
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Domo kun FTW, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. Domo kun FTW

    Domo kun FTW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is Scalleck, my first map I have presented to forge hub.

    This map is made for 10 players at least, I'm not sure of the result of more.​

    (a lot of) BR's
    (a lot of) Carbine's
    x2 Needlers
    x2 Maulers
    x2 Snipers (close to each sides)
    x1 Rocket Launcher
    x2 Magnums (Strongest weapon ever)
    x4 SMG's (2 at each side's spawn)


    Enjoy :3
    #1 Domo kun FTW, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  2. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is actuallly pretty cool. however... you really should put in a better description. but the map looks very well made. nice interlocked structures. i like those interlocked double boxes that form the arches. 4/5. nice job. and dont be down on yourself about the map post. it's almost exactly right. or the map. it's really good. keep it up!
  3. Domo kun FTW

    Domo kun FTW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks :]
    Really I just make maps for my friends and I but forgehub sounded instresting.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Need a better description (as stated previously). And there are 2 of the same pictures.
    In the last picture, the BR seems to be a tad too close to the carbine.
    They should be seperated.
    I would recommend working on the post. More pics on the lower level of the map and a better description.
  5. Domo kun FTW

    Domo kun FTW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why don't you download it and take the pictures.
  6. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    This is great... I like the time I can see that you spent on this map! It has some hard merges... (the angle boxes). This map looks clean in every pic! I see great gameplay and also the fact that you doubt yourself. Now you have great skill and might be better than me in certain areas of forge! If you were to doubt your self put it into the description. This is where the creator explains what, why, how, and many other things about his ideas and his map. I want to read and learn those few paragraphs about each map and each person posting! This is a great map once again and the amount of pics gave a great big smile! Now meh questions on the actual map!:
    -Where the overshield is merged and the fence walls are... is there a weapon ther... i can not tell!?
    -How long did this take you?
    -Did you test all gametypes?
    -Can you in the future... find a way to tell us where all of your weapons are?
    -Did you have any help withe forging process?
    -How many separate hours/games did you play testing it?

  7. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    This map actually looks fun for maybe ctf.The map is neat with good interlocking but idk if i see any geomerging but the map still looks very nice.The is a good post but you need an a lot better description so people can know about your map before it is downloaded
  8. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Dude shutup, it's fine.

    This map looks really nice, especially for your first one you've presented here at forgehub.

    Very cleanly forged. Some great interlocks.

    By the looks of it, will provide for some great gameplay. It has a slight MLG feel to it.

    I've got it queued for download on right now.

    Great job man, you have alot of talent with forging. I think you should keep it up. Take a look around the site for inspiration and more tips like the Forging 101 section. I can't wait to see your future work.

    Oh and welcome to ForgeHub. You'll like it here.. especially if you pay attention to these.

    =] keep up the good work.
  9. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    WOW this is actually really good... i am dumbfounded by the fact it only has 4 stars... some ppl at fh can be bi-est (no offense to u guys)... this is great a wonderful layout the elevated beams give them a great veiw but still w/ minimal cover a risk of being up there... the fence box thing (room) is ingenius yet very simple... this has inspired me accidentally to do some things in my next map... and i LOVE the layout... this is like a feature layout... pick up some of the weaker ends on this map and i can see this being a likely canidate.... nice weapon layout interlocking and geomerging also... this is great... if u ever need help or need ideas come talk to me i have more ideas then i have forging time

    EDIT: u need to give a weapon layout and like a short description tho oh n i DL
    #9 Boyle06, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2008
  10. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    WOW YOU HAVE FORGING SKILL!!! you can't be serious. I never see someone that put so much time and care into a map. This should actually be fetured. Unbelivable. Rep+5 stars+ Download equalls sucsess. Please private message me when you make another map cause if it is as good as this one......Well i'll think of that. Glad to see a new member who knows how to post a map.
  11. Domo kun FTW

    Domo kun FTW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol the map has some problems so I'll be re showing it soon
    (I'll just edit it in)

    Ok it's done nevermind

    But I would redownload it.

    Sorry a sniper wouldn't stop getting stuck so I fixed that and some weapon placment and such.
  12. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Dude, this map sucks! I'm just kidding it looks very good. No, it looks REALLY GOOD! I really like the bridges that span across the map. I also like your center piece design, very artistic! Everything about this map caught me off guard, the way that you designed the bridge area in the first picture, the interlocked corner walls, and I won't forget, the lack of geomerging. That makes this map extra unique because usually the other REALLY GOOD maps have geomerged object. But, great map, 5/5 and welcome to forgehub!
  13. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    it's good that you edited your map here. i dont see many people who actually take in the advice we give them, and then go edit their map to ake it better. so +rep for you!
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Nice layout especially those arched double boxes. The edge of each sides could have had a little more cover.

    I strongly suggest that you take away 1 mauler and put the other one in the middle of the map. Also if it's 2 snipers, did you put 1 spare clip only? Because it might be too much if you didn't. I've got it queued now on Bungie.
  15. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Day-yum, first map? I really like it. Most of the structures look pretty cool, and you apparently put plenty of work into this. Good Job!
  16. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    This map looks solid!
    Good job man. Actually great job, especially for a first map. I like how the map has various points of elevations, ranging from areas under bridges to up higher on the box ramps. Looks like gameplay would be good here as well, and I think games of 3 v 3 and 4 v 4 would work out nicely. What gametypes would you recommend playing here?
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    We really need need to teach you how to geo-merge o_O . This a great map for a first post, I love the interlocking on this map, especially the center structure with the overshield embedded on top. This is one of those maps where geo-merging can't make gameplay better. 5/5. Oh, and welcome to forgehub.
  18. Domo kun FTW

    Domo kun FTW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know how to geo-merge, and there is geo-merging on this map > ,>
    In my opinion geo-merging is ugly if it takes up most of the map. but if its just like little pushes to make it be played better then it's okay.

    And thank you all for your complements.
  19. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Well ya i agree from the looks of this map its very obvious that you know how to geomerge even though there is no geomerging in this map.

    This map has a unique and very competitive layout and gameplay was terrific.
    Nice job
  20. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Well the boxes look cool but I am not a fan of what you did with the back corner. It is a dead end with a structure near it that serves in perpose for gameplay. Plus you can toss a grenade under the bridges and that could effect the gameplay also. There is way too many movable objects that are random and I would clean up some of that interlocking.

    Sorry, no DL from me.

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