OHHHHHHH... i thought you meant we were all playing early tomorrow... ill probably be on 2 all day tomorrow. I may throw one back in to play a few rounds with you, but i wanna get familiar with 2 before the wave of people... i need the headstart :/
comes out Thursday Night Silence. Im getting it midnight, but im not gonna play it cause I have work the next day :/ So ima be on all day friday from 4pm central till whenevers I conk out, most likely at 7am saturday
most likely they wont have it right then, and if they do, it'll most likely be gone before you even see it. im so psyched for tomorrow morning! GOLDEN GUN.
Pre-ordered it, and I just learned my mom pitched in 15 extra bucks for the limited edition... Marcus Fenix: Nice.
ive had it for 5 hours. i got the last limited copy in the store. the other 3 kids in front of me got the other ones and i was sure i wasnt getting it :/ and i've fallen in love with it, so im afraid i cannot part steal it.
I can't wait. I'm gonna see if I can't get out of class early to go wait at the store. If I can stay awake that long (long night).
Show us what comes in the box, maybe i will be able to persuade the clerk to gimme a limited edition.
you see it all in that picture. let me list it for you. - OUTER SLIP - OUTER BOX - ART BOOK [behind the scenes of GoW2] - STEEL TIN CASE inside that, theres this: - GAME - DVD - BOOKLET - CARDBOARD INSERT WITH REDEEMABLE CODES FOR GUN/MAPS - "PHOTO" OF DOM AND MARIA, WITH LOVE NOTE ON BACK that is all.
yeah, but those come with all copies. Its just the 5 Gears 1 maps. you gotta redeem the code to download them.