Well if you didn’t get the name of the map from the picture or the title then you are in luck as I will say it again. Surviving Heroes. So, this is my first post so leave positive and negative comments about my post so I get better. First off, the map is made by Evilution101 with a small amount of help from GODOFGAMES with the switch. I got the Idea of this map from Time Glitch and Y4TZ's I am legend revisited map. The map made it so you had to unblock teleporters in entrances of your base to help protect help yourself from the zombies. I thought that this was an amazing idea so I decided to make my own version on Foundry. The map fallows the same principles as their map and uses pretty much the same rules only with a few changes. Now on with the map Back story:You are in a small village that has been attacked by a horrible disease. All but five or so of the people in your village are alive. Making matters worse, the disease turns you into a maniac that kills anyone that it sees. You have word that they are coming after you and you decide to go to your armory which holds almost no guns as it was never used. Just as you get in the door you hear a truck smash into the side of your building and now become scared. You have three minutes to try and lock all the doors in the armory before the infected fight their way out of the truck and start to try and infect you. Will you live? Time will tell. Map description:Surviving heroes features many different types of challenges to fortify your base. These go from as simple as hitting a switch to as hard as rolling a soccer ball on two of walls. All these challenges are possible and it can be very strategically on which order you do them in. There are also many weapons scattered around the map to help you but I must warn you that you are very lucky if you find any gun that has more than 1 clip of ammo. Some weapons are placed in spots that you cannot get to and therefore if you want them you will have to be smart in thinking of a way to get them down The Flamethrower for example is located on the top of the right side wall where the 2 window panels are. You cannot get up there so you have to think of a way to get it down. Hint-grenade. Walkthrough of each challenge Okay, so I am guessing that none of you read what I said above so I will give you pictures of each step sence I know that all of you hate reading. Just to let you know, I am going to put the caption of what’s going on in the picture above the picture so you guys aren’t confused. 1. The Switch. The switch id the easiest of all the challenges because all you have to do is walk up and touch the custom powerup.While the switch is the easiest it does have the worst effect. Once you touch the switch it turns you yellow. What is so bad about being yellow, it makes it so you do absolutely no damage and you are slow and apparently you gained a lot of weight because you can’t jump as well. Don’t worry; it only lasts for 1 minute so you aren’t a fat chubby kid that doesn’t know how to fight for ever. I would suggest doing this challenge early so that it wears off before the infected people are released so you are able to protect yourself and so you still have time to scavenge for weapons. Now on to the Pictures. You walk up and see the dumpster being held sideways by the custom power up of death and a man connon pushing on the dumpster. What do you think you have to do? Hit the custom power up and watch the dumpster come fly down next to you and you have already unblocked one of the 4 lockable entrances. 2. The grav lift dumpster rise thing. This is the second easiest challenge because you just have to put a grav lift under a dumpster and watch it fly across the level. The only reason it is not the easiest is because you have to make it up the horrific Rockwall. Actually, it is pretty easy but there is 1 annoying part that may take a couple of tries to succeed at. Once you get on top of the rock wall just cross the bridge and put the grav lift down. Now to the pictures. I put more than one picture this time. Pick up the gravl ift that spawns in the base. Next you go to the right side of the armory (this is if you are looking at the door) and the Rockwall will be right in front of you. Climb to the top if you can. See, I told you it was easy. Anyway, cross the bridge and place the grav lift under the dumpster. Notice the man cannon above the dumpster. This was placed on the off chance that a dumpster would go up and when it fell down it would land right back on the teleporter. Don’t place the grav lift under the dumpster above the infected spawn as this will cause them to get out early and everyone will hate you that were on your team. 3. Soccer ball course! This is the second most challenging task as it forces you to be careful and not make silly mistakes. It makes you have to balance a soccer ball and roll it over different materials. The first object the soccer ball must cross is two fence walls that are separated by a single wall width side. The second part is a corner that you must stop the soccer ball at. It is not hard at all but you can mess up. The final part is a single wall that you must roll the soccer ball on and push it into the small hole. Now on with the pictures. This is the start and the 2 fence wall part that your soccer ball must pass. This part shows the corner and the wall followed by the hole that will make the teleporter blocked letting you grab the rockets. Anyway, there is a door next to the corner that makes it so that the ball lands right on top of the single wall and lets you continue. Originally, I was going to have you make the ball stop on the corner but after many tries not even I could get it to work so I made it so much easier. Like I said, now you can go back to the beginning where the flipped single box is normally open and you die but now it will be blocked letting you take the rockets! Now that you have the rockets what should you do with