Xyience Created by iTs_NeXn, Iv0rY Snak3 and DeKnoZx Gametypes Supported: MLG Team Slayer, MLG Oddball, MLG KOTH and MLG CTF Recommended Players: 8 MLG maps are known for their strong emphasis on team work, their perfect, seamless forging and their balance. Xyience manages to retain those all important factors of MLG maps, within a unique, asymmetrical environment, which is very much akin to Halo: CE map Damnation. As far as aesthetics go, Xyience is only able to boast clean forging, as MLG maps must be within the default budget limit, but the forging on the map is spectacular. To allow all of the four floors into the map whilst avoiding the height barrier that foundry has, the entire first floor of boxes were geo-merged into the ground so that they were low enough to allow the top floor, whilst still preventing players from jumping from the ground floor up onto them. Gameplay on Xyience is like nothing ever before seen in an MLG map. Combat focuses on vertical battles, and controlling the window side walkway, the top floor and the sniper platform, whilst still tempting teams to jump to the lower levels for the all important rocket launcher and overshield. There are many ramps up to the higher levels, along with the odd secret jump for the more skilled players, which creates a constant movement around the map. Overall, Xyience offers an experience that is new to all players, not just MLG fans, whilst still honouring the MLG style and gameplay. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=yShPppkWiUw&fmt=18 Download Xyience Here View Original Forgehub Thread Here
wow I didnt think this would be featured cuz when I played it, it had some problems. In my opinion the spawns on the map are not feature worthy, but the athethics are. Great map just needs some help on spawns
OMG yes! I have to say this map should have been featured already. It has one of the most unique MLG layouts you will find out there and offers some intense highground/lowground based gameplay. Seriously this deserves to be here definately deserves a space on your hard drive if you are into MLG and looking for something new
Wow, took a while to feature this. It was fun, though kinda no MLGish. Idk. I guess that's why it says a different type of MLG.
this map should been featured a month ago, good gameplay which is always the most important factor in MLG. The layout is one of the most unique i have ever seen. There aren't many a-symmetrical MLG maps on foundry that actually work and flow well, but this map has worked well with the a-symmetrical, and I'm so happy that we are finally starting to move away from the onslaught layout, which is amazing yet over-used. The only problem is the teleporter, i know it is needed for the gameplay but it just isn't MLG-ish if you know what I mean. The merging and the interlocking on this map is absolutely beautiful and you (Iv0rY, Zonked, and Nexn) managed to make a MLG map on foundry that had great gameplay while having the rockets and the sniper, while most successful MLG maps on foundry have neither of the two. Xyience is an amazing map which definitely deserves to be on every MLG lover's hard drive.
i knew this map would be featured but i agree with blanked...this should have been featured a month ago..good job though
Yay this got featured. I remember playing this with Vorpal, Adelyss, and LIGHTSOUT was in there for a bit, and just got continuesly raped... it was like triple team in FFA so I had to hide. But this map is so f'in good!! I just wish I wasn't RRoD and could play it...
FINALLY! God, I knew while testing this it would get featured. One of TEH best MLG maps out! You three did an awesome job with this map and it really does show.
Nice I kinda had a 50-50 guess if this was going to get featured or not. The map has great gameplay and aesthetics but I think that he should have added a couple more stuff to the other side. Congrats on the feature guys! Btw, Pegasi Delta spelled retain wrong, lol.
I didn't know Its nexn still forged! I downloaded it and had a forge through but I havn't played it yet. I havn't ever seen an MLG map like it, I am not sure it should be classified as a MLG map anymore. Anyways, for the most part it looks good, I am a little surprised that it got on the front page but at the same time, I'm glad it was.
looks cool. it's such a simple design (sort of) but it's so well made. great interlocking and geomerging. 5/5. great feature
Damilkman This is a great map! The only thing stopping you is more pictures. Otherwise everything is good.
This map is pretty nice,great interlocking and great concept. Although it would be cooler if you added some more scenery into it such as pallets,traffic cones,crates,ect.. But I see you only have 1$ left in forge, so you don't have to mind that,just a suggestion. Also I like the weapon placements,you did'nt overload the map with weapons,you split them at a certain range apart so people wouldn't be noobs and get all sorts of weapons in 10 seconds. Above all,nice map. Poll: Great;B.net Rating:8/10
I've just watched the video of this and all I can say is: This is simply amazing. Even though it seems to have been published 4 weeks ago, I have never heard/seen of it. I'm sat here thinking, why? This map is potentially the best asymmetrical map I have ever seen and the gameplay looked fantastic. Every corner seems smoothly made and even though you haven't focused on aesthetics, it's turned out spectaculary. Something I haven't seen for a while is a custom powerup implimented into gameplay. As play seems very hectic, I'm sure it gives a very brief interval where you can totally own As for weapons I'm sure that MLG will work very well for it but I seriously suggest creating a matchmaking edition (with mot only non-MLG weapons). It could create some colourful gameplay. I don't think you budget glitched this map either so congratulations on that - I never would have expected a feat like this to be done! But if not, scratch that last sentance 5/5 all the way and I'm downloading.