Debate Presidental election '08

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AllseeingEntity, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    McCain all the way!

    It's a shame Obama is president... Oh well. I still support McCain.

    I've been looking around and realized just how desperate Obama is and how much crap he is willing to say to get votes.

    First thing that told me the man was desperate was the advertising. He advertises in Video-Games, he advertises on Spanish channels. He advertises everywhere he can.

    He also made up lies about Iraq, saying that they had an $80,000,000,000 (80 Billion) surplus of cash. When in fact they have a lot less and cannot properly fund their own defenses.

    He stated that he would add 90,000 cops on to the streets of America, that would add to our taxes... Do I want to pay more with the recession in this country.

    He wants to tax the rich to give money to the poor... What about our Democracy? He is not a Democrat he is a socialist.

    He never talks about his half-white side, I wonder why... MEDIA *Cough*

    He never talks about his terrorist friend who's name I forgot.

    He supports under-age abortion on kids without asking parents permission. I can understand rape, but what about there horny self deciding that sex without a condom was alright and that she would never get pregnant.

    What about the Socialism, I want to pay for my child's college and health care, not some random child I never met. I don't care if I make 250,000 bucks a year, I worked hard spent years in college and a university for that money. It's my money! (I don't really make that money, but put yourself in that situation)

    He wants to end the war against the Taliban, do you know that the Taliban is superior to Pakistan and is currently over throwing the government. If this happens the Taliban might get hold of Pakistan Nuclear weapons... Taliban + Nuclear Weapons = Not so good. To add more the Taliban is a major Anti-American! So guess who gets nuked...

    Exactly... I hate that about the Black voters... No one in my school can name three reasons to vote for him... (Excluding the Socialism, and the "End the war" Which he can't do"
    #341 RadiantRain, Nov 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2008
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Hahha oh dear. What you say is all true. For all those liberal democrats out there, or any Obama supporter, you can't deny without being ignorant that Obama's ideas will and are going to steer America in a socialist direction. Socialism is a transitional state between one for of govt. to communism. But, I am not saying we will become communist, but socialism, possibly. For those of you who don't like the idea of becoming more of the crowd and having less individual rights then you should not have voted Obama. And his tax policies with the current economic crisis, pah!
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    You are making me loose respect for you with each of your posts. Do you know how the tax system works? Draw the Line got it right. Considering tax is a percent of the total gross profit of someone for that year, wealthier people naturally (having more money) pay more taxes, or at least should.

    Say the ordinary small business man makes the gross profit of 8 grand in 1 month, and the multi-million dollar man makes millions of dollars. So 5% tax (I am just making the number up, cause it gets really confusing as to how much the tax amount is) will clearly take more money away from millions of dollars, than just 8 grand. So, the rich pay higher taxes, right? Wrong. Most of these wealthier business men take advantage of the system, by investing in things like private jets, multiple homes, and vacations, who then write those things off as business expenses that subtract from their multi-million dollar profit. On paper, it appears that they are now only making 8 grand in profit, but in reality, they are making millions, but since they only "are making 8" they get taxed just as much as the average man. This is illegal, but people do it all the time of the wealthier class.

    Obama is accused of wanting to tax the rich "more" but people fail to realize, the rich are already taxerd more. However, Obamas plan is to limit the above illegal acts by providing a margin that is allowed to be counting as a business expense (or at least work to that) but they will still be making millions of dollars in profit on paper, not thousands, no matter how much they say they spend past that budget limit. They are then taxed accordingly. So really, with Obama's tax plan, the rich are hardly getting taxed more (if at all) than they originally should be. This is not communism, or socialism, this is justice.

    But why am I here? I fought enough ignorrance before the election. Now Obama is President, and all you ignorant people (Chilli, Jimbo, Rusty, and others) can see that he will do our country greatness. I, for a change, am happy. I have been down in the dumps about my own country, doubting it, but now i have hope once more. Even if Obama doesn't succeed in getting his tax plans passed, he has brought together people, a nation, who have been drifting apart from one another. That is something the Republicans in the past 8 years have failed to do, and I doubt they would have with another 4.

