So Gears 2 comes out on Friday. Anyone excited yet? I for one, am really excited, especially about the Horde mode. and since I already got to play it, trust me on this one, it's epic (PUN!) Only problem is, just like Fallout 3, I pre-ordered it through amazon, so I'll only get it the week after it comes out...since I got free-shipping. I seriously don't know why I got it from amazon to begin with. Which version are you guys getting? I'm getting the normal one. The special ones are cool and all, but it's kind of a waste of money and space. What are all you fools excited about? And when you do get it, feel free to discuss stuff here too. I hope it lives up to the hype. If it's anything like Gears 1, it will already be winly. Oh, and I'm also looking forward to the party/lobby system a lot too. I hope it's somewhat like the lobby system in Halo and cod. Gears 1's lobby system failed...they actually didn't really even have one... So, yeah, discuss.
HolyShitBalls I can't wait. Couple of my friends and I are getting it the day of. We're prob gonna beat it on insane Friday night; as long as I don't have plans in the real world. I love multiplayer, the needed a party system.
I am realy looking forward to getting GOW 2. As of this moment I have no Xbox but hopefully by the time that Gears comes out I will have my 360 back.
Played the first game, was my kind of game. Played a beta, felt like they had mixed it up and if you liked the game you will like this more. Hord was fun, but once again, I just don't really like GoW Plot spoiler below Spoiler Someone in your squad dies. FOREVER
I'm going to get Far Cry 2 instead. I can wait till Christmas to play it. Also, my friends will have it so if I can't wait I'll just go to their house and play it.
Campaign I wanna see what will happen in the campaign. In the first Gears it sorta left us at a cliff hanger. It left us with like "we will not stop fighting,we will never stop fighting". I think that ending was a hell of a lot better than the halo ending which left you floating in space. But the legendary ending left you at a better cliff hanger but not as great as the gears ending. Weapons That new hammerburst thing looks super sick. And the single shot gun is going to be a very effective weapon. The new handgun thing that looks like a spiker is gonna be sick too. So basically im really exited for its release, hope you guys are too.
I'll be getting the Special Edition. I enjoy the art books and the behind the scenes stuff. It's that kinda stuff that makes me want to go to school to make games (I already am, btw). I'm excited but I'm not as excited as I should be. It'll hit me eventually.
hmmm, carmine in this one sounds like a kid... Video Games, Game Reviews & News - Anways its going to be sweet I CANT WAIT I MAY IDE FROM BEING EXCITED TO MUCH AGGGHHHHH! EDIT: First 15 minutes of gameplay, TAI!
You already have for me, I saw your post in another thread before you put a freakin spoiler tag on it. On a good note, i'm gonna get it. I just don't know when.
I wasn't going to get the special edition at first. The gamestop employee pressed me to get it but I said no thanks. Then my dad said "Man, are you gonna be pissed when someone kills you with a golden gun!" So, I just got the special edition. $10 is no big deal
*ahem hmm*
Is k. Also for those of you who think Frag Spoiled the story, relax, Cole doesnt die, somebody else does though, now lets keep that hush hush for now though, k?