Debate Presidental election '08

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AllseeingEntity, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    That's pretty sad.... religion causes so many problems in this world...but I guess that should be saved for another debate.

    I wish people had to vote on stances blindly not knowing which politician stood for what. Then whichever candidate they agreed with the most would be the one which they selected. It would remove ignorant voting and force people to actually vote on the issues....

    I don't mind if people vote one way or another, I'd just like them to vote on real issues, not made up crap they heard. I'm looking forward to seeing the outcome tonight...I might even head down to Grant Park to have a little fun.

    I didn't come across long voting lines, it went very quickly actually....has anyone here been stuck in a long line?
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    My wife and I packed some books and water in a backpack so we could be prepared for the hours of waiting and we just walked in and out with no line whatsoever. It was pretty sweet.

    I feel sorry for you, Neverless. It's tough to have friends that act so radically different than you would ever dream of, and it's really got to be weird to have it come out of nowhere like that.

    I agree with DtL, I wish there were questions that targeted specific ideals that you're looking for in a candidate. There is a website where you can vote on issues and based on your answers it will compare you to a specific candidate, it's a shame something like this couldn't be official.
  3. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Squid I didn't like that quiz as much as the ones posted in E93's thread...

    Who do you really support?

    I really liked these, especially the first one.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yeah, those were the ones I was initially looking for. That was a quickie search.
  5. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    Most people say this because they think that flippantly disregarding both candidates and voting for something as trivial as appearance reveals their cynical distrust of the system and politicians in general. A position that seeks to prove how how informed and insightful the person is while absolving them of any obligation to be knowledgeable of the issues.

    The anti-christ thing is cool though. My philosophy from now on is to always vote for the most evil man on the ballot. The more openly detestable the guy, the less I need to worry about burning hellfire raining down upon me during his presidency (I guess you could say I'm a single issue voter).
  6. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I listen to a nation-wide radio show every morning, and today was their, I quote, "Today is the only day we're willing to hear your political BS. So, get it over with." days.

    I realized from today's show why there is an increasingly higher democratic population. Almost every conservative that called in was just moronic. Personally, anyone who knows anything about me, knows that I'm a conservative. That said, I'm definitely willing to call out another person voting the same as I, if he/she is does so for idiotic reasons. I have my reasons for voting my way, and I can back them up easily, but most of these people shouted the standard, "Anti-Christ!" "Muslim!" "Won't salute the flag!" bull crap. I apologize for all those people, and I so wish that they didn't stick out as much as those of us with at least half a working brain.
  7. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    I feel the same. I don't care who you vote for, as long as you have solid, logical reasons for doing so. No need to apologize for idiots though. They'll do what they do, and there's not a damn thing the rest of the world can do. Unfortunately.
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Mccain has won: Kentucky, West Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma
    Electoral votes so far: 39
    National popular vote: 5,700,000

    Obama has won: New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Vermont, Maine
    Electoral votes so far: 82
    National popular vote: 5,900,000

    Electoral Votes needed to win: 270
    Many states needed are TOO close to call keep in touch!

    Obama expected to win Presidency:
    by FOX, CNN, CBS, PBS, ABC13
  9. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I for one, am siding with John McCain. He has 20+ years of political experience, compared to Obama's four. He was also a PoW and served in the United States military. Sarah Palin is also a good choice for VP, as she is the Governor of Alaska and also has quite a bit of political experience.
  10. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I can do this all day.
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Dude no she doesn't. The only reason she got picked for VP is because she is young looking. (I'll admit not bad for a 50+ year old) Young people will 'connect' with her where McCain is just an old, broken bodied fossil. She has no experience on a world stage. If she had been in the Senate for two or three terms then maybe but no, she's been govoner of a state that no one really pays attention to other than Eskimos and oil.

    All this means that if McCain wins, the US is ****ed cause he'll probably die in office, wich leaves us with someone who has absolutly no international policy.

    And so far all I've heard from Obama is, "Vote for me because I'm black."
  12. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    And what difference does it make?
    Citing sources proves him wrong but it really doesn't make a difference.

    The election results are what matters now, voting is over.
    Hopefully this year we'll get them sooner than last time, Florida had to sort out their votes until December.
  13. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    You're absolutely right and I considered saying that, but I'm just so fed up with the ignorance on this board.

    But I do agree with you. The time for comparing the candidates is over.
  14. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I am currently polling the race at 352 - 186 Obama. NC, VA, PA, CO, FL, and NV will go dem., while the solid south and the breadbasket will go GOP. Projected senators for dems. is at 57.
  15. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Well, we can all stop comparing the canididates now, because it is over.

    Obama wins!!!!
  16. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    My money is still on McCain
  17. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I seriously hope you're joking. Fight the power motha uckas.
  18. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Umm... ok crazy guy.
    Seriously though, turn on the TV, check the news. Game's over. Obama won.
    Are you talking to crazy guy up there, or me?
  19. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Then watch the news... he just gave his support to obama...
  20. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    that's the truth because it's copied and pasted and it's from the NEWS!!!!!


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