    If you don't like it, move to a different ****ing country. Canada perhaps? Oh wait, they already have National Healthcare (No!) and similar tax plans (don't say it is so!). Or maybe Mexico? It'll be my pleasure to get a shot off at you as you run back into our country. Anywhere is better than a country with a terrorizing, socialist leader eh?

    EDIT: Fyi, I don't care for the fact that we will have to be putting up with alot of crap from black people, and pride, but hey, that's the least of our problems in this country. Their people have gone from slaves, to a President of a once great nation, let them have their fun.

    EDIT EDIT: Also, I was not directly replying to that quote by Rusty, I was simply quoting him to show who I was talking to at first. Honestly, everyone who still wants McCain in office, that ain't happening :) At least, not for another 4 years.
  4. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Ok Sweeny, yes rich people are taxed more which is also why it is such a huge deal on how stupid it is to tax them more. I quote:
    "You cannot help the rich by destroying the poor" - Abraham Lincoln.

    Additionally, that is exactly right. Many admit or will agree that this election for Obama likely may not have been won had he not had a landslide majority of the black vote. It was largely a racially biased vote. Also, taxing the higher income families will only fall a certain percentage down to less income families, but most certainly will not effectively distribute the wealth. This election was won because of the reverse Bradley effect.

    EDIT: hahaha sweeny, you are just one of many who don't realize that Bush's lack of success in bringing the nation together can be largely attributed to the fact that democrats have the majority in congress and prevent Bush from making progress. But I am not defending Bush, just pointing out something that you know not as much as I about.
  5. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Like I stated, those people making millions spent their lives. In school, studying, wasted year in college studying. STUDIED!!!

    They deserve that money. They wasted years of their lives to set up a business or become a doctor, or become a lawyer. They wasted their childhood on education to make that money and do with it as they please.

    They should be taxed like the regular, and not be taxed extra. It is in no way fair, legit, or democratic at all to take their money and distribute it to the people who threw paper balls around the classroom, and decided to work at Wendies and have 3 children.
  6. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Yes agreed people who worked at life and tried to get somewhere should not be punished by paying more money then the poor people who skipped school and didnt care at life.
    In my opinion they should get taxed more lol
  7. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    No. They are not. Pakistan is withdrawing from the Kunar province. This border area used has traditionally enjoyed minimal interference from the government as it is a tribal region, but at America's insistence they pushed in and the resulting tension caused a massive upsurge in the Taliban taking advantage of the negative feeling thus created. If the tribal leaders didn't agree to give over control to the Taliban they simply killed them. This all happened as a result of the change in Pakistan's policy influenced by the US. Which, to be fair, was influenced by the fact that the Kunar province borders Afghanistan.

    1. The US directly fund Pakistans nuclear protection facilities

    2. The maximum range of a Pakistani nuclear long range missle is c. 5,000km, which wouldn't even make it half way to American soil.

    Get your facts straight.
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I want to hate **** you ;) Do me good.

    Did you not read a single ****ing thing I said? The rich get taxed more! Already! But they cheat the ****ing system by using their wealth and investing it to make it appear they do not make nearly as much cash. They are doing illegal ****. ILLEGAL! The honest man, the poor man, cannot pull that off, cause they don't have money to spend on ****! The rich engage is illegal activity the IRS tries to stop. Obama is not taxing them more, just as much as they should already be paying. If you say he is taxing them more, than you appear to be saying that we should turn a blind eye to the fact that the rich are committing illegal acts. That maybe, it should no longer be illegal to embezzle cash in such a manner? Your ignorance is great!

    I also said many times in other threads, that someone has to do those **** ass jobs at Wendy's. You talk with such conviction it leads me to believe those people deserve to be punished. Also, might I add, most wealthy people inherent wealth from their parents? The business man living in 3 homes depending on what mood he is in, got his business from daddy. Most of the time they don't do ****. Most business people, who Obama targets (that is a bad word, but to which his tax plan concerns) are only so successful, by being assholes. Their accountants and managers do all the work.

