I think that it would be a good idea if someone started a group that helped people with their maps. Not completely help, but just enough to give the people that nice little edge on their respawns or map geometry. It would be a group basically like the testers guild just instead of testing it we would help people with what needs to be done. this includes spawns, geometry, weapon placement, and just anything that has to do with the gameplay of a map. The idea kind of just came to me since I for one need help with spawns on my map so if anyone could help me on spawns please step up to the plate.
I would start it up but it would depend on who else would help me out. if you would like to help me out, just leave a post saying why you are qualified to be a part of the Forge Hands. and a map you've made in example.
Like I already have done once, I will do it once again for you Phreakie, after school tomorrow I'll get it done for you, only took me 20 mins last time. Glad to help you again though. I'll fix spawns and weapon placement BTW.....
Eghhh, No offense but i knida dont want to take help from you because you havent really made any maps and I have no idea how you would make my map so chaotic. Also i think that you havent ever posted a map on these forums before have you " and my wepon placement is perfect. or at least camoflaug, bl00d f1r3, eyeless sid, dimmestbread, and many more say. No help needed on that tyvm.
Trust me, I playtested your map with some home friends yesterday, and I played your map as well with them...they liked mine better....(not mine, you get it though...) Seriously, you need to learn that people dont have to make full maps to help others....damn Take it or leave it, its still up on the table, and your spawns ans weapons suck for now, so yeah, I can help, but you first have to want it.