On this map I’ve built a couple tripods. There’s one Two Three of these guys. Each Tripod overlooks a territory. As defender, you’ll assume position inside the headpiece of a tripod and use the weapons within to fight off anyone who attempts to take the nearby territory. There are a total of four territories, one next to each of the three Tripods, and one inside the base of the communications tower. The communications tower links the three tripods together. Inside of each tripod are teleporters leading to and from the com tower. Upon entering the com tower you’ll receive a grav lift. Once inside the tower you’ll see three teleporters hanging high up against the wall, these lead to the three tripods. When a certain territory is threatened, simply lay the grav lift and then boost up into the corresponding tripod teleporter. I’ve positioned the teleporters in such a way that it should be easy to tell where each one leads. The two teleporters on the front wall take the defender to the two tripods on the sunny side of the map, the teleporter on the left wall takes you to the single tripod on the shady side of the Avalanche. The two teleporters right next to each other, touching the same corner, lead to the two Tripods furthest away from the cliff. -Important- Be considerate of your team and lay your teleporter as soon as possible. Don’t hold onto it, if you do you’ll increase the respawn time of the grav lift and it may not be available to teammates as they enter the com tower. As a defender, you’ll need to pay close attention to your com tower territory. Allowing attackers to seize the territory disables the com tower, severing the link between each tripod. If this happens, you’ll be forced to walk from one territory to another, significantly decreasing the efficiency of your efforts to defend the territories. Don’t lose the com tower, dog. I’ve used some color filters to make the com tower look more dynamic. But if the filters interfere with gameplay and you want to remove them, they can be found at the top of the com tower. Map: Com Tower Gametype: Tripod Terrain
I am scared to comment on this map! The tripods are at my front door! O.k this looks pretty dam amazing! Now I like the tripods a little do they have snipers in them? The communication tower thing is an amazing forge and even better idea. The geo-merging is wonderful! I would like to know if the bases the main ones are blocked off. Now this post is a bit lacking of an overall description. now you have the skills, but for a person of status like you I expected a lot more! I would like to know how long the territories need to be captured, what weapons are in the tripods and what else is in the tower. But, really you are a premium, people need an example, and you are not setting one! Also you have a typo I think in the second para of the last ***** of description! -Irish
Cool, the com tower looks like a Halo 2 fusion coil. First post =] (EDIT: or not...) You like making maps like this on Avalanche, don't you? What inspired you, War of the Worlds? I hope it balances it out...
Great map dude, glad you've come back I guess, never seen you as active lol. I want to say firstly, amazing idea. Very original, never been done before to use towers with a single linking all of them, and the use of territories is amazing in this. I hope to see more of these maps from you, and to tell you the truth, this may actually IMHO belong in the competitive map section, no joke. I see many satisfying games to be played on this. Amazed....seriously, that's what I am. I just saw that how if you lose the com tower, you have to walk to each tripod to defend. Simply ingenious usage right there man. Would you mind putting up the custom settings for the gametype? That might interest some people, as it interests me right now.....how did you do what you did and make it so epic?
Well at first whe i viewed this i thought it was a little nooby with tripods; but the more I looked the more I noticed how well made everything is. The interlocking everywhere is clean and the gametypes seem well thoughtout. I'm not a fan of teleporters, but that's only me. Absolutely nothing against thmap. thetelecommunications tower is a fantastic feature. That ast picture of it just looks so cool. I can't wait to get a game in on this
wow two in one day that r both EPIC... that tower is a sweet layout... i nvr have noticed the yellow stripes on the ramps... (assuming u didnt spent the time to put energy blockers there) nice comb... is it hard for the ppl in the tower to get ppl behind boxes... so i take it what they have to do is make it to the boxes doging the slowly paced fuel rod cannon... a weapon list of what the attackers and def. have would help and possible a sheild door to bounce nades off if they're behind the boxes but i havent seen gameplay yet so thos r just suggestions
No snipers on the map. Originally I did have some on here, but because of how open the map is, and because the players are forced into specific areas of the map, I decided that snipers would just be too frustrating. I kept a single sniper and a single spartan laser on the map, so if you decide you'd like to play with those guns feel free to add them. The territory capture times haven't been changed, they're still set to default. Each Tripod has inside of it one Machine Gun Turret, a Fuel Rod Gun, a Sentinel Beam, two incendiary grenades, and two Plasma Pistols. Inside the tower is a single Rocket Launcher. In the future, I'll try to be more descriptive with my opening post. And I'll do my best to find that typo. When the defenders lose a territory they lose the ability to pick up weapons/items. Which means when they entered a captured Com Tower, they can no longer pick up the grav lift inside. That's how it works. Specifics about the gametype; Start with a battle rifle but no grenades, and defenders lose the ability to pick up weapons in a territory once they lose it. I think that's it. Yeah, I wasn't sure about the tripods myself. But I really didn't want floating ships on this map, I desperately wanted something attached to the ground somehow. And if you do play games on here, let me know how it goes, even if you didn't like it. I didn't have time to playtest this a whole lot so any feedback is appreciated. This goes for anyone who plays on this map. Thanks.
