I was playing Shotty Snipers when I saw this guy who had Recon! I went to theater mode after the match and tried to look for a good angle and pic of it. Link: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
The recon guy is kinda hard to see. But it's pretty cool that you had a chance to do that. The only time I ever saw recon in matchmaking is in Ranked BTB. But the guy was a Bungie Employee and he was on my team. Lol. I really wanted to betray him. Well anyways. Good pic.
nice pic. The expression on the rogue spartan is cool, it just looks plain badass. nice pic, but plain otherwise except for the fiery recon guy, but I guess you werent trying for a cool effect, so nice job.
hey well the picture kinda looks like a light warrior and dark worrior from like old RPG games. nice pic but the clarity on the recon guy could have been better and im glad to see the link back to the B.net. thanks
The part where the Rogue guy is smacking Recon dude isn't that great but I like the glowing effect of the Recon and the effect that Rogue has (the really cool sketchiness).
Thank you for liking it. Actually at first, I saw a super cool effect but when I took it, it was so bright. But I dont know why when I see a cool effect on theater, but when I take it and then it processes, its different. This picture was taken from Blackout and the pic was really meant to be epic.
Pretty cool shot. The lighting is pretty good but I don't like the angle and the action is pretty generic. It does have recon in it so that's a plus. I like it, great job.