
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Nov 8, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great


    Senior Member

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    Created By: PonyD

    Gametypes Supported: CTF, Slayer, Assault, Oddball

    Recommended Players: 4-8

    PonyD's latest creation truly takes the Foundry Urban feel to another level, multiple levels, in fact. With varying vertical playspaces, Submission shines in its combination of close and mid-range combat while maintaining pristine weapon balance. PonyD's Boarding Pass, a multi-flag game variant designed specifically for Submission, keeps gameplay fresh and enhances an already stellar map.

    Submission boasts a brilliantly forged, elaborate underground subway system, which serves as the map's trademark and a great route for flag carriers in the heat of battle. Beware of the subway though, as one false jump and you could end up being mince meat. Both a marvel to look at and a blast to play, Submission will have you coming back for more every time.

  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    now i can tell that is the best map ive ever seen its perfect i love the idea of the train 10/10
    forgehub just keeps on improving it is just great
    it must of taken like 30 hours to make this
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Sweet, this got featured. At 1st I wasnt quite sure if I would download this because....I don't know, I just cant see much of the map. But now, since its featured, I'll be sure to give it a shot. Nice interlocking on the map and congrats on the feature man!
  4. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    I remember playing this map, it was pretty cool. The subway system is just Genius!

    But the idea of having 2 warthogs beside each other isn't that smart...........

    Great job, and gratz on the feature!

    Senior Member

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    If I remember correctly, the Warthogs never respawn. So once they are gone, they are gone. Not a balance issue what-so-ever.
  6. Furry

    Furry Guest

    With the Boarding Pass gametype variant, you cannot enter any part of the warthog. In Team Slayer You can operate the Warthogs, which can be very strategic depending on where you put it, but you can't really camp the turret. No, you cannot drive the warthogs in the subway system, we've already tried, there is a little hand rail preventing that.

    Thats kind of you stereotyping other people's maps. Sometimes the staff looks over or cannot download some of the maps. A map is only great to what extent you think it is. Halo 3 is customizable to fit your needs. Who's to say that a non-interlocked map can't be fun? A feature does not depict a map's gameplay, Personal experience with a map depicts it. Looks can be decieving.

    Correct. Anyways, it is a small map, suitable for small teams. There is more than enough in the weapn set given to take out the warthogs. There's a power drain, a regenerator, snipers, a shotgun, maulers and everything else that balances the map. For some odd reason, because of the geometry most-likely, it plays well with the symmetrically set up weapon set.

    Not to mention you can actually melee people through the windows, not jump through them, but melee. Ask Pony, he has personal experience from that kind of situation.
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    epic ths got featured, the subway is amazing and the map just is.
    3 pics for a feature thread is a little short dont you think tho, h wellill go check the original thread after.
    4/5 because the subway is beast
  8. CD Shot 47

    CD Shot 47 Ancient
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    amazing. i cant believe how good the screenshots look! :D. it is a very neat map with what looks to be, some amazing gameplay. cant wait to test this out.
  9. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    haha, sweet, i knew this map would get featured, super original, and a somewhat urban feel to it.

    and that some pretty awesome train
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Right. So I dl'd version 2 and was quite surprised that this map is featured. I'm not trying to be a jerk about anything, but I saw several things that bothered me, For instance, I thought the interlocking could have been better (some places were really rough, such as atop the merged stairs coming up from the newstand). Also, where the grav lift takes you up to that next level: one side is done quite well, you go up, hit the box above the level and fall squarely down on the floor of the level; but on the other side you hit the box and fall back down to the lift, because the floor of that level does not extend past the box, making it really tough to land on it. The train is original, and I like the way you made it, but there are too many problems with the map objects for me to believe that this map is worthy of a feature. 4/10
  11. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    that is awesome, normally traps are only for infection games, but you, you are brilliant! you use it as an automatic defense for each team's flag! amazing use o'foundry! and somehow, seems impossible, you made a raised level that is smooth and you can drive on. I officially worship you Pony D!
    #11 BatteryIncluded, Nov 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  12. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    The subway station is what first got my attention. But then I saw the rest of the map, and it was equally impressive as are the other maps by PonyD. The subway station and the entrances closely resemble those in real life and of course in Grand Theft Auto IV. And it's a great capture the flag map as well.
  13. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    I loved the starting two. This map has such balanced gameplay and good looks.
  14. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    This is the absolute BEST map i have everplayed! it inspired me to make a map called subway station. If this map was also only avalible to bungie employees id rather have it than recon!
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I never expected this to get featured. It is very well made though. Looked like it would be fun. I never actually played a game.
  16. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    This map truly captures the feeling that this is a Subway station in an Urban environment, which makes the wire spool train actually feel like a train going by and that makes this map truly unique. Congratulations on the feature, PonyD, I'm a bit skeptical about my latest creation now seeing as how it's a train map like this and probably wont turn out nearly as good as this, but great job none the less!
  17. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    I can't believe this map passed under my radar.I usually know all the featured maps but this i've never heard of.As for the map,it looks very clever.It actually does look like a subway because i would know...i live in NYC, lol
  18. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    This is probably one of the best aesthetic maps in a long time. I am very impressed with the aesthetics and the other original features you put into the map. A great feature.

    Nice job Pony!
  19. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    I liked this map.

    It is definitly worth the feature and it is super fell forged. The train idea is really good. The only things is that the train idea was also used on Blood Fires S7 line so i cant say its original

    PonyD happy premium
  20. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Well how about that. featured Thanks fellas for your feedback and support.

    ShaddoBlade and Furry, guys how about ending your conversation. This is not a thread to talk about your feelings, use PMs, IMs, or Visitor Messages... the Featured Forum is for your feedback on the map being featured. So Stop.

    [can a Staff member please step in and Moderate the chatter]

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    BatteryIncluded: LIGHTSOUT225 is not the creator of Submission, just the man kind enough to discover it and write up a nice review for everyone to enjoy.

    Thanks LIGHTOUT,

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    WARTHOGS: they are on a NO RESPAWN so they can be destroyed at anytime. There is no highground or choke point... so it is a balanced map all around, play a game on it once in a while and youll better understand what Im talking about.. a simple walkthrough in a custom match or in Forge will not do it any justice.

    AESTHETICS: are you guys serious? ohh my gosh, a fence wall is a little slanted... no map is perfect people, everything has its little flaws.. If your that anal about a map, then do us all a favor and create your own map for once and show the Halo3 Community what a perfect map should look like, otherwise drop the negative chatter. You are entitled to your opinion, this is true... but to those members who have around 30 posts or less and have no Threads of your own, do not by any means enter another members thread and all of a sudden believe your feelings about someone elses map is worth being written, keep it to yourself.

    GRAV LIFTS: this is facts about the grav lifts, they are not there to help you get to the second floor... they are to be used to help you get to the Bridge Platform after it Spawns. I only put them on the map for an Aesthetic look, kind of a water fountain look. The trick to the fountains is simple, go up them at an angle and youll be able to make it to the bridge, also if you toss a plasma grenade between the Garbage Dumpster and the Fountain.. it will destroy the grav lift long enough to let you jump in it and hide. Do not base this map on a Grav Lift and a Sign that are a little off.

    please, have fun... enjoy the perks of Halo3 and its gaming community, because where else can you go and grab a new map everyday for free? all ya have to do is look around and click a button to play it. [cough cough, FarCry2] anyway... I have enjoyed being apart of the ForgeHub community for some time now, the same goes for GoO, but lets all be positive and just have fun.

    Thanks again,


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