Wow.this map is so beast.The geomerging is sick and your creativity is mind blowing.This map kind of reminds me of epic center but alot better and a fresher version.Nice work
i thought the tripod tower was epic...you should try to build a map simply off of that with king and the king would spawn in the middle or tower of terror or whatever its called lol
I started looking at this map before I read who made it and I said to myslef "This looks like something BattyMan would make!" Sure it enough, it was you. This really reminds me of your UFO map but I think this one might be better. I can't wait to play it and I absolutely love the idea. I'm glad you broke the chain of creating ship-type maps on Avalanche. The com tower looks really cool with the filter, too. 5/5 and a definate download. Keep up the amazing work!
Haha, this looks very fun and the tripods + the tower look like they are well built. Love to see a well forged Non-Foundry map as well.
I like how this map takes the UFO idea and expands on it. It's cool how you have to primarily defend the com tower. I'll try to get back to you with a gameplay review, but everyone I know is playing Gears of War 2. Maybe you could find out how to make the boxes one color, so you could make each tripod one of the three colors. It's just a little aesthetic thing, nothing really necessary. Good map nonetheless.
after a game of this the gameplay wasnt that great the map looks awsome though.It's just every round the tripods were too overpowering or the attackers would just rush the com tower straight away to force everyone out of the tripods any suggestions to defend the com tower withougt leaving your base.
This is one of your best maps yet! I like the style of it. 3 big towers guarding territories. Reminds me of you Ride the Mech map (downloaded). I like the communications tower. That must have taken forever. I like the aesthetics, and the gameplay sounds awesome. 5/5
I played this the other day, and it seemed fun, but the grav lifts rarely spawned, so we could only get into one tower every 30 or so seconds as the defenders. you might want to fix that, and also, it was hard for the people who were playing with us for them to know what to do. They just ran to the territories to defend them.
Great Map. Can't wait to play it with my friends on XBL. 5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5//5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4.
I'm sure epic center has better gameplay, and is better forged too, but my map wins out in the "who has more tripods" category (3 vs 0, better luck next time Matty) Also thanks for noticing the geomerging, I'm really proud of the tower's base. Thank you, I'm glad to hear I have my own style. And yeah, getting away from floating ships was important to me. Thanks for saying the map looks good, that's mostly what I was going for. The gametype is a little shaky, I'll fully admit that, but I like the idea of having one main territory linking together all the others. This map was a good way to test that game, to see what problems might pop up when (if) I make a more competative version of this. You probably had one person on your team holding onto the lift. If someone doesn't lay thier lift it'll prevent other lifts from spawning.
That happened to my party... not the most fun of times for us. I still loved playing on the map though especially fighting over the first territory. It's proabably the hardest fight for both teams.
This is why you got premium. I just checked over your maps again to see what the past was like, and they're amazing. I remember when they were released and i thought they were pretty cool i just never got around to playing them because frankly my friends just screw around. Hopefully this will be in TGIF, and if its not i may just host a night for your territory games anyway. Back on topic i like how you set everything up, and i am still confused as to how you think of these ideas but they never seem to slow you down. I like the central tower a lot, it looks cool with its black figure and glowish look. I read the description, and this may have been answered but..What stops the one team (attackers) from entering the control tower and killing the defenders in the tripods while their other teammates capture the flags? Lastly, the interlocking is really clean, nothing major or extreme hard, but you used a "AZN FTW" Tip, when he said interlocking, geomerging, and all that is just hard work, what really matters is gameplay. And i think you did a great job, i'll notify you about the TGIF thing if it happens.
Thanks. Honestly I'm not entirely happy with the grav lift system. I originally intended to put a instant spawn custom power up in the tower, not a grav lift. A powerup that would give the player a lower gravity. But as it turns out, turning off the players ability to pick up weapons/equipment doesn't extend over to powerups, despite being classified as equipment. So, you know, the defenders lose the territory, can't pick stuff up, but still get the powerups for some reason, allowing them to jump into the high-up teleporters. I actually built the entire map before I learned this. Thanks for all that, I really appreciate the praise. Like I said earlier, the actual gameplay itself is admittedly a little shaky. But it's definitely a very different kind of map, and I enjoyed the couple of games I played on it. So if novelty is what your after, I'm sure you'll enjoy what the map has to offer. About your question though. The attackers cannot enter the tower because the only way into the tower is through the tripods. The only to get into a tripod is to either teleport to one from the tower or to spawn inside of one.