15: AVALANCHE BLOOD DRIVE CANALS DAY ONE GRIDLOCK HAIL JACINTO MANSION [rip] PAVILION RIVER RUINS SECURITY STASIS SUBWAY TYRO STATION avalanche and subway are my favorites thus far. although blood drive is pretty sweet too.
Oh my god. I'm so stupid. I just bought Fable II on monday which leaves me short about 50 bucks for Gears. Loan anyone?
woah hold on, silence, how do you already have gears 2 then i thought it came out tonight at midnight
Fable II fails. You brought this fail situation upon yourself with a fail decision to buy a fail game. I'd lone it to you if you were $50 short due to something that wasn't fail Fable II.
10 more hrs us Californians, just 10 long and gruesome hours. How is online play compared to GoW on Silence?
Drawing you should make a social group for everyone on forgehub whose getting Gears 2 tomorrow. I'm coming home from school and playing as long as i don't have plans out in the real life.
The AGONY! I want to go to the midnight release.. but my friend reserved his copy at a different store, and he was my ride D= So wait, silence, how fast did they sell out of limited edition copies there? Cause that is what I have, and just to be safe, I think I'll send my dad to get my copy while I'm in school =/
Man I wanna go to the midnight release so bad!! But I probably cant. I would skip school tomorrow to play Gears 2 but I have Exams D:
They're giving away a free weapon downloadable weapon at Meijers (it's like a wal-mart but better.) I work there so any extras they have we get them. It's awesome. Too bad we don't get the game for free... *sigh*