DOWNLOAD LINK- : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details MLG Opaque is my second mlg map. This map includes neat geomerging, merging and placements. The map is symetrical. Weapon placemetn- battle rifles, carbines, stickys, and frags. There is an a side and b side recognized by the A/B signs. Game play is best with team slayer and ctf. This map meets mlg requirments. slayer spawns are asymetric. Some screen shots- Action shots- PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS RATE AND DOWNLOAD, I KNOW YOULL LIKE IT AND HERES THE DOWNLOAD LINK AGAIN -
Looks ok from the pics, the interlocking looks smooth and the geomerged single box open looks cool. But the 2 base design is getting old, no offence (i do it in my maps Lol). Overall 4.5 / 5
I like the way this map looks. I personally prefer the open-space in this map over close-combat maps. I think this map would be very fun to play. The interlocking and geo-merging looks insanely clean and efficient. The map looks over-all balanced and greatly usefull in a team slayer match. One question. Does the map only support team slayer? Looks fun and usefull in a stratiegic manner. I will download and play with my friends. This map also looks like it could be made by the same person who made the real MLG maps on matchmaking. Same design: Two basses, a side passage on either side, and a structure in the middle. I will tell you that It is ok to make your own style of placement and gameplay issues. Other than that looks good.
I disigree I have to say i prefer smaller closd in maps and i enjoyed this one alot.But i do agree in it was done very clean and balanced it was easy to get through stuff in the sence it wasn't sloppy. I also would like to know does it support other game types cause in a map like this one some people will want to play free for all and maybe flag game types.Over all i give it a 9/10.
in reply to some comments this map does support team slayer, ffa, oddball, 2 flag ctf. Thank you for all your comments and i hope you enjoy, oh and person who only said like one sentence dont do that thats just stupid >.<
1. You spelled disagree wrong 2. How can you disagree with MY personal preferences? Possible? I think not! 3. WOW.
i had a fit about this a day or so ago lol the design is boring now... IS this for the pro forger contest?
umm what is pro forger contest? and the design isnt my choice its how mlg maps look, 2 bases, center peice, 2 side intersections leading to base and centerpeice, but how u make it is how good the map is. but do u think this map is good enough to be on a pro forger contest?
wow...i dont care that it looks nice from the pics dont comment if its sensless, i want constructive critism and ideas or how they liked the map after they played it. dont spam my thread with meaningless posts about it probably being fun to play actually play it, tell me if it was fun to play on and then comment >_< !!
Uhm, no. There are plenty of great MLG maps that are symmetrical that aren't the same old two-base, two high side-bases, and a middle.
Looks pretty good! i think that middle-lower box is crooked from the first picture. Also i'm sure this one would work great with KOTH. some of the hills could be in pic one and 3. Also Ball could work well because there is no power weapon in the middle. I'm gonna DL this map fur shure!
ya i kno but its the standard mlg format.. wow kid u said ud dl 4 sure shut up u didnt even download ur just spamming
My MLG map for the contest is completly A symetrical it canbe anything dude... Most Prefer Symetrics, but I say its all about gameplay...
oh, hey whats this contest everyones talking about? and is there a prize and how do u enter. and ya i think gameplay is important but symmetry makes the map look better and evens out the odds so its not favouring one side
this is a really good map. Oh and did you use MLG as a base i was just wondering, they look very familiar.
this is a good map the spawns are very well placed (most maps that look good have bad spawns that always tend to spawn me in front of someone LOL) and lots o' hiding
A first, I saw the first pic and said to myself that this was going to be the best MLG map ever. Then it got sloppy. I'm not saying that this is a bad map. This map is great. I'm just saying that some stuff looks wierd or some stuff isn't interlocked like the double box ramp in the 8th pic and the barriers didn't need weapon holders on top. They are already pretty stable and the weapon holders make them look wierd. Also, the sign A structure with the barrier things in the back of it looks wierd because it's clear your trying to make it look like the sign As and the barriers are supposed to holdup the double wall but the don't look like that. It just looks wierd. But it still has a nice idea though. Please take this as constructive criticism.