Debate Presidental election '08

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AllseeingEntity, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Shall I link you to some Political forums where you can discuss Obama at your leisure?

    A bunch of threads all talking about the same thing is unnecessary. THAT is why Linu locked them. Of course merging them together would have worked too.
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    It's not hard, though this about the election.
  3. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Exactly whats a scope. Now stfu about your locked thread... no one cares.

    This thread was about the election, but now it is about the end of the election. How did it go? What are your thoughts?
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    My thought is that greed won this election. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Democracy is fails once people start voting for the treasury because then it becomes socialism. America is going to change, but I think it will be a change for the worse. We'll see though, maybe Obama will be a surprise to us all...
  5. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    If you guys want my opinion about this, this shouldn't be lock. The bickering is just going to continue with 'whats a scope' and we already know who won the election. But, the post-election discussion can still go on now, can't it?

    Still some important issues. How will Obama do this? What will the country be like in 4 years?

    So linu, I honestly think you were quick to react on this one. It is not a flame, but the discussion is still going on.
  6. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    My thought is that intelligence finally one an election. The GOP isn't the only political party, when they lose you can't blame it on greed. It is funny you say that, though, seeing as the GOP is the embodiment of greed.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    So what in your opinion won the elections in 2000 and 2004, freedom and happiness? Please...The Republican Party has turned so far away from "conservative" in the last eight years that they are hardly recognizable from the Trickle-Down economics of the Regan era. If you cannot acknowledge the rampant greed and unchecked power that has occurred in the last eight years by the current Republican-dominated administration, then there's no hope for you to be anything other than resentful when your party loses favor with the country and the world.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'd like to add to this discussion that even though the wealthy are already taxed greatly, they often find ways to circumnavigate it, and as a result they often do not pay their "fair share". Of course this does not represent everyone, but it is partially the reason why Obama is raising taxes for the wealthy.
  9. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Oh come on Rusty. A vote for Obama is a vote for socialism? Ridiculous, and you know it.

    Here, watch this video. Palin is just as much of a socialist as Obama is accused of being. I dare you to watch the whole thing.

    Besides, the tax raise is only a 3% difference. It's stupid to think that the government is going to take all of the rich people's money. It's stupid to think that the rich won't be able to afford their child's college education because they have to pay for everyone else's first. It's stupid to think that Obama is a socialist; or a communist, or a terrorist, or a muslim.

    Come on Rusty. Anyone with a logical mind knows Obama is not a socialist. You can't scream socialism whenever there's talk about raising taxes. Taxes are a neccesity to keep this country going. The upper class has had a tax break these past 8 years, I think it's only fair that they now get a tax raise to catch up.
  10. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Spread the wealth? That doesn't appear to be socialist to you? I know the election is over and I know America made the wrong choice. The media all but brainwashed everyone in this country. Obama is not a leader. He does not have experience or plans that he promises. He went to a church with a preacher that preached towards America. He also associated himself with Bill Ayers, an unrepentant domestic ist. Now ask yourself, is that a good crowd to associate yourself with?

    On top of that, he won't present his birth certificate to anyone who asks for it. So wait, what does he have to hide? Was he even born in this country? There is no proof for that. With his middle name being Hussain, that just sets off an alarm in my head. Its one thing if you are applying for a job at Mickey D's, but your running for president and you won't even present your birth certificate?

    I'm sorry if this post seems a little off topic to the current discussion but I would like it to be brought up for discussion.
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    The funny this is that you sound like Fox News brainwashed you!

    Obama is a leader! Do you see how he inspires his followers? That right there is leadership. The ability to make people inspired. He inspires his followers to make change. He doesn't say that he can do it but we can do it.

    Is the Keating 5 a good group to be called a part of? McCain was one of the Keating 5.

    Why does he need to show people his birth certificate? That;s between him and the government. If he wasn't born in the US, he wouldn't have gotten this far.

    Now, I lost all respect for you.
  12. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Brought up for discussion??? As if your points warranted being taken seriously? Are you kidding me?

    Mind numbing stupidity and ignorance like this is really getting on my nerves. Why do people like you refuse to see reality and truth? Why do people like you choose to listen to one side and not the other?

    I don't know where you heard that crap about his birth certificate or not being born in this country, but that's ludicrous. He was born in Hawaii, and he couldn't become President in the first place if he wasn't born in US territory. Besides, what about McCain's birth history? No one questions that... is it because he's white, or because he has a traditional name?

    That brings me to my next point. What the **** does his name have to do with anything? His name could be Jesus Hussein Moses Hitler the Third, and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference in what kind of man he is. Grow the **** up. This isn't second grade.

