Dragoon The dragon that can do stuff So after some time i am back to posting maps on forge hub, sadly it's another dragon. *sigh* oh well lets look at the ups of the map =D for starters theres some new legs, the fact that most people did not like the one pair and were not able to see the rest of the body, i changed it so here you go you whinny b*****s so now that thats out of the way i will just do another picture just for fun hehe yeah So before i forget i need to give you the DOWNLOAD LINK OF BUNGIE Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Change the title to this thread to "Dragoon" or "Dragoon the Dragon" or whatever you want to call it. But just the name of the map. To do that, click edit on the bottom right of your original post, then click Go Advanced. You should be able to edit the thread name there. And don't double post. A simple edit would suffice.
Awesome Dragon, the face is great, but the body could be improved and I don't think there's been many dragons on foundry so this is pretty different.
The body looked ok, but when I caught a glimpse of that face... wow. Amazing job, I love how you used the teleporters as teeth. The laser shooting out of it's mouth makes it even better! the overshields as eyes make it look mean. lol. Great job, hope to see more astectic maps coming from you in the future. Robot maybe? I'd like to see what you pull off next.
i love the dragons face it is super angry face. you are really good with aesthetics. But i suggest working on the tail end as it seems you put more time into the face than anything else. so just fix that up and it should be good
Very nice 'dragoon' the face, as you know, is very nice. I believe that the body is good, if i were you, get one more screenshot showing the body (unless the body really is bad, in which case, don't bother) I think you may have saved your shots with paint, which doesn't look good. Save them with something else, like photoshop, or infraview.
This is good, is it completely playable? Now the dragon, does it have anything to it on the other side? More pics was the hint i has giving! The head is the part I like. Though I cannot figure out the exact shape of the ?legs? Nice post could be better description and more pics though! -Irish
dude this is epic. first good dragon i've seen since ire of fire was featured. that face is pure artwork right there man. aesthetically beautiful. 5/5 AWESOME job