No dammit! The ADBAR! The things with scrolling text. That sig is just a render with overlayed color and clouds. Not exactly what i would call a masterpiece. I like your current sig though.
Yeah, the sig I have now was made by Knight Kninja. Do you know any good tutorials for sigs. I just started. Yeah your adbar is cool. I like how the text goes under the blue lines.
It's pretty plain. Hella boring, imo. Kinda just looks like you slapped a render on the b/g and added some text. You need to add blending and depth. Something that makes the viewer think "**** that's hawt." Right now I'm looking at your sig and thinking "**** that's boring." Text...well...looks like you just put it on. Doesn't really fit in too well with the rest of the sig at all. Lighiting...well...doesn't really even look like there is any, lol. Like I said before. There's not really anything wrong with the sig, just it needs DEPTH. It's too plain right now. Add some effects or something to make it more interesting. Edit: Just read that question up there, planet renders is good for tuts beginning through advanced. Good luck.
Yours is cool, I like the effects to the left with the bright brushes. What do you guys think of this? Its another DK one lol. I like how it pops out of the backround.
if you really wanna make it pop, blur the back fist and a his head a little less, and then sharpen the fist
yeah. see it looks way better like its popping out even more. theres my newest. cnc on it? (if you look at it in forgehub oldschool, it shows up with a black line on the right side, and in forgehub X, a white line on the left.
Quite nice actually... The right side is a bit too bright though. I like how the lines are visible according to the skin you use. But yeah, my only dislike is the brightness and the blandness on the right side
Ahhhh. What happened to the lengthy paragraph I wrote about detail!? Once again, kinda just looks like B/G+RENDER+TEXT. Efeeccttsss. Depptthhh. Blendinggggg.
Its very......bright. Those pastel colors don't allow for alot of depth as it is only stereo-chromatic. Besides that....well it hurts my eyes. It has good flow but i really would have liked it better if you used a greater range of color. Also, its not absolutely necessary for your sig, but it doesn't have a border. And, about my sig..... The text was a brush that i used and resized. I'll try real text next time. It came out a little brighter than i had expected as well (idk why it looks different in PS) I just though i would try out a grunge sig like many other have.
CnC plox. (current SOTW entry) Hair, wow I'm not just saying this for a quick CnC but truly amazing. Great work. 10/5
Knight, I think its too late to enter but its pretty good.. Lightings off. Flow sucks... Its going in like 3 directions.. The text is meh imo... Cnc?
Guys, if you're going to post a sig, you MUST give criticism. It's one of the rules of this thread. Don't believe me? Read the OP. Anyway... The sig looks amazing easy to do. All you did is make a lame background, paste a render, and some text. Are you using Gimp? You should read some tutorials or you'll probably never get better. As for the others, don't have time right now. ttyl
Where to start? ok first im not a big fan of sprites so it hasn't started well. The sprite itself is pretty cool and the affect around it goes nice but i feel it doesn't flow that nice with the background. There's a lot of black but none on your sprite. The light isn't to well but overall its pretty nice, just needs some tweaking here and there. ok my turn. my current sig, im not sure about the text so can you sugest one? i started from scratch and there was no original stock. cnc thanks - DRiSCOLL