them? How about go around and waste both shots on team killing. No. There are many things you can use them for. One is to knock down the 2 crates that are set up on top of a teleporter. This usually takes one shot but if it is not your lucky day or it is Friday the 13th then it will take 2 shots. That sucks. Another use is to blow up the ghost that is 2 stories high and is between the window panels. When you blow this up it will make it respawn in 30 seconds letting you get the ghost. I know you think it may be overpowering but after much testing it has worked out very well sence there is a lot of scenery and the map is pretty tight so the ghost is not godly. After 180 seconds a fence box spawns over where the ghost would respawn and this will make it so you don’t have unlimited ghosts. You may also use the rockets as protection which is probably the most obvious reason to heave the rockets but you only have 2 shots so you have to decide is 2 shots better then blocking another way into your armory and a ghost. You make the choice. 4. Jump course! This is the most challenging of the four challenges as it involves many challenging jumps that do take skill and you must be careful. It involves a propane tank jump as well as a pallet jump. There is a sentinel beam located somewhere the sentinal beam that is useful but will probably cause you to mess up the jump course. The jump course does respond by breaking the pallet or making the propane tank explode which will make them respond every 10 seconds so be careful but you do have many chances. To get up on the jump course you go up the man cannon that are located pushing into the double box right under the infected spawn. Then jump on top of the infected spawn. Next go on the ledge that goes around the top of foundry until you hit the wall and simply go on the wall that is floating next to it. You are now on the JUMP COURSE! The first obstacle you will see if you look down slightly you see a propane tank. You have to jump on top of that and then move on to the fence wall floating. You must do this very fast as when you touch the propane tank it is going to fall almost instantly and you will fall. yes, I know I used the same picture twice but they represent different things. The next obstacle is a pallet jump. The pallet is held up by an upside down weapon holder. (The weapon holder holds the sentinel beam). Same as the propane tank jump, you must do this one fast as well because it wall fall very easily as well. Finally you land on the fence wall and jump into the single box open and knock the barrel down which unblocks a teleporter. Save the survivor! One of the great things about the I am legend rev maps was the save the citizen part of the map. You had to save a man stuck in the other base. In my version I also involve this and it is called Save the Survivor! All you have to do to release him is walk up to the double box that is located in the back corner of the level opposite the rock wall. You grab the regenerator that is being held by a weapon holder in front of the teleporter. You then jump up and go to the top of the double box open. Just drop the regenerator into the hole and your friend will jump up into the teleporter releasing him. While I do not put guns down there every person you have is very useful and you should release him. Infected People! Okay, so being infected in this game is not very much fun at all. You have to wait for three boring minutes with nothing to do. But wait, you do have something to do. You get to watch the little heroes run around and watch what they complete. You get to laugh at them when someone uses the grav lift in the wrong spot and you get to cry when someone finishes the jump course. You can also strategize with your fellow people and discuss how you plan on killing all the little brain-dead humans. There is a lot to do and watch the clock because when 27:00 hits the clock you guys have a party and the dinner is human heads. Please don’t quit as it ruins the game and nobody likes quitters. I am sorry to say that you will not have the element of surprise on your side. The humans have to know to get back to base but if they didn’t get back to base by now you will probably be having some more buddies on your side. Anyway, a dumpster will go flying and a fusion coil will explode signaling the zombies are out. The game is fair and the zombies usually have the game ended in the first 5 minutes when I have tested because you guys are smart. There are 5 entrances to the base and know one has ever gotten all 4 of the block able entrances blocked. The challenges are hard and you probably will have a couple of entrances to the building. Have a good time killing people. Closing Statement! This map took a total of 50 hours to make with all the different versions. This version took 20 hours to make and test. The first version of the map did not involve the infinite money glitch and I ran out of money after the challenges were complete. The second version was going very well when all of a sudden some noob joined and deleted all the infinite money glitch items. I was very angry. This version does not have many normal single boxes because someone deleted it. I don’t know who but it didn’t really matter because I didn’t need many. I have to give Fonare and GODOFGAMES credit as well as all their guests who helped test this map for over 10 hours. Like I said earlier, this is my first post so please tell me what is wrong with the map post. I already typed the entire post once in forge hub but got the “this webpage has expired” page so I had to retype everything which did take time. This map is probably my favorite map I have made and I hope you guys enjoy it. Thanks for reading or just looking at the pictures. Download Map-http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=57509025 Gametype-http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=57483442 sorry about the long download link.