    Also, Yellow, what are you talking about? I didn't say anything you said. In case you haven't noticed, but it is electoral votes, not people votes, that matter? They were casting electoral votes before all the ballads got counted. In the end, the black support Obama got didn't mean **** on that front. But maybe I am wrong, I am just going off what my dad was telling me as we watched the T.V. yesterday, and he is older than all of you, and seeing as how you guys like your old men with "experience" dare you say he is wrong?

    Also, might I add, I am completely aware that the democratic party controlled the senate. Bush's ideas weren't his own, in case you didn't notice, they were the republicans. He was a puppet in their plans. Many of the doctrines The Democratic Senate voted no on, in fact, would have led our country closer to communism and a loss of freedoms, than the lies you guys devise about Obama.

    I challenge you, yes you, to find 1 trusted source in which they outline a socialist plan devised by Obama, where they don't leave any information or facts out, and I mean actually socialist. Not this stuff you guys say is socialist. Actually, you are saying "this is socialist," then "this is communism," then "well he will take us in the direction toward socialism." Make up your ****ing minds.
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    If it's illegal why are they not in jail, provide me with facts that the rich are doing this.

    It is still his money.

    The accountants you talk about are there because of the lack of education, life in America is a tree. Those at the trunk command the roots, the roots do all the work to keep the trunk alive, and without the trunk there is no tree.

    If you are calling the rich assholes then you must be very poor, or must not care about anyone. What about the poor assholes who are poor because they did not study. But of course don't mention the negatives of Obama's plan.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Sorry, but I don't even know who you are. Yes I know how the tax system works. The top ten percent pay seventy percent of the taxes. I understand that it is necesary for the rich to pay more and that it will always be that way. But, I hope you realize that by taxing big business drives up the prices on consumer goods, so does increasing the presence of unionized labor.

    It's great to say let's tax the rich and give to the needy and it's a noble concept. You need to know where the money is coming from though. In a capitalistic system it will always come from the average joe worker.

    I'd rather see tax breaks. More money is freed up to spend for the worker. Worker spends of invests. Stock grows, companys grow. More jobs.

    Obviously that is an idealized goal, but that doesn't happen if business is taxed more.

    Anyways, what I think would be the best way to help stabalize the national budget so most are pleased is to reappropiate funds. Obviously the military will be seeing cutbacks. Also many old bearocratic funding needs to be cut as well as staff. A thrifty spender will put this country back on steady feet. Rebudgeting will free up a lot of money to be spent, hopefully wisely, but we'll see.

    I also voted for McCain for other issues like illegals, abortions, and jobs.

    I'm not ignorant, not by a long shot, but I just don't see things the same way you do.

    I look forward to the next four years though, not because I hope Obama will fail, but it will be interesting to see history unfold. I have my own opinions of how he will run the country, but I want to be surprised.
  11. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    RadiantRain, you clearly do not know what you are talking about.

    Obama is merely proposing a progressive tax system.

    McCain deserved to lose. He made a terrible choice for his running mate and the decisions made by his chief campaign strategist were awful. He would have had a better chance at winning if all of his speeches were like his concession speech. McCain was losing and he knew it, which is why he moved on to tactics like "Joe the Plumber" and "Socialist." Please name one instance in which Obama made an attack that was NOT a response to a previous attack by McCain.

    And Joe the Plumber is an example of an American citizen who would benefit more from Obama's economic plan than he would from McCain's.

    The fact of the matter is that the U.S. economy has boomed when democrats have been in power. History proves it.
  12. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    He always compared McCain to Bush. What the hell is McCain suppose to reply.

    Oh no I hate Bush, I am nothing like him. Would that sound republican at all.

    He always proposed it, which means he is most likely to pass it on. I don't know what I'm talking about. All you did was point out one mistake in my post and exploit it.

    Obama also supports Abortion, the removal of the second amendment, the tax regulation. How about you tell me what is sooooooo good about Teenagers getting abortions without their parents permission.
  13. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Yesterday was a day of hope in my life. Previously, day after day I feared ignorance and fear would get the best of us. I saw how susceptible I was to it at first, and I was afraid not many could do much better. But then, last night, hope rekindled in my hear, not because Obama one, but to see so many people come together, sharing one similar idea, and hope. Today, all that shattered, and now I can hardly go on.

