About the Contest: Well, once upon a time The Cheat thought of a contest, in which forgers would be given a theme for their map's Aesthetics, and they would be given a set ammount of time to forge a map from scratch that stuck to those Aesthetics. Well, here it is, the first ever THEMED MAP CONTEST! ----------------------------- The Rules: - Forgers can use any glitches. - Forgers may only submit one map! - All map submissions MUST be on Foundry, unless stated on THIS thread. - Once a map is submitted, Forgers cannot change it. - Any map that strays from the theme will be disqualified, and not be allow in future contest rounds. - Collaborations are allowed, but only if neither creator has submitted a map. - Maps can have any weapons, vehicles, or support any gametype. (unless noted otherwise.) ----------------------- Judging: Judging will be based on a few different factors: - How well made the map is. ( 1 = sloppy 5 = clean and pressed.) - How the map sticks to the theme. ( 1 = nothing at all 5 = completely, a monkey would know what it is.) - How it plays. ( 1 = Boring or Repetitive. 5 = Fun and Enjoyable.) Judges: - The Cheat - SoLo - XCoreGamerX - Chief wiggums - GD27 BlueDevil In addition to these five judges, there will be three "guest" judges, who do not know of this contest, to even out the final veredict. Prizes: 1st Place: Map will be Featured on this thread. + Rep, Custom Signature Bar 2nd Place: +Rep, Custom Signature Bar 3rd Place: + Rep ----------------------- ROUND 1 THEME: Urban/ City Environment. Round Specific Rules: - Vehicles Permitted. - All Weapons Permitted. - No Infection. - Map must be Inescapable. - Map must be Asymmetrical. Round Duration: 23 days. Round Ends: November 30th 2008 ---------------------------------- ROUND 1 WINNER: ---------------------------------- ROUND 1 CONTESTANTS: ---------------------------------- NO RESERVING POSTS! Any questions, PM me.
You can be a judge, but if you are a judge, you can't judge your OWN map, it just wouldn't be fair. EX: If I were to submit a map, the other judges must judge my map, without me interfering, in any way, shape, or form. Also, if you do judge, you must be able to play Halo 3 with the other judges, during the judging period.
Although I don't have time to submit an entry, I would be more than happy to be a judge. (If you need another)
Really? Rep is disabled? I can still give/receive rep. I'm pretty sure it was just turned off, and must be turned back on to have it. If not, the Signature Bars will be the only prize, aside from having your map featured on the Original Post. Also, remember that the Deadline is November 21st, all maps MUST be submitted by that date, no exceptions!
I would enter but I cant make a map in 2 weeks that is actually worth a ****. If you made it a month or 2 then we could talk
Lolz HomeStarRunner! I used to go on that website ALL the time! Can I judge? I won't be entering a map.
Alright, BlueDevil, you're a judge. No more judges yet, as I have plans for the judging...Let's just say, there will be no favoritism in this contest. As for Mr. Walnuttz, I do hope to see him enter, it would be rather interesting to see an Urban Veteran partake in the contest. Hopefully many more forgers will try their luck (and skill of course! ^_^) to best him.
Due to many requests to extend the round, and with extended consideration, I have alotted contestants an extra 9 days to complete a map, this should be enough time for people to forge a decent map. I do not however plan on extending the round past November 30th.