Wow, this map looks like a lot of fun, because this is one of the best gametypes out there. However, I do think it would have been better on a slightly larger map. Yes, I know Standoff and Avalanche have been done, but I was thinking that ghost town could be a fun map to play this on. Maybe I will have to give one of these maps a shot. Anyway, great map, it looks like a lot of fun. Oh yes, it is also really, really hard to see the map in that first, red, screenshot.
Yea, the first screenshot is hard to see but I looked at a bunch of different things and this stood out the most. I was thinking of putting it on rats nest somehow but i couldnt't come up with all the objects needed so I used foundry.
I love these maps! I love it when noobs go "where are all the weapons?", cos they're used to all the Fat Kid variants with unlimited ammo and one-shot-kill zombies. You can undermine them and yell at them how this isn't Fat Kid, or you can keep quiet and listen to them get more and more frustrated... Anyway, what does dropping the regen into the box where the human is do? Is that an honour rule?
I think that the regen is to activate the mancannon, because for some reason regens make them more powerful and allows them to have a longer range.
What happens is, normally the person in the bottem cannot get pushed up by the mancannon and they are trapped. When the regen is placed it strengthens the mancannons push and when the person jumps it sends them up, It is not an honor rule. The way you build this is by placing a double box open and then place 3 walls next to it. Then place a mancannon facing up so the distance from the box to the mancannon is 3 wall lenghts.(short way) Then make the mancannon not spawn and put a single box. Next make the mancannon spawn and fall in the double box open. you can not get pushed up. Spawn a regen and place it. The mancannon works. Thanks for the comment and i agree. Lots of little kids will hate this map.
I never really like to build zombie maps on foundry but you did a nice job man.You have some nice switches and machines that look sick and i see interlocking which not alot of people like to do when building a zombie map on foundry.The idea is nice and you used most of foundry
I love this map. You clearly put lots of time into this. The interlocking looks nice, you improved the idea of unblocking teleporters to lock doors greatly, and overall, you are an infection forging genius. Give yourself a big cookie, 5/5.
I must say beside forgers who are just plane skilled, the "idea forgers" are my second favorite people! You are one and a good one at that. The map is pretty clean for infection. It is original and makes people playing a video-game THINK! The thing I do ot get is..... where is the actual human base. The pics are all switches except for the grav-lift one, and that is about a grav-lift. So, a better post with more description on EACH part of your map would be my suggestion. Great map otherwise and good post! -Irish
This map looks awesome. Maybe you can make it so the zombie has something to do while it must wait to escape? Like in the back wallway, have a teleporter geo-merged with the floor so they need to move a box to go through it. Still looks awesome though.
Thanks you guys for all the good coments. Irish beast, do you want to know what the interior of the base looks like or the exterior. This is what the exterior looks like. Note, this was an earlier vesion of the map but i is the identiclt same base. Thanks again for the comments and praises.
Thanks but I want the zombies to have to wait for the three minutes but I could probably come up with some barrior that took a long time to complete. The thing is, I hit the you cannot place any more objects sign and the trick didnt work. Thanks
This map seems more of like a puzzle map that nobody will figure out unless you created it or read the thread... Also, you even stated it isnt fun for the zombies... so what is the point of the infection piece... Notice... "Okay, so being infected in this game is not very much fun at all. You have to wait for three boring minutes with nothing to do. But wait, you do have something to do. You get to watch the little heroes run around and watch what they complete. You get to laugh at them when someone uses the grav lift in the wrong spot and you get to cry when someone finishes the jump course." How will people even know how to do any of that stuff unless you tell them what to do? 3/5
That is the main problem with this map. it is a very complicated type of game and you have to play it with people that you have educated and told how to play. It is nearly impossible to play this game with 15 other people that have never played this type of infection. When I say it is not fun being a zombie I am only talking about the beginning when the zombies have to wait. When you get out in the map it is fun.
How would I use king of the hill. The infection is used so the people have to defend themselves from the infected.
He's right spartin, a map with a layout like this could never be used for anything expect infection, and possibly VIP (if the gametype has the same touch as Cave Freaks). However, this map is well-made, but I will sadly only be able to play it with smart people, and most of those guys are moving towards Fable 2 and the new Guitar Hero. But still, I love the map and I think if you used objects more wisely, you could improve the human base quite a bit. All in all, 5/5.
Thanks and when I remake this aand make a v5 i will probably change the interior of the base to invove more objects and more walls and boxes. I wanted to get the exterior senery done first and I made the base using the amount of objects left.
I changed the opening picture so now it is easier to see the map from the old one which was a dark red which had some complaints. I also changed the spelling of Heroes. It was spelled heros and I am suprised to see that knowone had picked up on that but now it is fixed so enjoy and leave comments please.