haha......**** When he was running around the pillars, and just jumping...seriously haha that guy was freaking out. My fav part was when he didnt get the sniper though....thats just epicness...
Exactly, I was rather pissed as well...Some of those jumps he made look easier then they actually are though, that bastard... And to the other two comments... C'mon...
someone's a pissy missy *glares at tex but notices his avatar and drools at boobs* oh wait...... ... you didnt post anything much in the OP what the hell do you expect in return!
There wasn't any need for a lengthy description in my post. The video says it all. A general rule of thumb for you. If all you're going to post is something less then 10 words. Don't post.
Wow Tex great find. The kid's reactions were hilarious. Though I thought some of it looked a little set up, like how they're at sword and the guy couldn't beat him down. But still this is one of those videos I'll definately show my friends and will continue to provide me with laughs. P.S. <3 Halo 2.
Are you blind? Did you not read the first portion of my post? There was no need for a lengthy description. The video says it all. Period. End of discussion. @Playa, I know I miss Halo 2 so bad sometimes...but then I remember, there's some more **** out there now.
Why is everyone being infracted in this thread for ''spam''...? Anyways, I call hacks. If I was that guy getting owned, I'd have a sledge hammer on one hand, and a pistol on the other. One for the Xbox, one for myself. Yes, I would use a sledge hammer on myself. >< No. You.
That was really funny. If I were that good I would just toy with everyone I could. I can just imagine the kid's face as he's getting pooped on. The last kill though, that was insane.
hahaha this reminds me of when I used to play against my friends, they wouldn't know the jumps that I would, all they would hear was me laughing "I am everywhere" then I would just kill them. Still though, half the jumps that the guy did, I didn't even know were possible. And to whoever called this blackout, its called lockout. You seriously can't call the original its down-graded version. Lockout> Blackout.
Wow. I cried from laughing, I haven't laughed that hard over a video game video game video in a while. Thank you for posting this Tex. =) <3
Wow that was hilarious, How did you make that jump? See I cant make it, see, see Sniped* lol I liked the sniper rifle part too lol
oh my god i didnt want that to end... i love that. it was so awesome! i loved the part where he couldnt find the sniper rifle
Holy crap. That is absolutely amazing. Is that guy pro or something? Great ending shot too, those noscopes across the map are crazy. Note to self: Don't play 1v1 with Sigon. How does he know where the sniper lands every time?! I could watch that for hours.
HAhaha wow. That made me laugh. Your also an impressive player. Alot of headshots and looked like you knew your way around the map back and fourth. I would be looking forward to seeing some more of these videos please! =D
That was terrible and i could kick your butt at halo 3... JK... I just want to say that so that I could actually play with you on Halo 3 But my xbox has the ring of fire and it should come back soon... Though I do actually want to see how good you are... But I am pretty sure if it was me vs. you in rats nest and we were playing squad battles and you can only use a worthog and splatter people... I would win. Your jelous... I can sense it... ha I laugh at you Now to make this relavent. The video was nice... needs more interlocking though... ;-)