    Radiant Rain, I will never convince you, you will never accept, so why do I try? Wallstreet. Watch it. It is based on a true story to my knowledge, and basically covers the same exact thing I was discussing. He does more than just cheat taxes, but he does.

    Also, that comment "why don't they get arrested" is just stupid. The IRS needs hardcore evidence to put these guys on trial, not to mention half the time they buy their freedom off. These highly intelligent accounts do a good job keeping it from appearing as obvious as I describe it. Trust me, it is no easy task not getting caught, but most never do. I asked you to find proof, and you counter me by finding proof. I am not going to scourge criminal data banks till I find a case, it is common sense. Ask your parents if what I said happens, they (if not as ignorant as you) will say yes, though they can lie and say no. I told you to find proof first, so go ahead. I won't budge, I don't need to. Any taxpayer well knows what I am talking about, and I only turned 16 two days ago. To this, I am gone, done, and over with this, before I loose all sanity. First was "he's a terrorist" and then "he's a muslim" and "He's a socialist" and now "he's the Antichrist, the bible says so" everywhere I go. So much for change huh?

    Edit @ Rusty: You present a fair case, and for once you said what others have not. My opinion differs from yours, and here is why. Thank you, maybe you aren't so ignorant. At least you aren't like Rain here, trying to make me hold myself in my bedsheets from fear. But I never mentioned him taking money from the rich, and giving it the poor. That would happen, through natural causes with the change of tax flow and other things, and I saw no mention of giving poor people money taken from the rich in my read of the outline of Obama's economic plan. I did not read it all, my head hurt, it is alot to grasp, but I understood what I read. Again, I need out of hear before I start believing a millennium of darkness is upon us now that the Anti-Christ has been elected to power as so stated by the Bible...
  14. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    Well, aren't the members of FH just the all-knowing politicians.
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Who let you back in the house Sharpestt?
  16. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    You're missing the point of a two-party system. It exists because people have opposing political viewpoints. Bush screwed up the United States these past eight years. Both McCain and Bush have beliefs similar to each other...that's why they're both members of the Republican party. McCain and Bush are similar. That's why they are classified as being in the same party.

    The party in power failed, so power is shifting. That's Political Science 101.

    Abortions will always be done, no matter what the legislation regarding them is. When abortion was illegal in the United States in the past, women who were pregnant had abortions done in back-alleys by non-licensed doctors. Many of them used rusty tools and were only performing these operations to obtain drug money. As a result, many women died. Banning abortion will do nothing at all. Especially when the Constitution grants the right to privacy...

    Read up on your American history.
  17. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    I don't remember you from anywhere, so I'm not sure what to make of this. Haha?

    Too many people are presenting their opinions as facts in this thread. 'Tis what my post was saying.
  18. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    And I said what is so good about getting abortions without your parents permission... don't misquote me or reply to something I did not say.

    I understand the mistake, but if teens don't tell their parents their is no consequence, and considering that they get free health care.

    "Oh don't worry daughter, you might be pregnant but at least you can get that abortion for free"
  19. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Sorry if I am just stepping in right now, but I can voice my opinion on this, I haven't read very few posts up to mine, but I just want to get my point across, and my understanding of what I know.

    Wow, thank you. ^^^^Notice^^^^. That sums up everything that is wrong about america. The people that work for their money, and spend hours actually trying to make a well earned future life, get screwed over in the long run by the people that cheat life, and rely on the government for money. What if all of the wealthiest people in the US decided not to work? (I think of it as evolution of man/ survival of the fittest, figure that one out for yourself). Also, if you think that giving money to the poor and taking from the richis good, then you can go to a communist nation where everyone is equal, see what you like more, free enterprise and an open market, or everyone not working, because they know that they will get payed no matter how shitty of a job they do.
  20. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I don't even know what you talking about. You're not speaking coherent thoughts.

    Teenagers having abortions without permission is nowhere near relevant to the current Supreme Court case regarding abortion...

    That comment wasn't even relevant to anything in the first place...

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