anywhere in it, and it gives cover at the same time. There is a combination of high ground and low ground. There are many lines of sight, including some short range lines of sight, some long range, and much medium range. The weapons have been carefully placed and their spawn times and spare clips have been modified to make gameplay as enjoyable as possible. There is a pretty large variety of weapons. This map flows very well, allowing many ways to get into each area, and many angles to take down every area. The high ground has advantages because you are high up, but there aren’t many weapons at all. The low ground has advantages because the majority of the weapons are there, but you won’t have a larger view of the map. Weapons, grenades, and equipment have been carefully placed to allow every part of the map to have a purpose. Also, so parts of the map have more purpose in different gametypes, which you will find out if you play it. To win on this map, you have to be able to control the entire map, not just one part.

    Spawns and Aesthetics:
    This is where I take the other part of my pride in this map, the spawns. I had to go through about 15 games until I could get every spawn on the map to work perfectly. This map has as good of spawns as possible, working 99% of the time. We encountered little to no spawn killing when we played 5 games to make sure there was none. I think there was only one instance where there was spawn killing and it ended quickly. Another thing in my map is aesthetics, which I usually don’t incorporate into my maps. I wouldn’t say they are the best, but they are definitely not the worst. I was careful and took my time to ensure that everything was straight and everything was interlocked with very little and unnoticeable bump. Everything is as neat and tidy as it is going to get. I also made sure that the map was pleasing to the eyes. When you were playing

    11 Battle Rifle 10 sec respawn
    3 Covenant Carbine 30 sec respawn
    3 Sniper Rifle 150 sec respawn
    1 asymmetrical
    1 symmetrical
    1 both
    2 SMG 30 sec respawn
    2 Brute Spiker 30 sec respawn
    2 Magnum 30 sec respawn
    1 Plasma Rifle 30 sec respawn
    1 Needler 45 sec respawn
    1 Brute Shot 90 sec respawn
    1 Rocket Launcher 150 sec respawn 0 spare clips
    3 Mauler 120 sec respawn
    1 symmetrical
    1 asymmetrical
    1 both

    Recommended gametypes and number of players:
    - Team king
    - Team slayer
    - One flag
    Those are the best gametypes to play on this map. In order of what I think is the best of the three, one flag is the best, followed by team slayer, and then team king. The recommended number of players is either 3v3 or 4v4.

    Overview shots:

    Overview of the middle.

    The middle tower.

    Overview of the base.

    View of looking out of the base.

    The large tower.

    Tunnel and view of ground space next to the large tower.

    The small tower and the space around the outside of it.

    The space in-between the small tower and the middle.

    Action shots:

    Returning the flag.

    Chaos in the hill.

    Red team holds the hill.

    Ambush… except he was looking at me.

    Attack to gain back the hill.

    Battle for the flag.

    Sneaking up the tower.

    Flushing out the campers in the base.

    Fight for control of the top.

    I want to say thanks to every person who tested this map with me. There are a lot of you and I can’t remember everybody and I lost the list that I wrote everybody’s name down on, so If you tell me you helped, I will add you to the list. Please download, rate, and comment. Tell me what is good and bad about the map, and you’re other opinions of it as well.
    Well heres the download link again if you missed it at the top.

    Download Alpine Here

    The testers:
    more to come...
    #1 DimmestBread, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2008
  2. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    Hey,i remember testing this map with you.I have to send you a friend request.Back to the map,the gameplay was very smooth and it was very fun to play on.The objects are nicely interlocked and i never complained.I can see my dead body on the stairs,lolol
  3. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    The gameplay looks like it could be very good, although maybe a little open at some times. YOu could improve a little on the aesthetics, even the interlocking is great at points. (I dont understand why you have a shield door right behind a fence wall???? But, anyway good map, looks like u put a lot of work in it and if u r testing another, hit me up
    Gamertag - KillerK MSU (EXcactly like that)
  4. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    its somewhat interlocked into the fence wall, and I can't improve aesthetics because my budget is 2 and i can only place 2 more items.
  5. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    I can say that I like the layout, the gameplay, and the actual map. The thing I do not like is the lack of forging techniques put into this map! You are an asker, you should know the + and - of a map, merging of any kind is always a +! I would suggest this for cleaner maps! I really like the long description you have put into this post! It overall looks like some more thought was put into the post than the map's forged parts!

  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Also, being an askar means I know that gameplay makes a map, not the forge techniques put into it.
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    oh yeah i think this is the map that i saw you forging that one time, except with more stuff i guess.
    but yeah i guess i have to play it to know more about it....
    i like all of the objects and scenery you added, and im sure the gameplay is good ;]
  8. MovingTarget602

    MovingTarget602 Ancient
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    I remember testing this with you the other day, the layout is superb and the flow of gameplay is unhindered. Although, the needler seemed a bit overpowered in objective, but all in all a fabulous map.
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks and the needler used to be on a 20 second respawn and I realized it was too powerful so I changed it to 45 seconds.
  10. Boston

    Boston Ancient
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    This map looks very unique. I like the concept of weapons on the bottom level while none are on the upper levels. It gives players incentives to go towards the bottom levels of the map rather than camp up top. Looks like it has smooth game play as long as a party of 6 are present. You got my download! 4/5!

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