    As for Ayers, people act like that's his best friend in the world, like he's the godfather of his children or something. Christ.. the world is full of idiots.
    Just because he knew Ayers, does not mean Obama is a terrorist. Nor does it mean he sympathizes with terrorists - far from it actually.
    What about who McCain sympathizes with? Bush and Cheney endorsed his campaign. But then, if you're stupid enough to think the things you do, you probably don't think there's anything wrong with Bush.

    And spread the wealth?.... Get your head out of your ass and read up on some facts. Show me some evidence of Obama being a socialist. *****SPOILER ALERT!***** You're not going to find any convincing evidence, because it does not exist. ****END SPOILER!****

    Wow... there was just so much idiocy in that post for me to respond to. You really made it too easy for me. Try not being such a mindless parrot next time.

    *edit: Oh, and good job Telrad. The Keating 5, I forgot about that..
  13. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    So i guess Hussain is english for terrorist? It really means handsome.
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    There's quite a difference in "inspire" and "mislead." He is a politician. The same works for McCain, and every other prick in DC. If you think for a second that he (or anyone else) is in that position because he genuinely cares about his "followers," you're poorly mistaken.

    That said, I saw thousands of people cheering for Palin, someone who most of us here recognize as not worthy of her position. I could easily describe those as "inspired" people, but do you feel that makes her a great leader? I seriously doubt it. The ability to say what people want to hear doesn't make you anything more or less than crooked.

    Furthermore, I've not officially heard the man say the "spread the wealth" deal for myself, but I've not seen it contested as something he's said. Taking from the rich to give to the poor is a socialist theorem. Now, that is not me saying that Barrack Obama is a socialist or a terrorist. I think neither, but that particular facet of his plan (or at least the plan that's been broadcasted) harmonizes with Socialist and Communist theory.

    As for that other kid, I apologize. Again, I will be just as quick to call out the many things I disagree with McCain on. I'm not an elitist, but rather a realist. Spank you.
    #334 dented_drum, Nov 5, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2008
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Intelligence didn't win and it never will. The first thing people vote for is their pocket books. Personally I don't like either of the candidates, but you can't tell me that the majority of people that voted, voted because they were well informed. Greed.

    On a side note just think of how the election would have gone if McCain were black as well.

    You cannot believe how many african americans I have seen that have been saying things like "we finally got one of our own in the office" or "we're on the page now." It's aggravating to hear that sort of tribal mentality. I don't care what race a person is, but a black person shouldn't vote simply because someone is black, which sad to see is what mostly happened.
  16. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    The voters do not reflect a candidates intelligence. His voting block may very well have been ignorant but he is a smarter man that John McCain. Intelligence did win, whether or not it was for the right reasons.
  17. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yeah it is morally wrong. But theres no way to stop people for voting for what they think is right or good or whatever.

    As long as we're free..
  18. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    wisdom...i agree completely kenny
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol. I laugh at you.
  20. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    From my point of view outside of the US, I would say that the prospect of 8 years of Bush Jr. as the incumbent coming to a close is frankly relieving. There is a great deal of resentment in the rest of the world, deservedly so, towards the behaviour of America over the past two presidential terms, and that will linger yet.

    An American election seems to me to be strongly based upon the strength of one's character and in the demonstration of an ability to both empathise and sympathise with the concerns of each demographic in the country. This is no bad thing and in the measure of a man or woman in holding such a position of power these traits are paramount.

    I think Sen. McCain was fighting an uphill struggle from the start due to the political climate of the time, and a shared frustration that empowered those who lean towards a more liberal viewpoint - or simply a general malaise with the norm - to go out and vote. I was moved by the vast turnout in comparison to previous years and such a regeneration of passion for making your voice heard was truly compelling. I also thought that Sen. McCain's concession speech was very honourable and the mark of a great gentleman.

    I sincerely hope that America and the entire World will move away from the scare tactics and fear that so often seems to be utilised by our governments, be it in their rhetoric or in their actions. It may or may not be intended, and I do not presume to think that so many of our leaders are so lacking in consideration of the human condition as to influence our daily perception of what is safe or acceptable with full foreknowledge of its repercussions. But that greeting strangers and wishing them a good morning, or evening, as you pass them in the street is often lately so surprising for the recipient; that neighbours inform on each other or that people are detained without charge for months upon end with an astonishing lack of public outcry is a direction that has to be reversed. This election has inspired so many people in its sheer passion and import and I look forward to that momentum being used to alter the status quo of our outlook on life such that we are all beneficiaries.​

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