On Discover Channel, there are two of these wilderness survivor shows, on your opinion, which ones better, Man vs Wild or Survivorman? Discuss.
I prefer Survivorman. It's just more interesting to watch. He does all his surviving and camera work. It just feels more authentic.
I like survivorman because it's a lot funnier to see realistic things happen such as making mistakes. It can get a little boring at times but it is also more realistic.
Survivor man because he seems more real he does his own work. Also he dosnt go around kill every ****ing thing he finds like bear grylls(who seems to a have a fetish that include biting the head off things.)I mean really do you need to kill an 6 foot alligator to eat. Also Les is more likeable, funny, and down to Earth the Bear who has done so many things that it seems like his suriving skills would rival Rambo's. Les also dosn't stomach down everything he eats he sometimes spits it out at says thats horrible. While bear with eat every ****ing thing he sees. Also Les seems to be more like how we would fair in a survial situation.
Survivorman is the best. The only thing I don't get about Survivorman, is how Les will say he is about to scale down a cliff or swim across a river and the camera angle is so far away from him that he couldn't have done it himself.
you gotta admit, like Vinny said, Bear is hilarious, like seeing his face as he ate that thing and crap shot out, but this is still up for discussion.
He leaves a camera over there. Or he will swim or climb something once go back across or up then scale down agian.
I find both very interesting shows for I would not do what either of them are doing. However, If it came down to me surviving of course I would do anything in my power to survive. I like survivorman cause hes a cool guy and realistic.
Bear grillz has a camera man(becuase the camera does not move by itself as it follows bear) and possibly other people with him Suriviver man does everything alone( so survivor man is better)
Bear Drinks Too Much Urine Bears solution to everything seems to be: When in doubt, drink your piss. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEIYNvwXD0Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQmx5BjZoTo
That doesn't necessarily make it better. Bear is usually climbing all sorts of obstacles instead of walking around or being dropped in flat areas such as Survivor man. And seriously... I hope that persuaded you to change your mind.
As some of you said, Survivor man does everything alone, which creates a bigger risk of him dieing. However, Bear Grylls shows you more of how to survive by doing more daring stunts, like jumping into a snow canyon.
i dont remember which one is which but i think man vs wild is the one i watch the most if i ever watch TV..
he has too, unless he has a robot that walks with him. Survivor man does everything on his own, which includes moving the cameras back and forth, which has to be a pain.